Dish it out

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(Sorry for the slow updates. I just had my last exam this week so now I'm scot-free!!! To celebrate, voila the last two chapters! Double update, yeah!)


As the clock hit 12 that night (or should I say, morning?), the Festival came to a close for the students of UA. And just in time, too. 

Somehow, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki and Midoriya had met up with the Bakusquad two hours earlier. After a small brawl leading to food, ice and people suspended in mid-air (read: Bakugou and Denki), somehow, without Uult's consent, they were dragged into the food alley and entered in a food challenge. Yes, the kind that some crave while others barf.

An exotic food eating contest.

Yes. You read that right. A contest where you stuff yourself silly with food you never heard of and where you fully trust the merchant that the food won't kill you. Logic.  Anyways, being excited and wanting to try something new, the now-big-group took a seat at the large table. Soon, the food was being passed along. 

The first round was quite tasty; there was Durian, Golgappa, seasoned octopus and clams, Jackfruit, dragon fruits,  passion fruits, a lot of fruits and relatively normal foods. It was smooth sailing. Then, as round two came around, things started getting weirder and weirder.

There was Huitlacoche, Haggis, frog legs with assorted seasoning, Iguana meat, and  for the meat portion of the contest. Uult dropped out at the mention of 'frog legs', claiming that "I'd rather remain batrachophobic a little while longer for the sake of my stomach's sanity." He was laughed at by Denki; "This is nothing! We've eaten weirder stuff before, for sure!" The electric boy has the worst luck out of all of them, so, you can kind of guess what happened in round three.

They reached the insect specialties.

Now, some love to eat foods like Chapulin and Molpane worms on a daily, or near-monthly, basis.  These normal, high school students? No way. 

Uraraka, Denki, Midorya, Uult and Kirishima were gagging the entire time, letting Todoroki, Iida and Bakugou take the lead. It was strange seeing the calm, composed hetrochrome slurp up apple snails and the meticulously ordered Iida gobble Beondegi like soup on a Monday morning. For Mina, this seemed normal, and Bakugou couldn't stand loosing.  Sadly, Iida gave up as the fried tarantulas were served, paling to a sheet of snow. 

The fourth round was the spicy food.

 At this point, the three remaining competitors were actually enjoying the food. Until they reached the final round; a.k.a. the 'last resort'. Surprise, surprise, someone pulled out a can of Surströmming and slammed it on the table. Knowing the contents of the can, Uult started shrieked, outright refusing to let anyone even touch it. Bakugou was furious, certain that the boy was keeping him away from winning. But, after some forced babbling, the message finally got across; anyone and everyone in the alley would barf if they even smelt it. Except the merchant. He ate it regularly... He was a strange guy indeed. 

It was declared a three-way tie between Mina, Bakugou and Todoroki. It gained each of them a sack worth of Mangosteen (the Queen of Fruits). That wasn't the only upside to this topsy-turvy event; being visitors (but mostly because Bakugou broke the record of eating the super-hot curry in one go), they only had to pay a quarter of the contest's original price! Having little left in their pockets, they were relieved beyond words. They thanked the merchant deeply for the food, some going so far as to hug him, as they made their way to the gates, the full moon nearing its peak.


To be continued to the last chapter...

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