Chapter 6

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Endless Chances Chapter 6

The hospital room was silent. Kath exchanged looks with Kyungsoo and Jongin. "What?", Kath finally broke the silence. "Kath, no! You don't have to do this. Don't waste your time on me", Kyungsoo added. "Sis, you know that it will be difficult to find a donor right?", Jongin said. "Yeah! So? I will do my best to save Kyungsoo. His life is worth living!", Kath screamed. "If you have your mind made up, then I will support you and help you, even if we have to beg", Jongin said. "Guys! No, you don't have to, you don't have to mind me", Kyungsoo argued. "But we want to", Jongin said. Kyungsoo has to admit, he was thankful of the two. "So where should we start searching?", Jongin asked. "I think I know a place", Kath said.

The two left Kyungsoo in the hospital and made their way to the place Kath was talking about. A donation bank in the south. The journey took two hours since they were in the middle of the city. "What is this place?", Jongin asked. "A donation bank. People give organs here, before they fail to work", Kath said looking at the place. "Is this legal?", Jongin asked. "Of course it is! However, some people are forced to gove organs, and probably die. You should be thankful I escaped the operation and ended up with you", Kath said. Jongin admires his sister's determination. "Should we go in?", Jongin was unsure. "If you are ready to throw up!", Kath laughed at Jongin.

"Welcome to the donation bank. How may I help you?", a receptionist asked. She was a tall lady with long black hair. "if you have ever watched The Grudge, look at her and tell me she ain't scary", Kath whispered to Jongin who was already scared. "We are looking for anyone donating a heart?", Kath asked. The lady eyed her sharply. "This way please", she finally said. Kath and Jongin exchanged looks and followed the woman. "There are not much donors for hearts, so these are worth a fortune, only one can come inside", the lady said. Kath decided to come in as Jongin was already gagging in disgust. Kath came out with a disappointed look. "What happened?", Jongin asked. "Well, first of all we don't have the amount of money they are looking for. And second, I would never give Kyungsoo an unhealthy heart, he already has one!", Kath explained.

"Well I guess we should give up?", Jongin asked. Kath shook her head. "I have another idea. Remember that best friend of Kyungsoo, who didn't want to live but sirvived anyway? Maybe he wants to donate?", Kath asked. "No I don't recall anyone..?", Jongin was puzzled. "Aw come on! Remember the artist? Kyungsoo talked about an artist who was his roommate in the hospital", Kath said which made Jongin flick his fingers. "Oh yeah!", Jongin finally recalled. "But this time maybe I should go alone?", Kath asked. "No Kath! You don't know the person! He could be crazy or something!", Jongin's voice raised a bit. "Geez, don't you think I have met more crazy people in my life? You are one of them!", Kath said smirking at her brother. "Fine, up to you! But don't come running back to Oppa when you get hurt!", Jongin started baby talking. "Ew, Jongin, you're worse than me", Kath said shaking her head.

The two parted ways. Jongin back to Kyungsoo in the hospital and Kath on her way to the "crazy" artist who is a possible donor. Her journey was long and tiring until she was pointed to a place which seemed bright and cheerful. "Miss, what do you need?", a small woman asked Kath who was standing at the door. "I am looking for WuYiFan? That's his real name, but I was told to look for Kris", Kath asked. "He is here, just wait on the sofa", the lady said walking away. Kath was a stubborn one. She looked around. The house was big and rich. The furnitures seemed like they were bought abroad from royalty. The floors seemed like they were waxed everyday. She saw big frames hung on the other side of the room. Strange looking paintings, strange drawings. She didn't know whether they were abstract or simply drawn bad. She took it for abstract since Kyungsoo said Kris was an artist. The door from above the staircase slammed open which made Kath jolt on shock. "What do you need?", a deep husky voice asked. Kath turned around to see a tall, slim, lean, and handsome figure. She was lost for words. "You must be....", Kath said without continuing. "Kris?", Kris continued with a slight smirk.

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