We've Arrived...

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The streets were in full bloom as the evening sky veiled the valley in a blanket of warm purple, letting the streets to illuminate with colors from the floating lanterns overhead. Even though it was only 8 pm, the festival of Shards of Lights was well underway. The streets were in full vigor, the smell of plenty of different foods wafting around the streets being swept straight to the bus that stopped at the gates as it let it's happy cargo go. Being first time visitors, the UA students gaped in awe. They were wearing their best costumes, each obviously uniquely styled as they filled the main entrance of the village. Being a big fan of quiet places, Uult stuck to the back of the pack, wary of joining his classmates; he knew how loud and crowded these celebrations could get. Especially in Tra'll Vah G'h.

Their teacher, tired from the week of constant paranoia, let them all run loose, asking them to meet back at the main gates at 12 at the latest or else "be left behind at the hands of the wolves". Some students rolled their eyes at another empty threat, Uraraka and a few other shrieked at the idea, while a handful were already gone, dust on their trails.

- Can you believe it? He'd leave us to the wolves!

- W-w-w-wolves!?!???

- I don't want to be the one stuck here.

- Let's go celebrate! As they say, the night is still young.

The crystal user sighed at the passing students.

-There are no wolves in this district..." he muttered to himself.

Being left behind again, Uult started slowly walking down the most deserted street, gazing lazily up at the stars, remembering when he lived in the confinements of the forest's barrier dreading his inability to leave in peace during this time of year. His parents always insisted dressing up in their finest garments and going to the plaza to dance the night away. Don't get Uult wrong, he loved dancing. But since the night where he was humiliated in front of the whole town on stage, this holiday seemed filled with a haunting feeling he wished he could shake off. As if there were faceless shadows waiting to point him out when he stumbled. Luckily for him, he didn't have the time to think about it on the way here. His friends had no trouble being distracting. Not that they ever couldn't be-


- Kami, that's not how his quirk works

Speak of the thunderstorm and it shall roll in.

Beign jolted into the present, Uult noticed in a split-second that everyone in the Bakusquad were accounted for; Kirishima with one arm slung over his shoulders finishing off a half-eaten kebab, Sero munching on the local delicacy of exotic fruit chips keeping both eyes on the two neon-heads as they ravaged the nearest booth, and lastly Bakugou leaning on a lamp post red eyes looking at the brunet in apparant indifference. As he finished his kebab Kirishima excitedly yelled in his ear.

- Come on, come on, come ON! There's a dancing space in the center of the plaza! You dance, right? Right, you do! Perfect! Let's go there before we get too tired!

The red head had spotted the conflicted teen and pounced on him from behind, leaving no room to escape his rambling mouth. Uult resigned to his fate.

- I doubt you'd get tired... and I'm not going to dance there!

- What! But why not!

- Kirishima ... it's" he took a shuddering breath looking away from the puppy eyes "it's in THE plaza.."

- But you promised!

- Really?" He sniped sarcastically, "Do tell me when exactly did I do that?"

- On the bus!

- Not specific enough.

- Fine. Remember when you were jamming to your music? Well you had one headphone off and I asked you if you'll stick with us at the festival. You nodded, saying 'sure'. Ask anyone!

- I don't remember that!

Throwing his arms up in a rare moment of exasperation Kirishima swirled around to Sero, Mina and Denki who were still stuffing their faces with treats.

- Guys! GUYS!!! Uult promised come with us at the festival, right?

Gulping down the rest of his roasted beef Sero blinked at the other two before answered thoughtfully.

- Umm...technically he did answer yes..." Mina and Denki nodded vigorously, chomping some more salad from their plates, "but he wasn't-"

- See!" Kirishima cut Sero off to grab Uult's arm again. "Now start walking, or else I will drag you!"

- WHAT?!?" Uult was pulled forwards "HEY! Slow down! Kirishima! Guys? A little help?"

- Nope. I got dragged last time, now it's your turn. We'll be around, Den wanted to see..." Sero turned around to an empty space, the troublemakers gone. "What in the world-" his face paled "MINA! PUT THE CHICKEN DOWN! NO, NO, YOU CAN'T PAINT IT PINK, WHAT ARE YOU THREE? I TURN AROUND FOR ONE BLASTED SECOND!!!"

Seeing as his tape buddy dashed off, his hands clearly full, Uult pleaded with the only one left.

- Blasty?

- No.

- Can't you-?

- No.

- Please?

- Fuck off. " was the curt answer.

- I'll attempt to cook you curry for a week.

- You promised, you're going.

- But what will you do then?

- Stand here.

At that, Kirishima smirked. Suddenly, the redhead spun around inches away from his stormy companion, a blinding smile imprinted on his face.

- Then you're coming too. 

  Bakugou's frown deepen.  

- Fuck

To be continued...

Dance to Freedom (Male x Bakusquad)Where stories live. Discover now