Untitled Part 5

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I woke with a jolt the next morning, sitting upright in the bed. It was storming outside, and my bedroom is dark. I heard hushed voices in my living room and got up to investigate. I quietly crept down the hall and listened.

"She told you all of that last night?" Mick whispered.

"Yeah. She did. I feel fucking terrible man. I can't even fathom what that was like for her." Corey whispered.

"Are you sure she's ok?" Jim whispered.

"I don't know really. She was so exhausted after that, she passed out right away. I just stayed with her all night. Christ, man. I can't believe that happened to her." Corey whispered.

"I'm just glad she's around to talk about it. She wouldn't ever say what happened that night, and we were making our album at the time, so we couldn't be there for her like we should of been." Mick said. "Goddammit." He hissed.

"She's not ok you guys. Would you be after some shit like that?" Paul whispered. I came around the corner and saw all of them look up at me with guilty looks. I glared at Corey.

"Go fuck yourself Corey." I snapped. His eyes closed and his head hung down. I spun around and slammed the door of the bathroom.

Motherfucker can't keep his fucking mouth shut! I told him that in confidence and he told not just Mick and Jim, but all of them. I got undressed and got in the shower. I'm so fucking pissed that I showered as fast as I could. I opened the shower door and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around me. I stepped out and shrieked.

"What in the fuck Corey!" I yelled. He sighed and looked at me.

"I didn't see anything! Calm down!" He yelled. I glared at him. "Just give me a minute, please?"

"Why? So you can tell everyone everything!" I yelled. He cocked his head to the side and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Stop." He said quietly. I crossed my arms and held my towel around me tightly.

"They're all worried like hell about you. Be pissed at me if you want, but I was trying to let them know that this was a good sign. You have to see where everyone is coming from with this Skye." He said quietly. I shivered a little and looked at him. "They have every right to be worried too. You know they do." He said. I grabbed a brush and started brushing my hair.

"If you want me to trust you, then you need to ask me first if I'm ok with you relaying things to other people Corey." I told him. I tossed my brush into the drawer and started to brush my teeth.

"You're absolutely right. I should have, and I'm sorry. I honestly am. Can you forgive me?" He asked. I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. I wiped off my mouth then turned to look at his pleading eyes. I sighed at him.

"Fine." I said. He grinned at me.

"Yeah? You sure about that?" He smiled more.

"Asshole." I chuckled, hearing him laugh.

"And you love it." He laughed. I smiled and shook my head at him. He walked closer to me and I felt my face get hot. He stood close to me and looked down at me.

"Damn." He whispered. I looked up at him confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly. He trailed his fingers gently down the side of my neck all the way down my shoulder.

"Not a single thing." He said just as quiet. I can feel my face growing more red. I flashed him a quick grin. He leaned in close to my ear.

"It's too bad everyone is here right now." He whispered, his lips brushing over my ear. I gasped quietly, realizing my hands had moved to his hips. He grazed his lips over my neck, kissing it slowly and gently.

"Holy shit." I whispered. He moved to the other side, his arms around me now. I'm about ready to rip his clothes off. He was kissing my neck so softly it was driving me crazy.

"I want you Skye." He whispered. I moaned quietly as he moved to the other side of my neck. He leaned up and looked at me, then pressed his lips against mine. We both moaned quietly and held on to each other tighter. What started out as a gentle kiss, became rough and frantic. He backed me against the wall as we kissed. I tugged on his bottom lip and he moaned slightly louder.

"Fuck! I am about ready to tear this towel off of you." He panted quietly. I nodded, feeling his hand move to where my towel that was tucked in my cleavage.

"Yeah? Can you be quiet?" He whispered. I smiled and bit his shoulder through his shirt. He groaned quietly.

"I can't take it anymore." He growled, tearing his shirt off. I reached for his belt and undid it as we kissed each other harder. He shoved his pants down and ripped the towel off of me.

"Holy fuck." He whispered as he looked down at me. My face went red and I grinned.

"I swear on my life I will make this up to you tonight." He promised. I giggled quietly and nodded. I pulled him down to my lips again and felt him reach down to lift me up. He thrust into me and we both gasped.

"Oh fuck." He whispered, thrusting faster and harder into me. I am trying so hard to be quiet. He moved fast and hard, both of us knowing this had to be quick. I kissed him hard and held on to him. He moved us away from the wall and to the floor, thrusting just as he had been. I bit his chest and he gasped. I wrapped around him and moved with him.

"I'm going to cum soon." I whispered, biting back a moan. He moaned quietly and sped up. I dug my nails into him hard and I arched, biting his shoulder as my world crashed around me.

"Shit." He hissed quietly, his movements becoming more aggressive and frantic. He tensed hard and moaned very quietly. "Holy shit Skye." He whispered as we panted. I nodded and grinned. He kissed me one last time and carefully pulled away. We quickly got up, him throwing his clothes on, me wrapping myself up in a towel. He fixed his hair as I fixed mine. He grinned at me and kissed my lips quickly.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I have to go back out there and act like it took a while to calm you down. Can you act bitchy towards me?" He grinned.

"Won't be a problem." I smirked. He smiled and headed out of the bathroom. I brushed my hair again and left the bathroom, heading to my room. I closed the door and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a Radiohead t-shirt. I walked to the living room and glared at all of them.

"Skye, stop being pissed at Corey, ok?" Mick said. I sighed and looked at Mick.

"He has a big fucking mouth." I said to Mick. They all laughed.

"We know, trust me. We're all worried about you kid. Don't push us all away. Please?" Mick begged. I looked away feeling tears again, and wiped my eyes.

"Please Blue? You scared us so bad the other night." Jim said. I nodded. Jim pulled me into his lap. "How bad did Gary hurt you Skye?" Jim asked. I turned to look at him a little.

"That part isn't really important." I told him.

"Yes it is Skye." Shawn said to me. "Please?" He asked. I looked down and fiddled with my hands.

"How about I just show you guys." I said standing up. They all looked at me worried. I walked to my room and took a deep breath as I grabbed the box off of my shelf. I walked out and handed it to Jim. He took it from me and looked at me.

"The answers are in there." I told him. He opened the box and gasped at what he saw.

I looked away. There are polaroids of that night they they took at the hospital that I stole. Yeah, I took what was mine. There are ten pictures in total. Gary stomped the dogshit out of me that night. He punched, kicked, and threw me into walls. One photo is of the many black and blue bruises on my back from his feet kicking me, or being thrown into a wall.

There are ones of my face with a large bruise across my jawline. Another one of my two black eyes and busted lip, some of my arms with giant fingerprint bruises. There was one was of my neck where he tried to choke me and his fingers dug into my neck.

Jim took a deep breath and looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Go ahead. Let them see." I said quietly. Jim shook his head at me. "It's ok Jim." I told him. He handed the box to Mick.

"Oh fuck." Mick gasped. I wiped my eyes and felt Jim pulling on my arm to sit with him. I sat in his lap and looked down at the floor. Seeing their faces and how they are reacting is killing me.

"Holy shit kid." Mick said quietly, making me look up. He handed the box to Craig. Craig looked at them quickly and shook his head and passed it to Paul. Mick got up and walked outside.

"Fuck." I whispered. Craig got up and nodded at me as he went outside with Mick. Paul was in tears as he handed it to Chris.

When it got to Sid, I thought he was going to lose it. He looked so pissed and I held my breath. He got up and went out with Craig and Mick. I looked down when I saw Corey pick up the box. I saw his foot tapping the floor rapidly and heard him suck in a deep breath. I looked up and he set the box on the coffee table.

I got up and grabbed it, walking as fast as I could to my bedroom. I threw the box in the closet and shut the door. I leaned against it and slid to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. I sat hugging my knees, leaning my head on them.

"Hey." I heard Mick say quietly in the doorway.

"Hey." I said. He walked in and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry. That was really hard to see you that hurt. I shouldn't of acted like that." He said.

"I don't think there is a certain way one is supposed to act when they see something like that. It's ok. I understand." I said. He grinned and put his arm around my shoulders.

"If he wasn't dead already, he would be by the time we were done with him." Mick told me. I nodded. He looked at me and grinned. "Think we can sit somewhere other than this mouse hole we're sitting in? I'm too fucking big to fit in here." He grinned. We were sitting between my bed and the closet. There's not a lot of room. I grinned and got up.

"I'm gonna hang out in here for a bit. I just need a few minutes and so do you guys. I'm ok Mick. I just haven't shared this much of my with so many people at once." I told him. He looked at me and sighed.

"One hour. Then it's time to come out. Please?" He asked. I nodded. He hugged me and left the room. I crawled into my bed and felt wiped out again. Dealing with life is exhausting. My eyes closed and I was asleep.

"Skye?" I heard. My eyes flew open and I sat up. Corey sat on my bed and grinned at me. "Hey. Feel better?" He asked. I nodded.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went to meet some people about some shit with the band is all." He said.

"Why didn't you go too?" I asked.

"Didn't want you alone." He said seriously.

"I appreciate you guys looking out for me, but at some point you all are going to have to give me a little space." I said.

"We know. Not right now though." He said quietly. I got up and saw it was four in the afternoon and it's still storming like hell outside. "Want to go out for a bit?" He asked. I shook my head. "Ok. What do you want to do then?" He asked.

"Nothing to be honest. Corey, you don't have to babysit me. I'm fine." I told him, strolling out of my room. I heard him right behind me and I know that struck a nerve with him. It's the way he is almost stomping his feet behind me.

"So that's what you think we're all doing? Babysitting?" He snapped. I turned to look at him.

"I don't have it in me to fight with you today Corey." I told him quietly. He looked away and nodded.

"Ok. Well, I wouldn't want it to seem like I was babysitting you. I'll get out of your hair." He grumbled, walking past me. I leaned into the wall next to me, watching him yank his shoes on.

"I'm sorry Corey. You're not the only one dealing with mood swings. I didn't mean to upset you." I told him. He nodded and grabbed his jacket then walked out the door. Asshole. Maybe I am too, but I swear everything pisses him off that I do. I can't believe I slept with him. Talk about a moment of weakness. He's just like all the other shithead guys I've known in my life. They fuck ya once and then they're off.

I sat in the darkness of my living room and stared at the TV that wasn't even on. It's almost pitch black inside my house, and I'm not turning the lights on. I wasn't even thinking about anything. For the first time in two years, my mind was clear of any and all thoughts. It was such a strange and eerie feeling to have. Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I have finally lost my shit. I just hope that if this is really the case, that I'll be happy at least. I glanced at the clock and saw almost three hours had passed that I had been sitting here. I snapped out of my daze and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at my hair and was picking up a pair of scissors when I heard banging on my door. I set the scissors down and went to answer it. I saw Corey leaning against the door frame.

"So I was a total dick earlier." Corey said. I rolled my eyes and turned around, walking away from him. He shut the door behind him.

"What do you need Corey?" I asked as I walked to the bathroom. I heard him in the hallway.

"To apologize for being a dick." He said. I leaned out and looked at him. I gave him the thumbs up sign and moved back to the mirror. "What are you doing?" He asked. I walked to the door and looked at him.

"Cutting my hair off." I said. He looked at me horrified.

"What!? Don't do that! You will regret it tomorrow. Give me that!" He yelled, taking the scissors from me. "Jesus fucking christ woman. That's it. Get your shoes on." He said. I looked at him like he was dumb. "We are going out to eat. Come on, move it kitten!" He demanded.

"Asshole." I muttered.

"I'm right here." He said.

"I'm aware." I told him. He laughed and smiled at me.

"You need to eat. I swear to God in the last six months I've known you, you've lost weight." He sighed.

"I have. All my clothes are big on me now. I'm not hungry, but thank you." I told him sincerely.

"Fine. Then I'm making dinner and I hope like hell I don't give us food poisoning." He smiled.

"Where are we going?" I asked, watching him laugh. I grinned at him as he recovered.

"Bass Street. You love eating there." He smiled.

"Fucker." I grumbled. He knows that restaurant is my one weakness. He smiled happily and nodded. "I'm not going looking like this." I told him.

"Then get your ass moving kitten. I'm fucking starving." He grinned. I turned and quickly put on my make up while he stood watching me.

"How the fuck do you women not poke your eyes out with that shit?" He asked, watching me apply my eyeliner.

"Because we're fucking awesome at everything we do." I grinned. I quickly flat ironed my hair. "I need to change." I told him, heading to my room. I shut the door and looked in my closet for something to wear.

The place we are going to is not overly fancy, but it is on the pricier side. No wonder he had his long hair back in a neat ponytail, his nice jeans on and a plain black t-shirt. That's him dressing up. He looks good, I won't deny that.

I found a black crinkle silk camisole with lace on the bottom edge of it, and a lightweight cashmere beige sweater since it's cold out. I put on my best jeans and my favorite pair of shoes. They are by Hot Chocolate Designs and they are a shiny dark purple with butterflies on each shoe. Each shoe has a different butterfly design on it. I love them. I threw on my clothes and sprayed some perfume on. I opened the door and walked out to the living room, grabbing my black leather jacket.

"I'm ready." I told him, turning to look at him. He was already standing in front of me.

"Wow." He said surprised. I looked down at what I was wearing, then up at him, still confused. He smiled at me. "You look beautiful." He said quietly. My face turned a little red and I grinned.

"Thank you." I grinned at him. "Ready?" I asked.

He nodded as we headed to the door. He stopped at the door and whirled around to me. He pulled me into him and kissed me with more passion than anyone ever has in my life. We pulled back and he smiled at me.

"I am now." He grinned, opening the door.

We had a nice dinner, and luckily we had managed to avoid most of his fan club for the evening. I was so full. Jesus, I haven't eaten that much in so long and I even have leftovers.

As we were waiting for our bill, we heard two women over by the bar getting louder. Something about wanting to talk to Corey. I smirked at him and he sighed. He's always been dedicated to his fans, all of them really are. However, everyone has their limits.

"Wanna go talk to your fan club Corey?" I smiled at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No. And we are going out the back door." He grinned as we stood. We headed to the back entrance, turning a corner down a long hallway.

We can hear these two women getting closer. Corey opened the nearest door and ducked in. I laughed, then saw the door open and two hands pulled me inside. I looked up, seeing that we were in the men's bathroom and we have company. Two guys in their forties are using the urinals. Corey and I grinned at each other as the other two glared over their shoulders at us.

"How's it going?" I asked. I heard Corey stifle a laugh. The one guy finished up and turned to me.

"Something wrong with the women's bathroom?" He glared.

"No. I've never been in a men's bathroom before. Thought I'd check it out." I smiled. Corey turned around, his back facing me. The other guy had finished and now both of them glared at me.

"Wash your fucking hands. Goddamn." I told them disgusted.

They ignored me and walked out of the bathroom. Corey spun around, his face is red and tears are running down his cheeks from laughing quietly. I started dying laughing.

"What the fuck Skye! You don't make conversation in the men's bathroom!" He laughed hard.

"I don't fucking know man! I don't hang out here or anything. I didn't realize there was certain etiquette in the men's bathroom!" I laughed. My sides hurt from laughing.

"Wash your hands? Holy fuck!" He wheezed out. I giggled and nodded.

"Well? It's fucking gross and they didn't listen either!" I laughed, wiping my eyes.

"We have to leave before we get arrested." He chuckled. I giggled and opened the door, peaking out.

"We are good." I giggled.

He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door. We laughed the whole way back to my place over that. The looks on those two guys faces were fucking priceless. My phone rang and I grabbed it out of my bag.

"Hi Jim." I answered.

"Hey Blue. Where ya at?" He asked.

"Corey made me go out to eat with him, then drug me into the men's bathroom." I told him. Corey is laughing all over again and Jim is silent.

"Why would...you know, just tell me when you get to your house. We're all here." He laughed.

"Will do. See you in a bit." I said, hanging up. Corey glanced at me as he drove. "Jim said he's kicking your ass." I told him straight faced.

"What!? What the fuck did I do?!" He asked worried. I started laughing and he sighed in relief. "Goddamn kitten you're gonna kill me." He laughed and pulled into my driveway. The guys are all hanging out on my porch.

"Jim? Mick? Where is the key I gave you guys?" I asked as I walked up the stairs. They looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"We couldn't remember why there was an extra key on our key rings." Mick grinned at me.

"Holy shit man! Good thing I dont have kids or you two would misplace one." I smirked. Jim laughed and flipped me off, Mick eyed up what I was wearing.

"Uh huh. Why ya dressed like a girl Skye?" Mick grinned. I heard the guys laugh.

"Because Corey demanded we go out to eat. I told him I didn't want to, then he threatened to cook." I told him. I heard alot of 'Oh.' and 'Don't let him do that.'

"Nevermind. You look nice." Mick smiled. I laughed and let us all inside. I froze when I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys? Are you sure none of you came in here?" I yelled. I heard them piling inside the kitchen. My window was open. I felt my heart pound, and someone pull on my arm.

"Come outside with me." Chris said. I followed him outside and looked at my windows on my porch. My screen had been cut on the porch. All of my neighbors are super old and none of their lights are on since it's almost ten at night.

"Let the guys check it out. It's probably just kids." Chris assured me. I nodded and felt my stomach twisting in knots. Sid walked out and looked at me.

"We didn't find anyone. Why don't you look and see if anything is missing?" He asked.

"Someone cut the screen." I pointed. Sid walked over and looked at it, then Chris.

"They check the basement too?" Chris asked.

"We looked in closets, under beds, bathtub. Anywhere we would of missed?" Sid asked. I felt my blood run cold.

"The attic." I said. Sid ran back inside with me right behind him. You wouldn't know where it is if you weren't looking for it.

"Go wait outside." Sid told me. I looked at him and he groaned. I walked to my room and opened the closet, looking up.

"Here, I got it." Sid moved a chair over and stood on it. Mick handed him a baseball bat that I keep next to my bed. Sid pushed the attic entrance up and looked down at us.

"I need a flashlight." He told me. I turned and got one out of the desk in my room. I gave it to Mick and he passed it to Sid. It was quiet as all of us stood in my room waiting. Sid leaned down out of the attic and looked at Jim.

"Lift me up man." He told Jim. Jim moved and lifted Sid into the attic.

"What the fuck?" I heard Sid say. I heard him walk around, then he poked his head down. "Call the fucking cops. Now." Sid said.

"What?" I asked, feeling terrified. Sid climbed down and stood in front of me.

"Have Jim call them." Sid said calmly.

"Is someone up there Sid?" Mick asked. Sid turned to him and nodded. "Like right now?" He asked.

"No man. Skye?" Sid turned to me. "I don't know how to tell you this, but someone has been living up there." Sid said. I felt my knees shake and I can't breathe.

"Come outside with me." Corey whispered in my ear as he pulled me back towards the door. I can't fucking breathe. I barely got outside before I fell to my knees.

"Skye, breathe babe." Corey whispered to me. He knelt down and held my face as I sat hyperventilating.

"Babe, look at me." He said. My eyes moved to his. "Slow down or you're gonna pass out. Breathe with me." He said, slowly sucking in a breath. I managed to pull in a breath quickly, then gradually slower. The police showed up about then.

"Ma'am?" I heard the officer ask. I can't look at him. Seeing the police reminds me of my sister dying in front of me.

"Officer? I'm Jim, her friend. She's really upset right now. I should be able to answer whatever you need me to." Jim said, leading them inside.

"Skye? It's ok. He's just here to help is all." Corey told me quietly. I nodded, keeping my eyes away from the squad car. "Let me help you up." He said, gently pulling me to my feet.

"Sit down, I got ya kid." Mick told me. I nodded and sat in his lap. "You're moving. I don't care how much it costs, but you are. And you're getting an alarm system too." He told me.

I sat there in shock. How the fuck did I not know someone had been up there? How long have they been there? When did they come inside exactly? A million thoughts are running through my head, and I can barely process all of this.

The officer came out and sat across from me. My stomach clenched seeing him.

"Skye? I'm officer Michaels. The person who had been up there in your attic has been there for a while now. Do you remember hearing any strange noises or when they started?" He asked.

"It's an old house. I always hear something. There's been a few times I found things in different places but I just chalked it up to forgetting. How long have they been there?" I asked. He looked uncomfortable by my question.

"Anywhere from six to eight months. I'm so sorry. We found an ID. Does the name Braxton Murphy mean anything to you?" He asked. I sat trying to recall if I've ever known anyone by that name.

"I....I don't honestly know at the moment." I told him.

"Here's my card if you think of anything at all, call me. I doubt he's coming back. Looks like most of his belongings are gone. I don't know how he got in. Is there someone you can stay with?" He asked looking at the guys, almost begging them silently.

"She's not coming back here. We will make sure she's taken care of. And yes, she is staying with one of us. Until she's being a pain in the ass, then we'll make one of these other assholes deal with her." Mick grinned. The cop even laughed at that one. I smiled and nodded.

"Great. You've got some great friends. I'll be in touch." Officer Michaels said as he left. We all stood there quietly.

"Blue? Let's get some stuff for you to take with. You're staying with me." Jim said. I nodded and stood up. We walked back to my room and I grabbed some bags, tossing my clothes and other things I needed into it. After fifteen minutes, we grabbed my bags and headed outside.

"You alright?" Corey asked me. I nodded. "How about I swing by Jim's?" He asked.

"Sure." I said quietly. I got in Jim's car with him and we pulled away. Jim knows the route I take to his house, so I was glad when I saw him going the way I normally do.

"Skye? I don't want you staying by yourself anymore." Jim told me.

"I can't stay with you guys forever Jim." I told him. He grinned at me.

"No, you can't. Just until you find a serious relationship or get married is all." He smiled. I laughed and shook my head at him. He stopped at a stop sign and looked at me.

"I can't believe Gary did that to you Skye. That shit about killed me when I saw that. Why didn't you tell me how bad it was?" He asked, driving again.

"I knew you and Mick would leave wherever you were and come home, then you guys wouldn't leave." I told him.

"Listen to me, you are way more important than my career. I can get another band, I can find some band to make music with. I can't replace you. When you called and told us that she died, we were gonna leave right then but you wouldn't let us. You said you wouldn't talk to us again if we did. If some fucked up shit ever happens again, we're leaving. You can be as pissed as you want, but you aren't doing this on your own. Just like you aren't fighting this on your own anymore." He said, pulling into his driveway. He turned to me and shut the car off.

"Don't get mad at me for saying all that, please?" He asked. I was already crying silently when he was talking, so when I turned to him he already knew what I was thinking.

"I don't want to do this on my own anymore Jim." I gasped out to him. He looked relieved and sad at the same time.

"I know ya don't. Come on." He said, getting out. We grabbed my bags as everyone else pulled up and got out. Jim helped me get my stuff inside and in what he already calls my room. 

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