Chapter 4

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Endless Chances Chapter 4

The arms around Kyungsoo's shoulders and neck were skinny and weak, although it was strong enough to hold onto Kyungsoo. The tears were damping his skin and he realised that he was shirtless. "You were right, he doesn't love me. I was wrong, I am always wrong, would it ever change? Darn this life!", Kath said punching herself everywhere admitting her mistakes. "I was a coward not to believe the facts that were laid before me. Stupid coward!", she said after slowly sliding down near the door. "You're not a coward, you are the bravest person I have ever met. It takes a lot of courage when you admit to your mistakes. Admitting you are afraid in the bravest action ever", Kyungsoo comforted her sitting beside her with the door wide opened.

"What happened?", Kyungsoo dared to ask. Kath smiled, not in a happy manner. "He left me. After everything I have done for him. Everything I have sacrificed as a girl. I thought he won't leave me, so I gave everything. Kyungsoo, I am wrong, right? Every decision, failed", she said lightly laughing at herself. Kyungsoo was staring at her. "You gave it..? As in IT? Everything..?", he asked, eyes wide, in disbelief. "Yeah go on judge me, I know you want to", Kath was even judging herself. "No, I'm not judging it's just that I couldn't believe..", Kyungsoo explained but realised he was shirtless, so he covered himself, because of the awkwardness of the situation. "Kyungsoo, you're arm is bleeding, you're bruised, what happened?", Kath finalky realised how many bruises Kyungsoo had. "I have a rare sickness, weak heart, low platelet count, blood clotting, terminally ill", Kyungsoo stated. "What do you mean", Kath asked with a blank expression. "Goddamn it Kath, I'm dying! I don't have much time or chances as you have of living!", Kyungsoo said leaning his head on the door. Kath couldn't believe it. She took life for granted not knowing how much it means to other people.

"Life is short, Kath. Live like there's no second chance, love endless, and forgive always. Give endless chances to everyone, because you only have one", Kyungsoo said. "Is that why you know a lot about life?", Kath recalls every single life lesson this guy told her. "Yeah, but I honestly don't obey all, quite a hypocrite actually", Kyungsoo laughs at himself. Kath doesn't move an inch until Kyungsoo flinched in utter pain. "You okay? I should get you to bed", Kath offers as she helps Kyungsoo get up. He slides into bed and drifts away to sleep.

"If only you knew how much I appreciate you in my life. Every second seems special with you, cheesy, but true. You warned me, you protected me but I pushed you away. I am sorry", Kath whispered to the sleeping Kyungsoo as her eyes began to shut.

Early in the morning Kath was already gone. Kyungsoo shuffles around the house as he prepares for school and grabs the last piece of bread on the table. He swore there was two left, but with the thought of a hungry girl sleeping in his house made night, it made more sense. He grabbed his bag npbut before that he made sure to put on his grey cardigan to hide his bruises once again. And with that he was out the door. His journey to school wasn't so bad since he was stopped by Jongin, Kath's brother. "Hey, squishy! Let me take you, I don't want my sister's boyfriend travelling alone right?", Jongin played around. "First of all it's Kyungsoo, second, I am not her boyfriend, and third, thanks", Kyungsoo said as he got into the car. "Why don't you take your own sister?", Kyungsoo asked. Jongin shook his head. "She won't take it, she hates me", Jongin smirked. "No she doesn't. I guess if you tried maybe she'll accept", Kyungsoo said. "Rather not", Jongin stated. After that, the journey was as quiet as the testing hall.

Kath rushed to Kyungsoo who was getting out of her brother's car. "Hey sis", Jongin teased. Kath rolled her eyes. "Kyungsoo, why are you with him?", Kath asked linking her arms on Kyungsoo's bruise filled arm. He flinched. "He gave me a ride", Kyungsoo replied. "Well why did you take it?", Kath asked. "I don't know he seems harmless", Kyungsoo said looking back at Jongin who was leaning on his red sports car. "Harmless? He is a jerk!", Kath screamed. "Yeah a jerk but he won't do anything to me", Kyungsoo said. "Yeah to you he won't, to me he will", Kath said after storming off.

Kyungsoo was puzzled, but he followed her. Sitting in a classroom was awkward if Kath was the one sitting beside you. She hardly answers any question let alone answering any exercises. Kyungsoo would occassionally fill in her worksheets as she daydreams of a beautiful escape. "Kath, why don't you try and answer a few?", Kyungsoo finally breaks the silence. "I don't feel like it", she said. Kyungsoo didn't feel so well, he was weak and light headed. He woke himself more and tried the experiment alone. He fell asleep just before the bell ring however the bell didn't wake him up. "Kyungsoo, it's time to go! Wake up", Kath says as she gathers her books. "Kyungsoo..? Dear goodness will you wake up, I am not strong enough to carry you!", Kath said as she shakes Kyungsoo to wake up. She knew he wasn't going to wake up just like that. "Help!", Kath screams until Jongin comes into the classroom which was right next to his. "What happened?", Jongin asked as he helps Kath get Kyungsoo to the car. "He fainted, he is terminally ill, so we should get him to the hospital as quick as possible", Kath said getting into the car.

"Kath, the doctor is now attending to him so don't worry", Jongin reassures his sister who was crying alone in the hallway. "Tell them to make him better, I need to tell him how much he means to me, thanks him..and..", Kath stopped halfway through her sentence. Jongin came closer. "And?", Jongin asked curiously. "And to tell him...that I love him...", Kath said.

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