Untitled Part 7

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"Baby? Baby, wake up." I heard a whisper say. I groaned and turned my head. Corey smiled at me. He looked terrible, like he hadn't slept in days. Dark circles consumed his eyes, he hasn't shaved in what looked like days. His hair is a mess.

"What the fuck." I groaned. He laughed and I saw Jim, Mick, Sid, and Joey standing over me. "For fucksake guys. I'm not dead." I grumbled as they laughed.

"She's coming around nicely." Joey smiled. I went to sit up and felt them helping me. I looked at my left arm that was heavily bandaged.

"Oh fuck no! Get me the fuck out of here now!" I said. I realized I'm in a hospital and no fucking way I'm staying here. I started moving out of the bed, feeling them shoving me back.

"I'll call Paul." Joey said disappearing into the hallway.

"Tell him I said hi. I'm not staying." I yelled. They are all laughing at me. They know Paul can get me to do anything that the rest of them can't.

"Easy kid. Just slow down a second." Mick said. I eyed all of them up like they were holding some giant secret. Oh God. I just remembered. Chopper.

"Chopper? Is he ok?" I asked panicked.

"He's ok. His dumbass got knocked out, but he's ok. They got the guy who broke in. Some wacked out, crazy ass fan off of his meds." Jim told me. I sighed and my body felt heavy. "You scared the fuck out of all of us. You've got a deep cut and needed about thirty stitches and you lost a lot of blood. You got lucky Blue. Really lucky." He told me.

"He had my leg when I was trying to get out of the window." I whispered. I saw the fear wash over all of their faces.

"Fuck." Sid said. He started pacing around the room.

"Simmer down man. I'm good." I grinned at Sid. He stopped pacing and grinned back at me.

"I know. Doesn't make it any better though girl." Sid said.

"How are you feeling Skye?" Corey asked.

"Like I need to leave." I said trying to get out of bed. Corey groaned and shook his head.

"Give us a few minutes guys." I heard Paul say. They all gave me a knowing smile which only made me glare at them. Paul laughed and hopped in the bed next to me.

"Settle down with the whole leaving thing. You know you need to be here, and it's only for another day. Please Skye? You know I wouldn't make you if I didn't think it was serious." Paul told me.

"Dammit Paulie!" I muttered as he laughed. "You know this is only because it's you, otherwise I would of been out of here by now." I said. My eyes are growing heavy and I leaned on his chest.

"I know. Thank you. I just want you better is all." He told me. I felt myself drifting to sleep.

"Is she good now?" Corey whispered.

"Yeah. She's exhausted." I heard Paul say. Someone sighed and I felt Paul move very carefully from under me. I reached for someone's hand but didn't find one. My arm hung over the bed. Someone held on to it, bringing it back up to the bed.

"I'm here. Get some rest." Sid told me as he held onto my hand.

"She's been doing that more lately. Needing someone in order to sleep." Mick said.

"You blame her? Sleep is when everything comes to her. She's scared to sleep on her own." Corey said.

"I don't blame her at all. She's just now dealing with everything. I can't even imagine how the last two years were when she did sleep." Jim said quietly.

"Me either. But she doesn't have to be alone anymore." Sid said quietly. I felt his hand stroking my hair gently. I can't open my eyes and tell them I'm awake. I felt someone press their lips against my forehead gently.

"Really Joey?" I heard Corey asked amused.

"Hey fuck off Taylor. You know we all love her. Deal with it." Joey said back to Corey.

"I'm playing man. Just like I know she'll still sleep next to anyone of you guys. I'm not worried." Corey chuckled.

"Yeah, quit mean mugging me and Skye when she lays next to me Corey. We kissed one time. Eat a dick if you don't like it." Sid said. I would of laughed if I could of right then.

"Calm down Sid. I'm a guy. We get jealous. Piss off." Corey laughed.

"Alright children." Paul broke in. "Corey, I'm siding with Sid. Eat a dick if you don't like it." I heard all of them chuckle quietly. I couldn't stay awake to listen any longer and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke again, I could hear them talking quietly. Let's just say I was surprised about what I was hearing.

"The guy had a fucking knife on him. I don't even want to think about what could of happened Jim." Mick said.

"No shit. How do you think I feel? I let her stay there by herself. I feel fucking terrible." Jim said.

"Are you going to tell her? I mean, I think she has the right to know." Corey said.

"Fuck! I don't need her more upset, but she'll be pissed if I keep this from her." Jim sighed.

"Yes, she will be." I said quietly.

"Fuck!" Jim hissed under his breath. Corey stood over me and grinned.

"Let me help." He said, helping me sit up. All of them except Craig and Joey were there. They smiled at me. "Can I leave yet Paul?" I asked him.

"Goddamn! You're killing me Skye." Paul laughed. I smiled and nodded.

"I need a shower guys." I said. They all looked at each other. "Really guys?" I grinned. They smirked at each other and started leaving the room.

"Corey gets to stay." Chris muttered as he left the room. I giggled and looked at Corey who was grinning at me.

"Might need help." He smiled.

"You just want to see me naked." I said. He laughed and nodded.

"Fuck yes I do." He smiled. I went to stand up and was woozy. Corey held on to me. "Need to sit down?" He asked. I shook my head and we slowly made it to the bathroom.

There was a bag in there already. Damn, I love Jim. He's such a good guy. I dug around in the bag and found my toothbrush and toothpaste. Corey helped me with the toothpaste, and I brushed my teeth. When I was finally finished with that, he started the shower for me.

"Can't get your arm wet. Guess that means I get to help. Damn. That sucks for me." He smiled. I laughed and shook my head at him. "Uh, on a series note. Should I like, get in with you?" He asked. I hadn't thought about that.

"Um, it might be easier?" I questioned. He looks so heartbroken by this. Not! He happily started getting undressed, then undid my gown in the back. He stepped in the shower, helping me in. I felt my face get red. This is a new one for me. I've never actually taken an actual shower with a guy before. I mean, Sid was a whole different situation. Yeah, maybe I'm not as experienced as a lot of other people. Whatever.

"Here, turn around and get your hair wet." He said.

I turned and stuck my head under the water as he held on to my waist. I have to hold my arm out to the side so it doesn't get wet. As my head is under the water, I felt him kissing his way up my chest to my neck. I smiled and looked down at him.

"I can't help it. Fuck, you are hot." He said quietly. I smiled and moved out of the water so he could wash my hair.

Knowing we can't do anything because we are in a hospital, and feeling his hands drag over my body was driving me insane. He took his time helping me. It was almost like he was exploring every inch of me as he touched me. Just as we were getting done, he held on to me and started kissing me. I can feel how turned on he is as he presses against me.

"Baby, I want you in my bed right now." He whispered between kisses. I nodded and held on to him.

"I'm so glad you are ok. I was so scared." He kissed me again. He pulled back and smiled at me.

"We have to get out or I am having you against the shower wall. I won't even care who hears us." He grinned. I smiled and nodded as we got out. After drying off and him helping me get my clothes on, I was exhausted.

"Fuck, I'm so fucking tired again." I said.

"They had to give you some blood. You lost a lot when you hit the vein. It was bad babe." He told me as he got dressed. I looked at him worried. "You're ok. Just need to take it easy." He said.

"Ok." I said quietly. It was about then that I had time to process everything that had happened and how lucky I really was to get away. I felt tears in my eyes and Corey looked at me worried.

"You're ok." He whispered, hugging me into him.

"I thought I was going to die Corey." I said through my tears. He tensed and looked down at me. "He had such a tight hold on my leg."

"Goddamn." He said with a sigh. He opened the door and help me back to bed. I looked up at him.

"Is Jim ok?" I asked.

"Babe, he's fine. He's just been worried about you. Lay down, you need to rest. Stop worrying about everything for just a few hours." He said gently. I nodded and laid back. He stood for a moment, like he was debating something in his head. He looked at me seriously.

"I don't know what I would of done if something had happened to you. I couldn't get there fast enough. No more being alone for a while. I...I just need to know you're safe." He said quietly. I couldn't speak. I nodded my head at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly, then sat in the chair next to me as I went to sleep.

Three weeks later, my stitches are out and I feel way better than I did. This was good, since we were all heading to California for a few days for a show. We were all loaded onto the tour bus and had been on the road for a few days. Talk about being crammed together. I guess I just have to get used to it since I am going to be traveling with them more.

Men can be worse than women when it comes to getting along. Jesus, these guys bitch about everything, and argue all the time. Paul seems to be the one to keep the peace most days, and they all seem to listen to him.

Today they were arguing again, and both Paul and I had enough of listening to them argue about what we were going to watch on TV. Fucking seriously? Paul and I had been playing cards when this all started. He sighed and looked at me. I stood up on the seat and looked at all of them.

"HEY!!!!" I yelled at them. They all shut up and snapped their heads up at me.

"For fucking fucksake! Shut up! Jesus you guys! Quit fighting about everything on the fucking planet! You're all men. I didn't think I was on a bus with a bunch of women, because that's what you all sound like!" I finished.

You could of heard a pin drop. I sat back down with all of them still staring at me wide eyed, Paul included. I smiled at him and played my turn.

"Holy shit." Jim whispered. Mick stood up smiling from ear to ear.

"She's back!" Mick laughed happily. I giggled and shook my head at him.

"Nice speech, kitten." Corey said impressed. They all started clapping and I laughed.

"Stop acting like bitches! I mean it." I smiled. Joey sat next to me and laughed, kissing my cheek. He got up and stood in front of Corey.

"Eat a dick if you don't like it Taylor." Joey grinned as he walked off.

"Hey, fuck you Joey!" Corey called after him laughing.

"Very nice indeed Ms. Matthews." Paul smiled at me.

We arrived the next day at the venue and started unloading everything. I couldn't believe how much stuff they have when they perform. I enjoyed watching them during sound check. The crazy ass songs they sing and the time they spend making sure it all sounds perfect is crazy to me. But, they always put on an amazing performance, so I understand why they take so much time to set up.

As it got closer to the time for them to go on, I was making last minute repairs to their costumes. I couldn't find my other sewing kit.

"Shit. I'll be right back. I need my other sewing kit." I told Corey.

"I think I saw it by the back door." He told me as he applied his facepaint. I nodded and headed out of the room. I turned the corner and walked down the long hallway before I turned again towards the back door. I found my sewing kit and started walking back. As I'm walking I heard men talking, like they were coming in my direction. I turned the corner and came face to face with the one person I would of been happy never seeing again in my life. Fred Durst.

Fred's eyes went wide and he smiled at me. I felt my skin crawling when I saw him. I don't know who he was with, but it was some guy I've never seen in my life

"Holy shit! Skye! Goddamn, girl! Still hot as fuck!" Fred said loudly. I rolled my eyes at him and went to move around him. He stepped in front of me and gave me a creepy grin.

"Fuck off." I said annoyed. He smiled more at me.

"You get my letters? You never write back." He grinned.

"Yeah, because you're an asshole!" I yelled. His face fell and he looked pissed now. His friend grinned and stood to the side.

"Really Skye?" He asked grabbing my arm. I tried jerking away from him and he held on tighter. "Quit being a fucking bitch!" He snarled.

"Let go, you stupid asshole!" I yelled.

"Get the fuck off of my girlfriend." I heard Corey say quietly behind Fred.

"Let go of her arm right fucking now." Corey said walking closer. I saw Sid and Mick walking behind Corey. Fred looked at me and grinned, then let go of my arm. Corey got right in Fred's face.

"Your girlfriend, huh? Damn Skye. Didn't know you were slumming it now." Fred smiled at me.

I felt something inside of me snap. My anger boiled over like a volcano and I lunged at Fred. I almost fucking had his ass too, except that sneaky little shit Sid had moved over next to me when I was so focused on Fred. Sid laughed and snatched me up as I flailed my arms at Fred. Corey laughed a little and glared at Fred.

"Next time I'll let her go on your ass. Get the fuck out of here, and stay away from her." Corey growled. Fred looked at me and smiled.

"You know where to find me if you decide to step it up a notch." Fred grinned. I fucking went for his face this time, my fist making contact with his mouth.

"Oh shit!" They all laughed and yelled. Fred grabbed his jaw and glared at me, while Corey stood in front of me, holding on to me.

"You fucking bitch!" Fred yelled. Mick grabbed Fred by the throat and leaned in close to his face.

"Leave. Now." Mick yelled. He let go of Fred's throat and Fred and his friend walked away.

"You let her go man!" Corey yelled to Sid.

"You said next time you would let her go at him. That was next time." Sid smiled at me. Mick ran over to me and was about as excited as a kid in a candy store. He picked me up and hugged me hard as my feet dangled off the ground.

"Nice fucking swing kid!" He laughed. I giggled and saw the rest of them standing nearby.

"I believe this calls for another round of applause boys." Jim said. They started clapping again and I rolled my eyes.

"Good job Blue. There's the girl Mick and I always knew." Jim smiled at me. I grinned and shook my head. I felt someone tug on my arm gently. I turned to see Corey nodding for me to follow him. Shit. This should be fun. I followed him down to a door that he opened and he pulled me inside of the room. It looked like a janitors closet. He turned and looked at me.

"What was that about? How the fuck does he know you?" He asked hotly.

"Corey, it's a long story. Can we talk about this after you're done?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No. Now." He said. I sighed and I know how this is going to go.

"He's the one that writes the letters." I said quietly. Oh fuck me, he is pissed! His eyes went a deep blue and I tensed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He said quietly. I shook my head and he looks like he's ready to explode. "Of all the fucking people you could of dated, you went out with him?" He snapped.

"Corey, it was five years ago. I can't stand him." I said almost desperately.

"I can't believe this fucking shit. What the actual fuck Skye?" He asked. He started fidgeting and I can tell he wants to unleash and yell at me.

"It wasn't-" He looked at me and I stopped talking. My stomach is in knots because I know how much he doesn't like Fred and that's why I never gave him the name of who wrote the letters.

"Know what? Don't bother. I'm sure it's another secret, right?" He snapped. I didn't say anything to him. I looked down like a child does when they are in trouble.

"Fuck it. See you later." He muttered. He flung open the door and stormed off. I can't even cry at this point. I'm actually shocked he acted that way. I opened the door and walked back to where everyone was. They all looked at me worried.

"Everything ok?" Shawn asked me. I nodded. I finished sewing Sid's costume and handed it to him. Sid looked at me with a look that said he knew I wasn't ok.

"Talk to me tonight." Sid told me. I nodded and he got dressed quickly. Corey glared at me and walked out. The rest of them started to file out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I packed up my stuff and sat on the couch that was in there.

I'm so hurt that this is what he wants to hold against me. I didn't even know Corey when I went out with Fred. I didn't go on three dates with Fred because of who he was or anything. I went because he acted so nice to me. The first two times we went out he was such a gentleman. I couldn't believe how nice he was. The third time? Shit, I could wait to get away from his ass. Ugh! The memory of it makes me sick.

I waited by the back door for them to get done and come out. I was reading a book when they finally walked out to where I was.

"Hey kid." Mick grinned at me. I smiled at him and got up. I started walking with them across the large parking lot to the hotel we were staying in. Corey stayed away from me as we walked. I knew I had to get my stuff from the room him and I had and I wasn't looking forward to it.

When we got to the hotel, everyone separated to their rooms. I sighed as he let us into the room. I went over and threw a few things in my bag and picked it up.

"Bye." He said. I stuck my arm up and flipped him off. He chuckled. "Yeah. I'm good." He said. I turned around and glared at him. "Going to go call your boyfriend Fred?" He smirked.

"You know what Corey? I am so tired of the shit you say to me to hurt me. It's like you get off on it. I never slept with Fred. I hope that makes you feel better." I said quietly. His face fell, realizing his mistake. He ran his hand over his face.

"Skye-" I held my hand up to him.

"It's too late. I'm going home." I said quietly. I turned and headed to the door. He ran and threw himself in front of it so I couldn't open the door.

"Corey, please don't. I have nothing left in me to fight with you or argue. And I'm not going to be with someone who talks to me the way you do. It hurts. Don't you understand that? It fucking hurts when you are mean and say shitty things to me." My voice is breaking as I talk to him. He looked down at the floor and sighed, shaking his head.

"Don't go." He whispered.

"Why? You don't care about me like you think you do." I whispered. He looked up at me and shook his head.

"That's not true. You have no idea how deep my feelings go for you. None." He said.

"No I don't. But I can't be with you like this right now." I wiped my eyes. He pushed off of the door and took my bag from me. He hugged me close to him.

"Give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me. I haven't treated you the way you deserve to be treated baby. Let me show you. Please." He whispered, kissing me softly.

Oh fuck. Why did he have to kiss me? I feel weak in the knees everytime he even touches me. He backed me up to the bed and laid me down. The slow, lingering kisses had me melting under him.

His hands roamed over my body slowly and gently, as he removed each bit of our clothing that we were wearing. His lips moved over my nipples, slowly working their way down my stomach and over my hips. I moaned when his mouth closed over me and his tounge moved slowly.

"Corey." I whispered. He moaned and moved his tounge faster on me. Holy shit he knows exactly what he's doing. His hands gently gripped my thighs, his tounge moving faster. My body is heating up so fast at his touch.

"I need you." I moaned. He moved his mouth and his fingers brushed over me gently. I arched as he moved over the top of me and slowly moved his hand on me.

I pulled him to my lips and he kissed me slowly. I felt him slowly thrust into me and I gasped. He kept a slow steady pace and I am on fire. I held on to him as I kissed and sucked softly on his neck.

"Baby, that feels so good." He panted, moving slightly faster. I moaned louder as he started to go faster, little by little. I need more from him and moved with him. He moaned and tensed. I'm so close, and I kept moving faster and faster.

"You're going to make me cum soon Skye." He moaned. I nodded and felt him move faster. He leaned down and kissed me the same way he had been and I felt a tingle in my stomach. I arched into him. I moaned, hearing him moan louder.

"That's it baby. Cum for me." He moaned and moved harder. "Shit." He groaned. He shuddered hard against me. He laid on top of me, kissing me for a long time. "That is how you deserve to be treated baby." He whispered, pecking my lips softly. He laid next to me. I rolled over to look at him.

"I'm so sorry baby. I never, ever should of been like that." He said as he looked at me.

"No you shouldn't of." I said.

"I know I don't have a right to ask this, but how did you guys meet?" He asked.

"At that concert. I was backstage with Jim, and he introduced us. Fred was incredibly nice to me. I was surprised. We went out and had dinner with Jim. Then he asked if I wanted to go out for a walk on the beach. I went, he was just like he had been. Then the last night I was here, he asked me out. I went and it was ugly. I couldn't wait to get away from him." I told him. He leaned up on his arm and looked at me.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"It was years ago Corey." I said. He shook his head.

"Babe, did he hurt you?" He asked.

"We were supposed to go for a walk on the beach again. Instead, he took me up to the Hollywood sign and parked. He tried groping me and kissing me. I slapped him and he got mad. He grabbed me by the back of my hair really hard and..." I trailed off. Corey turned the light on and looked at me concerned.

"Babe? What did he do?" He asked softly. I pulled the covers over us and sighed. "Please?" He asked.

"He shoved my face down to his crotch and told me to give him a blowjob. I bit his thigh and jerked away from him. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car. I told him I had recorded all of it with my phone and said I would sell it to TMZ if he didn't take me home right then." I told him. He smiled at the last part and chuckled.

"No shit?" He smiled. I nodded. "Did he take you back then?" I nodded.

"He's a fucking idiot too. Cell phones didn't have video cameras on them at the time. That's why he writes me. He's still worried I will sell this footage I have." I grinned. Corey started laughing hard.

"Oh my God that is great!" He laughed. I giggled and nodded. "How did he get your address?"

"Unique name. Only one in Des Moines by that name." I said. He looked at me seriously.

"Does Jim and Mick know?" He asked.

"Um. Not all of it. They didn't know about the video thing or him grabbing me and shoving my face in his lap. They would have beat the shit out of him and I didn't want their careers ruined. Please don't tell them now." I begged.

"I won't babe. I promise." He said quietly. "I'm sorry that he did that to you. He's a piece of shit. He always has been."

"I know that now. I should of told you, but I knew how much you hated him." I said quietly.

"No, you don't have to explain yourself to me about every past relationship you've had. I shouldn't of been like that. I was so fucking pissed he grabbed you and I was shocked that you two knew each other. I never should of been like that, or when you came here. I had no right at all Skye." He told me. I nodded and he held me close to him. "I'm so sorry Skye. I feel terrible I was so shitty to you. Will you forgive me?"

"Yes." I said quietly. We laid there quietly and I thought he was asleep.

"Nice swing too, kitten." He laughed. I giggled and buried my face in his chest.

I woke the next morning and he was sitting on the edge of the bed. I rubbed my eyes and did a double take. "Corey?" I asked. He laughed and nodded. He shaved his head. "Holy shit." I said.

"It was time for a change." He grinned. My jaw is on the ground.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing with the way you're looking at me?" He asked nervously. I leaned up and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him on top of me. I was kissing him and pulling his shirt over his head.

"Goddamn." He panted as I bit at his neck.

"It's a good thing." I assured him. He smiled as he kissed me. 

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