Chapter 9:You've Got Some Black In You

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(hope you enjoy this. This chapter was supposed to be in Wanted:One Daddy but I didn't include it. Could you imagine Ali doing this. Nope Cassie is my girl. )

Faith Payne was not used to dating. She had become used to the luxury of sleeping around with the photographers and models with whom she worked with, which would only last for as long as they worked together. Her Gary was different- he liked to suprise her, doing things not too many men would. There were trips to the movies and late night conversations while she was away at work, flirty text messages in between her photoshoots. When they met up, they'd make love like it was going out of style.It had suprised her how easy it was for her to remain faithful to one partner.

Not that she was a slut... because even though she got around, she was picky. It was probably the reason her flings usually lasted a few weeks. These men she had casual sex with were definately NOT relationship material

Unlike the guys in her past, who had used her body only for sex, Gary instead savored her body as if it was a gift from the heavens. She had never felt more cherished or appreciated. She knew the longer she spent with him, the more she was likely to say the L-word. She had only said it to close family, but the thought of saying it out loud scared her more than the first time, she had done her nude photoshoot. 

She picked up the phone and dialled her older sister's cell, knowing she had called in sick and would most likely be with Evan. She paced in the bathroom until she heard her sister's groggy voice answering. "So...I'm to guess that you and Evan finally did the nasteh," She giggled when her sister began to curse her out.

"We did no such thing. I fell asleep,"

"You are so hopeless. Were either of you naked though?" She asked curiously knowing she and Leti would beat Cassie to a pulp when they saw her again.

 "Not really and before you start, its not what you think,"

She groaned knowing her sister was on a train headed to Spinsterville. She already had her first cat, she expected nine more to follow.

"I believe you. Are we still on for tonight or what? You can bring Evan,"

She heard Cassie curse loudly then a startled shout and then a thud as someone fell. She was hoping it wasn't her sister, knowing the latter would use any excuse to bail out.

 "We're still on... I'll try to make it this time,"

After they had said their goodbyes, she sighed heavily, wiping her brow and brushing her teeth after she threw up. She was day three into the monthly bitches and she was praying for the day when she'd be free of the painful cramps and the never-ending nausea.

 When she returned to her bedroom, Gary was up,resting on his side, smiling at her. His eyes raked over her tiny, black bikini briefs and his white vest  that she had wor to bed. He had immediately fallen asleep when he came home earlier in the day and she had let him sleep for a change.  

"How are you feeling?" 

She tried not to rush into his arms immediately but he came to her instead, wrapping his strong, muscular arms around her and holding her tight.

"I wish I could take the pain away,"

 She said nothing sighing as he carried her back to bed. "You're not going anywhere sweetheart,"

 She sulked at him and he folded his arms defiantly over his muscled torso. "I mean it Faith. I'm not letting you go out when you feel like this,"

She picked up the phone and dialled the number again for her sister. There was no answer instead it went directly to voice mail.

"No answer,"

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