Chapter 3

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Endless Chances Chapter 3

The darkness swallowed the three teenagers who were all staring at each other in awkwardness amd embarrassment. "Kyungsoo?", Kath whispered realising who was the figure in the shadows. "Kath, let's go now", Kyungsoo states while oooking at Sehun quietly laughing at the back. "Hey, do not tell my girlfriend what to do. You have no right", Sehun plays along. "Shut up you! Kath please, let's go...", Kyungsoo was now begging. "No. I don't want to. I just saw him again, I can't bear not seeing him again", Kath was also begging. "Kath, may I talk to you in private", Kyungsoo held her hand ready to take her away. "No. I said no. Whatever you're planning to say, you can say it to Sehun", she said which made everything difficult for Kyungsoo. "Goddamn it Kath! Can't you understand? Do you have 4 senses because you seem to be missing one of them", Kyungsoo raised his voice. "Fine. Sehun, please don't leave just yet", Kath reassured Sehun who acted all innocent.

"What do you want?", Kath asked Kyungsoo. All he could do was take a deep breath and tell her what he saw. "It's about Sehun, I really don't know how to say it", Kyungsoo stuttered and was quite uncomfortable saying the other man's name. "If it's one of your life advises again, just save it. You'll just spoil your words because I ain't listening", Kath said. She was stubborn Kyungsok thought, but why can't he ever leave her? "Kath please, just one chance from your endless chances", Kyungsoo begged. "Okay, what is it? But I am warning you that I may not be listening", Kath said. "Sehun...Sehun, doesn't love you as much as you love him, and I am just warning you before you get-", Kyungsoo was interrupted by Kath, "Get hurt? Is that what you were gonna say? I don't care anymore Kyungsoo. I get hurt everytime anyway, so what is the big deal? I am taking my endless chances and investing them here. He may not love me, but I love him", Kath said walking off leaving Kyungsoo staring at the ground where her footsteps left a mark.

"What did he say?", Sehun asked curiously. He sees Kyungsoo as a threat. A threat because he was the only one at school who had the courage to go against him. "Nothing, no big deal", Kath said. However, deep inside, she knows Kyungsoo was right. That someday her endless chances may reach it's limits. "Where were we?", Kath asked. Sehun pretends to think and then smirks with utter intimacy. "Here...", he whispers as his face slowly closes in.

On Kyungsoo's way back to the open streets he stumbles upon Kath's house once again. With the tall man leaning on the fence. "So what happened?", Jongin asked a bothered Kyungsoo. He shrugged. "Nothing, as if she doesn't even care", Kyungsoo states. "Pfft, when did she ever care?", Jongin smiles slyly. "She cares, Jongin. She cars about her family, and what they think of her. She cares for you. She cares what you think of her. She cares even if she is not blood related. Even if she doesn't say it, she needs her brother to be there to protect her whenever a guy hurts her. She needs you", Kyungsoo tells Jongin who doesn't seem to care. But his eyes was fixated on the whitewashed fence in deep thought as pictures flashedback. He recalls childhood memories, of him his older sister and the day Kath came into their lives. Those days where their parents would beat up a toddler in front of him and his sister wouldn't even care. Jongin did care for Kath, although pretending not to care, he guessed that maybe he just got used to it. "Leave me alone, go home and just stop seeing Kath", Jonging slowly pushed Kyungsoo away, not wanting to accept the fact. "Okay, but Kath needs you. Sehun is not good for her. See you some other day, or maybe not", Kyungsoo walks off without Jongin having to tell him so.

The night was getting deeper as Kyungsoo walks to his place. A worn out ghost apartment. He walks in, takes his shoes off, takes his shirt off, revealing his milky skin however coveres in unusual bruises. He ached while taking off his bandages always covered by his grey cardigan. He sits on his bed, taking the first aid kit from under his bed. He takes out the iodine solution and slowly rubs the cotton wool on the bruise, as if the bruise was just a painting done by his fellow hospital roommate Kris who he liked to call Kriscasso. The dude loved to draw but he wasn't an impressive one. What Kyungsoo loved was his passion for drawing, how he loved it even if he wasn't as great. It was his passion that kept him alive and survive his terminal sickness. Kyungsoo smiled at the thought. He thought to himself, when will he survive his sickness? He slowly got angrier by the minute and rubbed off the bruise quocker than before cauing his skin to wear off and bleed. He was alone in his room, no parent, no guardian, no companion. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Who could be ringing so late at night. He stands up to answer the door, looking at the silhouette through the glass beside the door. "Kath..?", Kyungsoo was blank after the figure swung her arms around his aching shoulder, he felt a tear. "You were right...", she whispered.

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