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{Final chapter y'all!!! Feelz ahoy!}


So that was why the group was tired beyond focus as they mounted the bus, stomachs full and legs filled with jelly, slowly slinking their way to their seats like sloths in goo. The golden quartet took up a row of seats at the front of the bus, crashing into dreamworld the instant they sat down.

Kirishima and Sero soon followed, one exhausted from dancing and eating, the other from babysitting their two neon-haired friends. Speaking of them, they were the last to enter the bus, too caught up in stargazing until Professor Aizawa forced them inside. Even if they could barely lift a finger, Mina and Denki didn't stop chatting enthusiastically for minutes until finally, FINALLY, sleep overtook them.

By that time, everyone else had fallen asleep as the bus rolled away (except the bus driver, 'cause that would be bad!). There was silence, the warm, multicolored lights disappearing behind the trees. Even in the serene calm, the nagging urge to tell Bakugou, no, to answer the long awaited question came back. Sighing, Uult looked from side to side ("All clear.") then leaned slightly towards his friend, whispering as softly as he could.

- Kats? *gulp* Mmmm, I can call you that now, right? 


- ...Right, dumb question...

Biting his bottom lip, Uult checked the bus again. No one reacted. He exhaled.

- You awake?

Seeing no movement from the explosive blonde, Uult looked around once more, anxiety leaving in small ounces by the second. Everyone (except the bus driver) had their eyes closed: Professior Aiwaza in his banana-yellow sleeping bag, seemingly dead, two seats in front of Bakugou. Kirishima was snoring in the seat beside Uult with Mina sprawled across him and Sero, her bag of prizes taking over her actual seat. Facing Uult, Denki was blowing snot bubbles on Jirou's left, Yaoyorozu on her right. The rest of their classmates dozed as well, scattered on all the remaining seats. 

It was a funny sight to see. Uult smiled softly, his anxiousness completely dissolved. He felt a fondness seep into his exhausted figure, one that bubbled warmly in his chest. It was like the feeling you get when you finish preforming on stage and the shower of applause from the audience mixes in with your sense of accomplishment and thrilled heart. What it was, Uult couldn't say. But he loved it. He loved his friends so much.

Looking back to Kirishima, then up at the blonde's seat to his right (it was facing the front, so Uult could only see Bakugou's back), that fondness only grew. The question glazed his mind again, and Uult knew; he was ready to answer it. This was his only chance without things getting iffy. Or explosive.
Steeling himself one last time, he took a deep breath, leaning back in his seat with a huff. 

- Just wanted to say thanks for letting Ei drag me around... 

He tilted his body so that he was leaning against the back of Bakugou's seat, whispering as quietly as he could. It was only meant for his ears.  

- Also, remember the movie night a few months ago?

Still no response. Uult sighed, eyes tearing a little reminiscing the question. "Might as well get this over with."

- You were right... You were always right..." Uult wiped his cheeks with his hand, small grin turning tired along with his voice, "It is nice... not hiding..."

Shrugging his shoulders, the brunette closed his eyes, weight lifted from his chest. But just as Uult was about succumb to the moon's songs, he thought he heard some one whisper back;

- *humf*, flimsy idiot..." A pause, as if unsure of being kind, the voice sounded relieved as it spoke again.

- Cyan?" It wasn't his imagination that spoke, the bluntness too authentic and words too powerful; "Took you long enough."

- Yeah...I know.

- ... Shut up and sleep, knucklehead.

 With a smile still grazing his lips, Uult fell into peace between the blonde and fire-haired boys, visions filling him with stars. Dreams of dancing on clouds, flying in colors and eating passion fruits with his friends. He finally felt something new. Some kind of mutual acceptance.  An emotion he had not experienced nor dared think about in a long, long time...

He felt loved.

The Dance to Freedom Ended

As that of Wonder followed.


Dance to Freedom (Male x Bakusquad)Where stories live. Discover now