Chapter 2

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Endless Chances Chapter 2

Kath walks into school covering her face. "What happened to you?", Kyungsoo was unusually early. Kath would be in school earlier than everyone except for the school guard. "Nothing, just ignore it", she said coldly. "I cannot ignore it, it's like swallowing uo your whole eye", Kyungsoosaid pointing at Kath's purple eye. "Appa wws still awake when I came home, and was angry, like the usual. My brother came home the same time I did but he was greeted by Omma with a kiss and a dinner", Kath explained. "I can't believe it", Kyungsoo went blank. "Well I can, it's normal like that", Kath shrugged it off. "How can you read at a time like this?", Kyungsoo snatches the Manga away from Kath who was staring with no emotion. "Give it back it's my only happiness", Kath stated as she snatched the book from Kyungsoo's weak arms. "If it makes you happy, then so be it...", Kyungsoo turns away. She did not notice Kyungsoo's own bruises. He covered them with his cardigan, as he turns away.

Students shuffling in the halls is the usual. Bumping into people was not comfortable for Kyungsoo, well, who is comfortable with that right? "Just stick with me and you'll be fine!", Kath screams into his ear. He nods and ignores the fact that his bruises hurt like hell. Kath bumps into strong chests. "Sehun? Oh My God!", she picks her tiny body off the ground and rushes to Sehun who seemed like he was gone for ages! Kyungsoo stared at the overly excited girl who junps onto this tall guy, suddenly caressing, suddenly..kiss. Kyungsoo's eyes were bigger than usual. "Oh yeah, almost forgot! Kyungsoo this is Sehun, my boyfriend. He left Korea for 2 months and only came back now! Sehun, this is Kyungsoo my friend", Kath introduces Kyungsoo as her friend however he didn't seem happy. "Sehun was my other roommate, he was trafficked to Manila, and we met there", she said as she snuggled against this tall suspicious person. He smiled awkwardly as he brushed her off gently. Kyungsoo was clueless but he wasn't dumb to realise Sehun doesn't love Kath that way. "Sehun, shall we go around today? Skip the next classes like we usually do?", Kath teased. Sehun nodded in enlightenment which made Kyungsoo more suspicious. What does this kid want? Before Kath could leave, Kyungsoo grabs her arm and lightly pushes her behind him. She was light, si she kind of flinged a bit. "Sorry, but Kath cannot skip classes", Kyungsoo said. "Don't tell me what to do!", Kath says. She thinks Kyungsoo is playing. She runs off with Sehun mischievously smiling.

Kyungsoo stays in school, wondering if ever Kath would come back. Time passes by and she was still not in school. It was impossible she went home. Kyungsoo struggles to stay still in his chair as if being attacked by his addiction again. Kath seems to be the dose this time. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to pay a visit to Kath's brother. He cannot visit if he didn't know the address, he decides to take Kath's school records from the Admin Office. "Kath...full of red marks and warnings. Not paying fees and bad comments. Interesting...", he smirks. Tracing the address on Kath's records, Kyungsoo takes public transport. One of his fears. Getting on the bus was the worst thing ever, being a sick child didn't work well either. He hesitates to get on as the bus driver stares. "Wait please", he said as he took deep breaths and drops beads of sweat. He recalls the many times he was on the bus. Also the first time he collapsed on sickness was on a bus. Scary, but he had to do this. "Ahjussi please take me to this address...NOW!", Kyungsoo was rushing. He was dropped off by a dark pathway and was told that the bus doesn't go as far as he wanted, he still had ten minutes to walk. He nodded but can't believe Kath walks this far. He dawdles regaining strength and courage. He reminds himself that Kath could be in trouble. He walks faster and stumbles upon a house that may have been scary in his imagination because of what Kath says. However, this house was bright cheerful and comfortable. He approached the gate with a lean body leaning against it. "Um, is this where Kath lives?", he asked the figure. "Yeah why?", the guy said as he came out of the light. A guy with broad shoulders, bit too tall but not as short ad Kyungsoo. Lean body, and obviously handsome. "I am her brother why are you looking for her?", he asked again. "I don't know where she is right now. Thatis why I am here, but I feel like she is in trouble", Kyungsoo warned him. "That kid is always in trouble, nothing new, do you know who she's with?", her brother asked. "Sehun, her boyfriend", Kyungsoo struggled to say the last word. "Boyfriend? Who knew she'd get one? Well why are you looking for her if she is safe with a boyfriend? Are you jealous?", he said nearly sufficating Kyungsoo with his closeness. His breath brushing off Kyungsoo's skin. His warm voice made the atmosphere heavy and tensionated. "Just playing kid, don't take it seriously, you're just like my sister", he shook his head. "You don't know what your sister has been through, no need to judge", Kyungsoo defends. "Oh please, she was just a certain kid we picked off the streets, she isn't grateful! She should at least repay with good grades right?", he said. "Yeah, but she has been through a lot of hardships", Kyungsoo said. Kath's brother just shrugged and shook his head. "She would most likely be at the park. She doesn't know that I know she goes there whenever she is sad. Find her okay?", her brother said. Kyungsoo left as soon as Kath's brother left.

Earlier on, when Kath was taken by Sehun, she felt guilty leaving Kyungsoo. She took Sehun's hands dragging him out of the school. "Hey Kath! Where are we going this time?", he said with a playful smirk. "You know me too well!", Kath said as she returns the playful smile. "The park should be close by", Kath drags Sehun along. They sat on the park bench talking about every single memories they had with each other. "Do you remember how you got trafficked?", Kath asked Sehun who was lying down, his head on her lap. "Harsh. I was skinnier back then, I was weak and bruise filled. I had a cut on my lip that never healed, I think you were the one who healed it", Sehun said with a smirk, as Kath nudges him. "Yah! Stop it just continue with the story", Kath complains. "Oh yeah how is Jongin? Does he know we are seeing each other?", Sehun asked. "He is busy with his own life, so ignore him, I'd rather not tell him", Kath suddenly became serious. "Your brother really is something huh?", Sehun snickers. "At least he is better than my bratty sister", Kath giggles. Their stares slowly became deeper and more serious as the conversation start to make more sense. "Kath...?", a familiar voice emerged out of nowhere. "Kyungsoo?", Kath replies.

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