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I had literally gone through Tartarus and back, but nothing prepared me for this.

Percy laid on the floor, his entire right arm covered in blood, with a long cut down the middle. Blood surrounded his arm and he was sickly pale. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. A dagger lay on the floor inches from his hand.

She did this. She did this to my Seaweed Brain, and she will pay.

"PERCY! HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could manage. I collapsed to the floor next to him. He didn't have a pulse. "SOMEONE HELP!" I yelled, breaking down in sobs.

The door slammed open, and Will, Austin, and Kayla from the Apollo cabin ran in. Will's face went stark white when he saw Percy. He turned to Kayla and said, "Get me a stretcher, quick as possible.

Will started doing CPR, and checking Percy's pulse. He didn't seem to be reacting. Kayla came back with a stretcher on wheels, and Austin and Will hauled him on to it and rushed to the infirmary.

She would pay for this.

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