Untitled Part 10

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"What exactly did you say to her Mick?" Jim asked about a month after she took off on me.

Skye and I haven't hardly said anything to each other since that night and I miss her like crazy. She is down in Jim's basement beating the shit out of a punching bag. This has become the norm over the last month.

When she came back the night she took off, she was different. It was like she let go of a lot of hate and sadness. I can't explain why she was different really. It was more that I could sense it.

I later found out she's friends with Rich Franklin from the UFC and has been taking classes at the place he owns. I was a tad shocked to say the very least. I am also pretty certain that is where she went the night she took off on me.

"I told her to pick her ass up and move on. She is. She's working out the anger part. She's done being sad, and now she's pissed off. Corey may of helped with that too." Mick glared at me.

"It's complicated man. Don't get pissed at me. I just needed some space." I told him and Jim. Jim smirked at me and went to the basement door.

"Hey Blue! You and Rich still going out to dinner tonight?" Jim yelled down. I felt myself getting pissed. Dinner? I can't even get in this guys face if he hurts her. He'd kill my ass. Not that I'm a wuss, I just can't fight like he does.

"Yep!" She yelled back. I heard her coming up the stairs. She was sweaty and red faced, but she's happy. It's strange really. She's been down for so long, and now she's happy. Fucking Rich. Prick. She grinned at us and went to the bathroom and shut the door.

"She's going to dinner with him?" I asked Jim. Jim nodded like it was no big deal.

"Yeah. Nice to see her being social again." Jim smiled. I sat stewing that she was going out with this asshole. "Mad, Corey?" Jim grinned. I flipped him off and he laughed.

"Shouldn't of let her go, dumbass." Sid grinned at me.

"Fuck off." I muttered. I sat while they talked, lost in my own world.

I'm so pissed at myself for letting her go. She refuses to be alone in a room with me, so I can't even talk to her. She's been taking kickboxing lessons and is gone a lot now and it bugs me. Not that she shouldn't have friends, it's just that I miss seeing her. Fuck, I miss her. I love her actually, and that's the problem. I don't allow myself to love anyone like that. The last time I did, well, she didn't feel the same way as I did and it fucking killed me. I want to tell Skye that I love her, I just can't seem to do it.

"I didn't know her and Rich were friends." I said. Mick and Jim smirked at me.

"There's alot you don't know about her. She was too busy keeping everyone at bay to let you in. It wasn't personal, it's just how she is. You might find it easier to get to know her now if you two assholes would try talking." Mick said snidely.

"She won't talk to me." I sighed.

"You blame her Corey? I heard about what went on." Sid said. I felt my face get red slightly.

"Oh really? Now she runs and tells everyone everything?" I said smugly. Sid just grinned.

"Nope. She didn't have to. I just knew what happened when I asked her why she took off that night." Sid shot back. "She didn't say it in so many words. Asshole." He glared at me.

"Better of been Corey held her hand and she didn't like it." Mick glared. I flipped him off.

"There are a lot of things that will shock you about her Corey. About the most you know is she was grieving her sister and doesn't let people in, am I right?" Jim asked. I nodded. "Did ya ever try asking her anything that was actually about her? Like what she was like when she was younger, hell, her favorite color even?"

"No." I sighed.

"And you wonder why she won't talk to your ass." Joey mumbled.

"Thanks for the support guys." I said sarcastically. All of them smirked at me like it was funny. Dickheads. My jaw dropped when she walked out. Holy. Shit. She had on these tight jeans that hugged every part of her amazing figure, a bright red halter top that tied around the back of her neck, and high heeled shoes that matched her shirt. She looked so fucking hot. All of us are staring, and this includes Jim and Mick too. She grinned at us, picking up her bag. She was digging around for something when she noticed we were all staring.

"Fuck off." She told us. We chuckled at her as she sent a text to someone.

"You should wear a coat Skye." Mick told her. She glared at him. "A flannel?" He asked. She flipped him off.

"A sweater?" Jim offered.

"What the fuck? Do I look slutty in this or something?" She asked them. They were quick with shaking their heads and telling her no.

"Jesus you guys." Craig muttered. "Skye, you look beautiful. Was that so hard you dumbfucks?" He asked us. All of us jerked our heads in his direction, clearly shocked by him.

"You look really nice." Sid told her. She smiled. "Where ya going?" He asked her.

"Dinner." She said. Sid eyed her up more.

"Kinda dressed up for dinner." Joey grinned. She looked down a little, then up at us.

"Rich hasn't been to Reva's grave since she died. We're going there after we eat." She said quietly. Wait, what?

"What the fuck?" I blurted out, confused. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Rich was Reva's best friend." She explained. We all looked at each other surprised except for Jim and Mick.

"Sorry Blue. They didn't know that." Jim grinned.

"Hey kid! Lars called, said he will see you in a few weeks." Mick told her. She smiled and nodded. Lars who? She's never mentioned anyone by that name.

"Good. We haven't talked in a while." She said as there was knock on the door. She opened the door and smiled. "Hey!" She said letting Rich in. I'm not one for guys wearing polo shirts, but this fucking asshole can pull it off. Fuck you, Rich and all your bullshit. I took a deep breath, watching him smile at her.

"Hey! You look great." He smiled. I may vomit. Like puke on purpose in front of them. Fuck! Rich shook hands with Mick and Jim. Oh good, they like him. Assholes.

"Good to see you guys. Wow. Got the whole band here. Nice." Rich grinned as he looked at us.

"Yeah, just hanging out is all." Jim grinned. Skye felt uncomfortable, it's all over her face.

"Ready?" She asked Rich. He smiled and nodded.

"Nice seein ya again. Don't let her be an asshole too much." Mick laughed.

"Pretty sure that's a lost cause." Rich grinned. The guys chuckled except for me. I can't stop mean mugging this shithead. They waved and walked out the door. Everyone turned and smirked at me.

"Fuck off guys." I grumbled.

"They're kinda cute together." Joey smiled.

"Eat a dick, Joe." I growled. Jim and Mick looked at each other and laughed.

"Should we tell Corey now or let him stew about it some more?" Mick grinned.

"Not sure. I guess that would depend on him getting his head out his ass. Are you going to make a real effort this time Corey?" Jim asked me.

"She won't talk to me. What am I supposed to do?" I asked them.

"Christ, man. Make her talk to you. Don't give her an option. Fucking hell. Try talking to her about her. Not you. Her. Get to know her." Jim said exasperated. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Her and Rich are just friends. He's married with like three kids or some shit. His wife was going with them." Jim smiled. I felt relieved, but I want to punch him in the throat.

"You asshole!" I yelled. They are all laughing and enjoying this way too much.

"Corey, get your shit together man. For real." Chris told me. He's right. But how do I get her to even talk to me? I sat there thinking while they all talked and mulled over a lot of things. I know if I don't do something now, she will totally write me off.

I sat outside later that night waiting for her. It was close to midnight when a car pulled up. I was smoking a cigarette on the steps and watched her give hugs to Rich and his wife. She saw me as she walked quickly up the sidewalk. I stood up and she looked up at me.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey." She said. She glanced around me, and went to move past me.

"Can we please talk?" I asked. She crossed her arms, rubbing them. I saw her shiver slightly and took off my flannel, handing it to her. She paused for a moment then took it from me, putting it on.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked quietly.

"What we had before, when we were together, neither of us were in a spot to be in a real relationship. But I think we've both changed alot lately, don't you?" I asked.

"You mean I'm not a charity case anymore." She stated. I shook my head.

"You never were, Skye. I never got the chance to know the real you and I'm sorry I didn't. That was my own fault. I want to know you. The real you. I miss you so goddamn much. I hate how things are between us right now. Will you give me a chance to know the real you?" I asked her. She sighed and looked down.

"Why now? Because I'm going out and doing things on my own, is that it?" She asked.

"No. Because I think now you're ready to let someone know you." I told her. She looked at me.

"What do you want to know?" She asked. I felt my heart jump in my chest.

"Will you sit and talk with me for a while?" I asked hopefully.

"Um. Ok, I guess." She said hesitantly. I smiled and she sat next to me on the steps but kept her distance from me.

"How come you never mentioned knowing Rich?" I grinned. She laughed hard.

"Oh jesus. Because it wasn't a big deal. He's just a guy who can kick the shit out of people and that crazy fucker can take a hit." She smiled. I laughed and nodded.

"He's just always been Rich Franklin to me. I've known him since him and Reva went to high school together. He went on to be a teacher for a while, then got into the UFC. I stopped and saw him one night, and he talked me into taking mixed martial arts again." She said.

"Again?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"It was a long time ago that I had taken those classes. It was about the time he made it big in the UFC that I had quit because it wasn't fun if he wasn't teaching it." She grinned. I smiled at her.

"How was tonight? Is he doing ok with going there?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"No. Him and his wife hadn't heard the whole story, and they found it all out tonight. They were devastated. Rich blamed himself for not being there no matter how much his wife and I assured him it wasn't his fault. It was really hard for all of us." She said quietly. I nodded and held my hand out to her. She looked at it, then at me before she took it. I felt instantly relaxed when I felt her touch.

"I'm sorry. Are you doing ok?" I asked her.

"Um, kinda. I'm trying to do what she asked me to do in the letter and be happy. It's not easy." She said. I ran my thumb over the back of her hand gently.

"No, it's not easy. But it gets better over time. You have changed so much in the last year that I've known you. I don't know if you see that or not, but you have. You're getting there." I said quietly. She nodded as we sat quietly for a few minutes.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked randomly. She looked at me laughed.

"Um, purple." She smiled.

"A certain shade of purple, or just purple?" I asked. She giggled hard at me, making me smile more at her.

"Like the color of lilacs, a lighter purple." She grinned. "What about you?" She asked.

"Red. Any shade of it." I grinned. I looked down at our hands and rubbed my thumb over the top of her hand again. "Do...do you want to come over tonight?" I asked nervously. She sat thinking it over for a minute then looked at me.

"I do, but I don't know if I should." She said quietly. My heart sank hearing this. I could hear those guys all being loud inside and she sighed.

"On second thought, I can't listen to this shit all night." She said. I can't get up fast enough. I helped her up and we walked to my car. We got in and drove to my place, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

We got to my place and I let us inside. She groaned and took her heels off. Goddamn I want to see her in nothing but those fucking heels. She tossed them by the door and followed me to the living room. We sat on the couch, keeping a small space between us. I turned to look at her.

"I've missed you so much. I feel like I'm going crazy not being close to you." I said, tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked surprised that I said that to her. "I don't know how you have felt, but I can't stop thinking about you." I said in almost a whisper. I saw tears starting in her eyes. Unable to stop myself, I trailed my fingers gently down the side of her neck.

"I just don't know why you ended it. That's what I'm so hurt over." She said as a tear fell. I took my thumb and gently wiped it away. "I don't understand what I did wrong." She whispered. My heart hurts hearing her say this.

"Baby, you didn't do anything wrong at all. I feel something for you and it scares the shit out of me. I worry you won't feel the same way. That's why I acted like an idiot. But I'm not afraid of how I feel anymore. I love you, and you are the only one I want." I said. She gasped and more tears fell.

"Wait, what did you just say?" She asked. I moved closer to her and pulled her to sit in my lap facing me. She straddled me and stared at me in disbelief.

"Skye, I love you. I have for a long time, baby." I said. Her pale gray eyes went wide, and I leaned forward and laid her on her back. She looks so shocked, and she hasn't said a word.

"I'm sorry for every shitty thing I've ever done to you or said to you. I want to be with you. I need you. Do you realize this?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of her. I hovered over her, half laying on top of her.

"I'm sorry too for the things I've done to you Corey." She whispered. I nodded and leaned down to kiss her lips softly. Oh my God this is what I've needed for so long. Her hand came up and rested gently on the side of my face as I deepened the kiss. She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into her more. I moaned against her lips, feeling her legs wrap around my waist.

"I'm taking you to bed." I said kissing her neck. She locked her legs around me tighter and I pulled her up. I stood up and walked with her wrapped around me. We haven't stopped kissing each other. I leaned her into the wall, kissing her neck.

"Oh my God I want you Corey." She panted as I pulled us away from the wall. Her lips are back on mine as I made it to my room.

"I want you so bad." I panted and laid her back on my bed. I kicked my shoes off while she took of my flannel. I yanked my shirt off and she grabbed the front of my jeans pulling me on top of her. I undid her shirt and slipped it down, groaning when I saw her in a lacy, red strapless bra.

"Goddamn you are beautiful." I whispered, trailing my fingers along the top of the lacy edge.

I bit gently at her nipples through her bra and she gasped. I undid the clasp in the front and sighed happily when I pulled it away from her. I moved my mouth softly over her perky nipples, dragging my tounge as I did. She moaned louder when I sucked gently on them. I'm so fucking hard for her and she has hardly touched me. I rubbed her other nipple softly with my hand and her moans keep getting louder with each touch.

Her hands are working at my pants as I leaned up to kiss her with more force this time. She got them undone and moved to my neck, kissing it and sucking softly. When I felt her hand wrap around me, I about lost it right there.

"Oh goddamn baby." I panted harder as her hand moved faster.

"I want you Corey. Right now." She whispered in my ear. I looked down at her and nodded as she stroked me faster. I can barely think with her doing that. I managed to pull myself away from her and strip the rest of our clothes off. I thrust into her and paused. Everything in my life felt right just then.

She's kissing and nipping at my chest, making me thrust a little harder each time she touches me. She moaned and wrapped around me, moving under me. I moaned, loving everything she does to me.

"I love you." She whispered. I stopped moving and looked down at her, feeling more in love with her. I thrust harder, feeling her tense around me.

"Say it again." I panted, feeling things heat up at a faster rate than they ever have.

"I love you Corey." She moaned. I'm about to lose it and I am trying to control myself. She moved harder into me and I know she needs more from me. I thrust harder and she moaned, her nails digging into my back.

"I love you baby." I panted and kept thrusting harder and faster. I felt her shudder once and tense more around me.

"Corey." She moaned. Her eyes rolled back as they closed and I felt her clamp down on me hard. I gasped and moved harder into her.

"Shit." I grunted out and felt my body tense hard and released. I shuddered and laid on top of her, kissing and holding her. "I love you." I said between kisses. She smiled and nodded.

"I love you too." She said. I moved off of her and held her as close as I can to me. I laid holding her, feeling her curl against me. She fell asleep quickly, while I laid next to her, taking in every beautiful feature about her.

One thing I do know about Skye is that anytime she's had to deal with anything about her sister, whether it is a good or bad memory, she has the most horrible nightmares you can think of. She will wake up either crying or shaking. So when she woke up tonight screaming at the top of her lungs, I was slightly surprised.

She sat up screaming, scaring the hell out of me. I bolted upright in the bed and turned to her. She was inconsolable. I've never seen her this bad before. I reached out to hold her and she cowered away from me, curling in a ball on the bed. Her hands went to her face as if she was waiting for the blow to her face. She was still crying and screaming, and I can't understand what she is saying or trying to say.

"Skye? It's just me babe. It's just me and you here, no one else." I tried to say calmly. She stopped scream but was still crying hard. "Skye? Skye, it's just Corey babe." I said gently. I'm worried, like really worried and I'm about to call Jim or Mick. I reached out and lightly touched her arm. She flinched and sobbed.

"Babe? I'm not going to hurt you. Come here, I've got you." I whispered. This time I gently pulled her closer to me. She dropped her hands and looked at me.

"I'm.I-." I shook my head at her.

"You don't have to say anything." I said. I held her against my chest, hearing her calm down. I held her close and whispered that she was ok. I can feel her heart rate slowing down more, and her body is relaxing. She suddenly moved back from me and sat up. She wiped her eyes but wouldn't look at me.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"Um, no. It's just the same dream I always have. The bedroom." She said.

"I've never seen you like this. Is this because of talking to Rich?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, I don't think so. I don't really know why. I didn't mean to come undone like that." She told me.

"Did something else happen that night that you never told anyone before?" I asked gently.

"No." She said quickly. Her voice was a different pitch than normal.

"You can tell me. It's ok if you do." I tried to coax out of her. She shook her head venomously at me. "Skye? You have to trust me some if we're going to have a relationship. It's kind of how it works babe." I said that as nice as I possibly could. Her head snapped up at me.

"So you think I'm lying to you?" She asked defensively.

"I never said that Skye. I just think there may be something you are holding on to and are afraid to share it with anyone. You can tell me anything." I said carefully.

"It's nothing. Can you please drop it?" She asked. I don't want to fight with her but I can't take her shutting me out all the time.

"I'm not doing this to be mean. I know you probably think I am, but I'm not. This is about you talking to me and telling me what's wrong and we deal with it." I said, almost begging her to understand.

"Corey, I can't right now." She said nervously.

"Then when can you?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I can leave if you want." She said as she scrambled to grab her clothes. I grinned and grabbed her arm gently.

"Skye, I don't want you to go. Can you maybe give me a timeline of when we can try and talk about it?" I asked. She is thinking it over in her head.

"A month maybe? I want to Corey, I do. I'm trying to learn how to be happy again. It's not easy." She said. I grinned a little at her and nodded. She didn't tell me no, and I can accept that for now.

"Ok. I can live with that for now. Come back to bed." I said, pulling her back with me. She laid her head on my chest and ran my fingers through her hair, both of us drifting off to sleep.

We got back to Jim's house the next morning and headed inside. She grinned at Jim and Mick, then waved to Sid and Joey.

"Hold it!" Mick called out as we went to walk past them. We both slowly turned around, watching them eye us up. "What the hell have you been doing all night? Jesus Skye. We were worried. You have a fucking phone." Mick grumbled.

"We were having sex Mick." She said plainly.

My eyes got big and my jaw about hit the ground. My face had to look like all the rest of them. Jim, Sid, and Joey are about on the ground laughing hard. Mick is in a state of shock.

"What in the fuck!?" Mick asked laughing hard. I looked at her and she shrugged, heading to her room. "What the fuck just happened? Skye! Nice to have ya back!" Mick laughed. I felt relieved until Mick glared at me.

"Cut it out man." I sighed.

"Don't fuck it up this time." Mick told me. I sat down on the couch.

"You been to see Paul?" Jim asked me.

"The other day I did. He looks better, alot better. They said he may get out in a few weeks." I told them.

"Think he can do it this time?" Joey asked.

"It's up to him. We can't make him stop." Sid said. We all nodded. We spent the next hour talking about new songs for an album. Skye had walked past us once, and she didn't come back. I was wrapped up in talking about music that I wasn't sure how long she had been gone. Then I heard something that made all of us stop talking and listen. I heard drums being played from Jim's garage.

"Someone get in the garage?" Sid asked.

"They're pretty fucking good." Joey muttered. Jim just grinned. Joey was right, they could play the drums.

"Go see." Mick laughed. We all got up and I opened the door to the garage and gaped at what I saw. Skye was the one playing them. I know nothing about this girl. How could I not ask about her life before she met me? I stood watching her in complete awe. She grinned at us when she finished.

"Holy fuck Skye! You trying to take my place in the band?" Joey asked her. She smiled and set down the drumsticks.

"Why? You scared I will Joey?" She grinned as she stood up. She walked over to us and Joey laughed hugging her.

"Fucking amazing. When did you learn to play?" I asked her. I can't wipe the smile off my face.

"I started in sixth grade. I haven't played in a while. I'm rusty." She grinned at me.

"Uh huh. Someone is preparing for when they see Lars." Mick laughed heading inside. I looked at Sid and Joey, then at her and Jim.

"You gotta stop fucking with them all the time Blue." Jim laughed as we walked inside.

"I can't take it. Who the fuck is Lars?" Sid demanded.

"Ulrich." Skye said as she flipped through some mail. I took the mail out of her hand and pulled her to the couch. We stared at her.

"Like Lars Ulrich from Metallica?" I asked.

"Duh!" She grinned at us.

"What in the actual fuck!" Joey laughed. "How did that one happen?"

"Jim introduced us years ago at a concert. We talked about playing the drums. He took my number, I never thought he would call. He called, we talked. We've hung out some over the years. That cover it?" She asked. Mick and Jim are laughing like two kids at us. The three of us are staring at her in shock.

"What? You guys know him. Am I not allowed to or something?" She grinned.

"Anyone else that you know that we may know?" I asked.

"Oh this should be good." Mick smiled.

"Jonathan Davis, Dave Grohl, Randy Blythe. Am I missing anyone?" She asked Mick.

"Marilyn." Jim chimed in.

"Marilyn Manson." She finished.

"How many fucking concerts did you go to?" Sid grinned. She smiled and looked at Mick and Jim.

"That was all the three of us did for a few years. We took Blue with." Jim shrugged. I can't wrap my head around this. She has never once mentioned anything about any of that.

"What other hidden talents do you have?" Joey grinned.

"Uh, I can skateboard. At least I think I still can. Not sure it's been years." She said. Sid is pulling her off the couch.

"We are finding out right now." Sid pulled her outside as she laughed.

"Holy shit." I said.

"We told ya. There's a lot none of you knew. It was nice to hear her play the drums again. Gave you a run for your money Joe." Jim grinned.

"Why do you call her Blue?" I asked.

"Go ask her." Mick laughed. We got up and I saw her skating down the street on Sid's skateboard. Damn. I may have to take her back to my house because seeing and hearing all this has turned me on a lot.

"Skye! Why does Jim call you Blue?" I called out. She stopped and laughed.

"You really don't know?" She called back. I grinned and shook my head. "It's my middle name." She called back and took off again. We are dying laughing.

"No fucking way!" I yelled.

"Yes fucking way!" She laughed, skating up the drive way. "My parents were weird." She grinned. She handed Sid his board back and he laughed, kissing her cheek.

The door suddenly flew open and Chopper came flying out. This fucking dog won't listen for shit when he gets out. He will run and loves you to chase him.

"Fuck!" Jim yelled.

"Chopper! Sit!" Skye demanded. That fucking dog stopped, then sat down and stared at her. "He doesn't see you as the pack leader Jim. Be the Alpha." She grinned. Jim glared at her.

"You fucking asshole." Jim laughed to her. She giggled and nodded.

I watched her laughing and talking with everyone that day and into the night. I love this girl so much. Seeing her happy is awesome. She still gets scared or nervous around loud noises or if people yell. I don't think that will ever go away, and that's ok. After something so traumatic like what she has been through, I don't know how she would be ok.

I wanted to take her out tonight. We have never really gone on a date before, and we should have done this months ago. I told her I was taking her out and to wear something like she had on last night. I sat waiting impatiently, but when I saw her it was so worth the wait.

She looks hotter than last night if that is possible. She had on these tight jeans, and spaghetti strap black cami tank top. She wore fire engine red high heels. She recently dyed her hair back to it's natural light brown, with some lighter blonde highlights. Her lips almost matched her shoes, but the shade of the lipstick she chose looked amazing. Almost like she was born to wear it.

I was so glad everyone was gone. I was practically on top of her, kissing her and running my hands under her shirt. She moaned and kissed me harder. I pressed my head against her shoulder and took a deep breath.

"You look beautiful. Goddamn, we have to leave now or I am stripping you down to nothing but those heels." I whispered in her ear.

"Promise?" She asked, undoing my belt. Oh fuck. Her hand was inside my boxers and I gasped.

"Mmm. Fuck!" I growled, unable to move my head from her shoulder. I held on to her waist, feeling her shove my pants over my hips. "Goddamn Skye." I panted. I need her right fucking now. I undid her pants, shoving them off of her. My hand went between her legs, loving how wet she is for me. I moved and stripped her pants off of her, making her put those fucking heels back on.

"You were serious." She whispered as I lifted her up. I backed her against the wall and thrust into her hard.

"Fuck yes I was." I panted, moving hard and fast into her. "I wanted you just like this when I saw you last night." I growled out to her. She moaned and bit my neck.

"Yeah? I was hoping you would." She groaned, holding on to me tighter. I moved us to the floor, putting her leg over my shoulder. I bit at the inside of her leg.

"You are so wet for me. You love what I do to you." I panted, lifting her shirt up. I pushed her bra out of the way and ran my tounge over her nipple. I sucked on it hard and she tensed. "You like that baby?" I panted.

"God, don't stop Corey." She moaned. I moved her leg down, feeling her lock her legs around me tightly. I thrust into her hard and she arched, moaning louder.

"You want it harder? Tell me." I panted. She pulled me into her harder and I moaned, knowing it's a matter of seconds for both of us.

"Harder." She panted. She gripped my back hard, as I kept thrust even harder into her. "Shit." She whispered.

I felt her tighten on me hard, making me lose every bit of control I had. I felt myself shaking as I came undone right then. I leaned over her and kissed her slowly.

"I'm starving." I grinned at her. She giggled and nodded. We got up and fixed our clothes. She went to the bathroom and fixed her hair, while I stood behind her making sure I had all the lipstick off of me.

Once we were done, we went out to eat at a nice restaurant. We had a great time together. We laughed and learned more about each other. No one bothered us either, which made it even better.

I took her back to my house and we laid on the couch together, talking and kissing. I don't want to ever leave here again. If it was just the two of us in my house for the rest of our lives, I would die happy. Her phone rang, pulling us back to reality.

"Hello?" She answered. "Hey Paul! How are you?" She smiled, looking at me. I grinned at her. Paul has helped her come around a lot. I think all of us have in one way or another. 

"I'm good. Really? You're serious? I'm glad. We miss you so much. Ok. Yeah. Uh huh. We'll see you then. Love you too Paulie. Bye." She said hanging up. She looked at me and smiled.

"They are letting him out tomorrow." She grinned. I grinned a little and nodded. "What is it Corey?" She asked. I sat up and looked at her.

"Babe, this has happened a few times before. I just hope he stays sober this time. Don't get upset if he can't. It's an illness, and he's fighting like hell to get better. I just want you to understand this." I told her. She nodded sadly.

"I know. I watched my dad go through the same thing." She said.

"He did?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. It took him a few times, but he finally did it. Him and my mom moved to Utah after Reva died. They couldn't stay here." She said quietly.

"So you were really alone after she died, weren't you?" I asked. She nodded. "Jesus, babe. You should of let Mick and Jim come back. I know you did what you had to, but, it just breaks my heart knowing you were so alone." I told her.

"I know. But I'm not anymore." She said. I grinned and kissed her. 

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