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(Alternate music - )

In the last chapter...

The moment lasted a few seconds but seemed to carry on forever. When Uult's feet touched the ground it was as if a spell had been broken. His wings and other crystals exploded into powder, sprinkling the plaza floor in snowflakes. The music ended while the fireworks continued overhead.


If asked why his mouth fell open, Bakugou would deny everything. He's not a sucker for shows. He'd never admit to being awestruck by Shitty Hair and Bandanna's dancing. 


Looking back at the dance space, the two boys stood dazed and out of breath. Standing in the middle of a cleared-out dance square with their hands on their knees, Kirishimaand Uult could only stare at each other as their erratic breaths evened out...slowly...but surely... turning calm...and easy...

An uproar of applause rained from around the plaza, shaking the boys out of their stupor. The ginormous crowd that was gathered around them poured in from the sidelines whistling and clapping to their hearts content. Still out of breath, running on pure adrenaline, Kirishimaslung an arm on Uult's shoulders, both still in a daze of shock, buzzing with joy. The brunet was the first to talk, a whisper with eyes wide like a child on Christmas.

- They really liked it! As in, really, really liked it!

The red head shook his head in disbelief, laughing at the understatement.

- Are you kidding bro!?! They loved it! Look!

The courageous crowd swarmed around them, singing their praises. The duo was being complimented right and left, asked for names, hugged by random strangers and wrapped in praise as if they were gifts. It was overwhelming, but not unwelcomed. Before it became overbearing, Kirishima notices a few familiar faces as the broke through the crowd. He was about to shout their names but they beat him to it, tackling both dancers to the ground in a pile. When they managed to see who it was, Kirishima and Uult found Sero giving them double thumbs up each while Mina and Denki pulled them up on their shoulders, holding them high above their heads like trophies.



Boom! Bang! Fshhhhhhhhhh!

The grand finale of fireworks invaded the sky, the whole plaza rattling the earth with cheers, the Bakusquad shouting the loudest of them all. Kirishima glanced to his left and smiled. Uult was laughing full-heartedly not even bothering to hide his glee behind a hand. That was all the red-head needed. His mission was a success. He made Uult finally dance in public and love every second.

If you looked off to the side of the plaza, you would have seen a figure leaning on the wall hidden by the shadows, a phone still out on record.

- Those idiots will thank me later.

Bakugou smiled, thinking how the Bakusquad especially Mina would scream when they found out he had everything on tape. They would probably beg the living heck out of him just to have a copy themselves. It would be a pain. But seeing the mismatched bunch of lunatics topple over into a pile of mush, Bakugou knew it would all be worth it.

To be continued...

Dance to Freedom (Male x Bakusquad)Where stories live. Discover now