Untitled Part 1

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"Oh shit! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I heard as I picked myself up off the ground. I was just slammed into by another person as I was leaving the venue after seeing Slipknot. I sighed, feeling annoyed but mainly at myself for looking at my phone instead of where I was going.

"Yeah, I'm good." I told the guy, not paying any attention to who was even near me. I just want to leave. I love this band, but I've had enough of people for the night, and now most people are drunk and acting like assholes.

"I'm so sorry." He said. I turned and looked into the most crystal blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't help but smirk at the person who stood before me. He grinned, giving me his signature smirk.

"Don't worry about it. Why the hell are you out here anyways?" I asked Corey.

"Just hanging out." He smiled. "Why are you like the last person in this place?" He asked. I looked around and realized he was right.

"Just waiting for people to leave is all. That, and I was hoping to find my friend I came with, but I'm pretty sure she bailed. Bitch." I muttered, hearing him laugh.

"You have no idea how many times I have heard that from people." He smiled.

"I can only imagine. Anyways, nice meeting you." I grinned as I turned away.

"We didn't actually meet each other. You didn't tell me your name." Corey called out. I turned around.

"It's Skye Matthews." I called out as I kept walking.

"Yeah? Where ya from Skye Matthews?" Corey called back. I paused and grinned at him.

"Same as you Taylor. Great show by the way. Have a good one!" I called out as I headed to the doors. I heard him laugh almost in disbelief.

"That's it? Don't want to stay and chat?" He laughed.

"Why? Need someone to tell ya how hot you are? Pretty sure you already know that." I laughed, hearing my voice echo. He laughed harder.

"We may see each other again. You never know!" He laughed.

"I'm sure you will come knocking on my door tomorrow morning." I grinned one last time and headed out of the venue. I was amused. I've heard he's a nice guy, and I don't doubt it for a minute. But I also don't have a lot to say to him either.

I heard a pounding on my door late the next morning. I stood up with my coffee mug and answered it. To say I was at a loss for words was an understatement at best.

There before me stood Corey Taylor in all of his glory, with his crazy ass long, multi colored hair, his skull beanie, a wrinkled Misfits t-shirt, and a pair of jeans with holes in them. I laughed as he grabbed my coffee mug and walked past me, as though we're old friends.

"For fucking real?" I laughed, shutting the door. He smirked at me and drank my coffee. I watched as he stood in my kitchen looking around before heading to my living room.

"Yep for fucking real. It was like you dared me to find you. I did." He grinned as he sat on my couch. I sat down in my recliner across from him as he stared at me.

"Uh huh. So now what?" I asked. I'm so fucking confused as to why the hell this guy would just show up at my house when he doesn't know me, and he acts like we're old friends?

"Now we hang out and get to know each other." He grinned. I blinked at him and he laughed. "Probably asking why, huh?"

"Yeah." I replied. He smirked and shrugged.

"Why not? We all need friends right?" He grinned.

"Uh huh." I said bewildered. "I'm not fucking you dude." I blurted out. He laughed his ass off at that.

"I know this. That's not why I'm here. Wanna know the real reason?" He asked.

"That would be nice, yes." I said. He grinned a little sadly.

"Mick saw ya." He said. I froze hearing that. "So did Jim. They were wondering why Skye Matthews took off one day and never spoke to them again." He said quietly. I sucked in a breath.

"I see." I said, avoiding his eyes.

"So how come the girl that they thought of like a sister, would do that?" He asked. His eyes bore through me. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

"So that's what you want? I had my reasons. Tell them to grow a pair and ask me themselves." I said flatly. His eyes were amused by this. He grinned at me.

"They said you were a pain in the ass when you don't want to talk about things that bother you. I see they were right." He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You don't know shit about me Corey." I said hotly. He smiled wide at me.

"They also said you were kinda cute when you're mad." He taunted me.

"What do you want?" I sighed. He laughed.

"I think you know." He said quietly.

"I'm not fucking you." I said bored, making him laugh hard again.

"Jesus christ girl! Settle down with that." He laughed. I glared at him. "So why did ya take off one day?"

"Reasons." I retorted. He smiled at me.

"Bullshit reasons is what it sounds like to me." He grinned. I felt my temper rising.

"Tell them I said hi." I said as I stood up. He stayed where he was and grinned at me.

"That means you should leave now." I explained. He shook his head.

"For fucksake man!" I yelled, watching him laugh. I walked to the door and opened it, only my porch held two giant men.

"Thanks Corey!" Jim yelled as he walked past me. Mick stopped and grinned at me.

"Hey kid." His deep voice has always startled me.

"Hey man." I said quietly. "Well fucking come in." I sighed. He grinned and walked past me. I met them in the living room, and I flipped Corey off, making the three of them laugh. I stood in the doorway and Jim grinned at me.

"Come on Blue, give me a hug." Jim grinned.

I laughed and reached up to hug him. His huge frame towered over my small frame. I hugged Mick, feeling like a bear was hugging me. I grinned at them as they sat down. Corey smiled happily at me.

"Fuck off Taylor." I sighed. They started laughing again.

"And you two, quit acting like pussies about talking to me." I told Jim and Mick. They haven't stopped laughing.

"So what's up? It's been two years. Why'd you stop talking to us?" Jim asked.

"I had all that shit with my sister." I said quietly. Both of them looked down at the floor and nodded.

"I'm sorry about Reva." Mick said quietly. I felt hot tears spring to my eyes at the mentioning of her name.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Me too Skye. She was a great person." Jim said. I nodded.

"I'm sorry guys. I just needed to be alone for a while." I told them.

"Think we can come around again?" Mick grinned at me.

I felt my heart break hearing him ask. I've missed these guys so damn much. I went over and sat in Mick's lap and he laughed.

"That a yes, kid?" He grinned. I smiled and nodded as he hugged me again.

"Cool. Everyone's friends again. Let's do something." Corey said.

"Agreed. Let's do something." Jim grinned.

"I'm not fucking any of you." I told them. Jim and Mick laughed hard at that.

"What is your deal with that?" Corey laughed.

"For years, guys would ask her out and that was the only thing they were interested in. She just got to the point of telling dudes right off the bat that it wasn't happening. I see that hasn't changed." Jim laughed. I giggled and nodded.

"Go get dressed Blue. We're getting you out of the house." Jim told me. I blinked at him.

"That means social hour kitten." Corey grinned at me. I glared at him and got up.

"She is a fucking handful." Corey said.

"You have no idea man. You may of met your match with that one." Mick laughed.

"Yeah? Is she gonna hit me?" I heard Corey ask as I headed down the hall to my room.

"You'll find out. Don't come crying to us if she does." Jim laughed.

I shut my door and grabbed a pair of jeans, pulling them on. I threw on a black tight fitting Green Day shirt and brushed my long hair that hangs to the middle of my back. It's normally a light brown, but I recently dyed it a dark red. I quickly applied my make up and made sure to go slow on the black eyeliner to make my almost pale grey eyes stand out more. I put on some perfume and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"What happened to her sister?" I heard Corey ask. I froze in place.

"She died. I'm not gonna get into that shit man. I'm sorry, it's not my place." Jim said quietly. I relaxed and was almost to the bathroom.

"Like she died suddenly?" Corey asked.

"Yeah man. She did. It's a hard subject for her." Mick said. I brushed my teeth and came back out, grabbing my black leather jacket.

"Ready?" I asked them. They stood up and grinned at me.

"I need coffee since some asshat drank mine." I said to Corey. Mick smiled at Corey.

"She means you." Mick said happily.

"Oh I'm aware." Corey laughed. "Come on kitten. Social hour." He said dragging me out of my house.

I turned and looked at Jim who laughed as we piled in his car. I of course was stuck in back with a grinning Corey.

"Paybacks are a motherfucker." I smiled sweetly at him. He laughed and nodded.

"I'm looking forward to it." Corey smiled.

I sat quietly as we drove around to get coffee, cigarettes, doughnuts. Corey handed me a doughnut and I shook my head.

"No thanks." I smiled politely at him.

"Seriously? Its fried dough. There is nothing better than fried dough." Corey said to me. I laughed and nodded.

"I'm aware. I'm not hungry, thank you though." I grinned. Jim and Mick turned in their seats and stared at me.

"Ya need to eat." Mick said. He looked at Jim. "She's too fucking skinny. For real, she needs to eat." He told Jim.

"I told you man! When we saw her last night, I knew she was too skinny." Jim said to Mick.

"Hey dickheads? Skye's right here." Corey said between bites.

"No shit, man. Skye, you need to eat." Jim told me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm fine dad." I said.

"Better eat later then." Jim mumbled as we started driving again.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To pick up Paulie and Sid." Mick said. I guess it's good Jim has an SUV. We stopped and got Paul first. He smiled at me as he got in.

"Hey, I'm Paul." He said as he shook my hand.

"I'm Skye. Nice to meet you." I smiled at him.

"So you're the one these two always talk about." Paul said as he sat in the seat behind us.

"I can only imagine what they said." I laughed.

"That you're a pain in the ass." Mick laughed. I flipped him off.

"Nah, just that they missed ya." Paul said.

I turned and looked at him, seeing him genuinely smile at me. I smiled and nodded. We stopped again and Sid flung the door open. He eyed us all up and got in, sitting between Corey and I. Corey growled under his breath.

"Damn!" He said as he eyed me up. Mick groaned and shook his head.

"Sid, I'll kill ya, just so you know." Mick said to him.

"It'll be worth it too." Sid smiled at me. I narrowed my eyes and undid my seat belt, climbing over the seat next to Paul. They are all laughing hard at this.

"How's it going now Sid?" Corey asked him. Sid turned and smiled at me.

"Going good. She's warming up to me." Sid smiled. I looked at Paul concerned.

"Is he ok?" I asked him. They're laughing harder now.

"We always wonder if he's really ok." Paul laughed.

We pulled in front of Jim's house and got out. I sighed, realizing how much I've missed being here and around him and Mick. We got inside and I took my jacket off, hanging it up in his hall closet. Jim laughed.

"Some things never change I see." Jim grinned. I grabbed his jacket and hung it up, smiling at him.

"Nope." I laughed.

I glanced at the pictures on his wall and froze when I saw one on the fireplace mantel. I felt Jim's eyes on me as I walked slowly to it. I felt my throat get tight as I reached for it. I smiled, staring at me and my sister in the picture. It was taken three months before she died. We had been at the zoo when the picture was taken. Jim had taken it even. I ran my hand over her face, missing her terribly.

"I'm sorry Skye." Jim said quietly behind me.

I jumped a little and felt everyone's eyes on me. I quickly put the picture back and walked past all of them and out the back door. I was panting and almost in tears by the time I got outside.

"Hey, I'm so sorry." Jim said behind me. I turned around and held on to him as I sobbed.

"Shhh. We got ya now. It's ok." He said holding on to me right.

"I love ya Skye." He said. I nodded and dried my eyes. He looked at me and grinned.

"Guess what I got that I know is going to cheer you up." He grinned. I looked at him curiously.

"Be right back." He grinned as he stepped inside.

He stepped back out a moment later, holding the cutest pitbull puppy. He was all brown and had the pinkest nose I've ever seen.

"Oh my God, Jim! He's adorable!" I smiled as he handed him to me.

"Yeah? His name is Chopper, because he fucking eats everything." He grinned. I giggled as Chopper licked my face. We walked back inside, and they all grinned at me.

"Note to self, fastest way to cure tears on a woman is to bring her a puppy. Got it." Corey grinned. I smirked at him as I sat on the floor with Chopper. 

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