Untitled Part 4

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"Skye!" I heard from far away. I'm too tired to look. I feel hands on me.

"Come on kitten, wake up." I heard. I felt warm again and I was being moved.

"I got her." Corey said.

"Get her in the car!" I heard Jim yell. I felt warm blankets being laid on me and I was moving again. I groaned and my eyes fluttered open.

"Hey you. Stay awake for me." Corey grinned. He was holding me and I leaned into his chest. "No hospitals man. They'll treat her like shit." Corey said.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I felt him hug me tighter and kiss my head.

"Save your sorry kitten. I need you to kick my ass later." He whispered. I don't remember anything else after that.

I'm being lifted again, but I'm warm and not shaking. I hear water running. Someone set me down. My eyes opened as I looked around and saw I was in Jim's bathroom. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. Then I saw who was with me. Corey, Mick, Jim, and Paul are all in the bathroom with me. Paul is trying to pull my shirt over my head.

"What the fuck! I'm not fucking you Paul!" I yelled. They all burst out laughing. I swatted at Paul's hands. He's laughing so hard as he hugged me.

"She's back!" Jim yelled happily.

"I wasn't dead for fucksake!" I yelled at them. I went to turn over and stand, but Paul held me in place.

"You need to warm up. That means a shower, ok?" Paul said.

"Fine. I'm not undressing in front of all of you." I said. They quickly turned around as I slid my clothes off. My legs didn't feel very sturdy. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and sighed. "Can someone help me up." I asked. My skin feels ice cold still.

"Can I look?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. That's why I asked shithead." I snapped. I heard them laugh, and laughter from outside the bathroom. Corey grinned, turning around. He helped me up and into the shower. I shut the shower door and sat on the floor.

"Um, you ok?" Corey asked.

"Fucking dandy." I snapped at him.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" I heard Corey ask them

"Fuck off Corey." I said when the door shut. I heard him sigh as I sat on the shower floor. My legs are starting to feel warm again, along with the rest of me. The steam from the shower feels heavenly on my skin.

"I'm so sorry Skye. I had no right to say that at all." He said. I sat not saying a word. "I'm trying not to drink, I'm having mood swings. I know this doesn't make it right, I know that." He said quietly.

"It was shitty to say you dick!" I yelled.

"I know. I know it was. I'm so fucking sorry. " He said. "Can I be honest about something?"

"Why the fuck not? Wanna tell me I'm a whore too?" I asked.

"Holy shit. No. That isn't what I want to say at all. I was beyond jealous when you two came out. I thought you guys got together and it pissed me off." He muttered. I sat in shock. I didn't think he liked me like that. I thought anytime he held on to me too long, or kissed me close to my mouth, was his way of fucking with me.

"I'm so fucking sorry Skye." He whispered.

I was warm now, and shut the water off. I saw a towel come over the top of the shower at me. I grabbed it and dried off, then pulled it around me. I opened the door and his jaw dropped. This is deja vu all over again. I noticed his chest was almost heaving. Jesus christ, I'm not Heidi Klum. I looked at him and glared.

"Goddamn you're beautiful." He whispered.

"Are you high?" I asked. He shook his head at me.

"No. Totally sober and I'm glad I am too." He whispered. I felt my face get red and looked away. I sighed and found a brush for my hair.

"Jesus, Skye." He whispered. I turned and stalked towards him.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again. I will knock your teeth out." I snapped. He nodded, his eyes on mine. "That's the last time you pull some stupid shit on me."

"I know. I'm so sorry. I will make it up to you somehow." He whispered. I went to turn away and his arm snaked around my waist. I looked up at him with my hands on his chest. I jerked away from him, hearing him sigh.

"I never should of said that. I feel terrible about it." Corey said as he looked at me.

"Not half as terrible as I do." I said coldly.

He looked at the ground and nodded. The door flew open and Mick gave Corey a look that told him to get out of the bathroom. Corey looked at me one last time, then left the bathroom. Mick shut the door, only for it to fly open again. Jim handed me some of my clothes I keep at his house. I stared at them.

"Yeah, so are we gonna make this shit weird? You two wanna watch me change?" I asked them. They are seriously thinking about this.

"Uh, we can turn around." Jim said, forcing Mick to turn around. I cannot believe this. About the only one I haven't changed in front of today is Chris, Shawn, and Craig. I pulled on some yoga pants and a t-shirt, then zipped up the Slipknot hoodie.

"Done." I said. They turned back around. I went to walk out of the bathroom and both of them stopped me.

"Nope. You tell us what happened that night Skye. We won't leave the bathroom until you do. Enough is enough." Jim said sternly. I narrowed my eyes at them and turned to the window, unlocking it. "For fucksake. Seriously Skye?" Jim laughed. "Ok. It's a long way down Blue."

It was then that I remembered we are on the second floor and it's a straight shot down to the ground. I sighed and turned back to them.

"Done being Captain Asshole?" Mick grinned.

"I don't want to talk about this shit!" I yelled. Both of them jumped and looked at each other surprised. "I was fucking there that night! I saw all of it! Happy now?!" I yelled. Mick cover his mouth with his hand. Jim looked like I kicked him in the nuts.

"What?" Jim whispered.

"You....you saw all of it?" Mick barely got out.

"Yes! I watched him take her down like she was fucking nothing!" I screamed. "He hit her like she was a fucking man! Then he turned on me and did the same thing!" I screamed and sobbed at the same time.

"He shot her in the fucking face while she stood next to me, then I watched him blow his fucking head off!" I sobbed, sinking to the ground in a heap. I curled against the wall and sobbed harder and harder, hearing a scream that erupted from my throat.

"Shhh. Come here Skye." Jim whispered. He pulled me away from the wall and picked me up. I held on to his neck and buried my face in his chest. I heard the door open and the sounds of feet shuffling out of the way. Jim set me down on a bed and I held on to him, terrified of letting go.

"Skye? Take a few drinks of this. It'll help calm you down." Sid said softly. I glanced at the cup in front of me and took it. I took a swig and felt it burn my throat. I don't even know what drink he made, but I took three more large drinks of it. Sid took it back from me and I leaned into Jim.

"Now you know. Now all of you know." I whispered, hot tears falling again.

"Thank you Skye. I'm so sorry. I am." Jim said. I nodded and held on to him. My eyes were growing heavy, and I know I will fall asleep soon even if I don't want to. Jim stroked my hair gently, making it impossible to keep my eyes open.

"Get some sleep. We aren't going anywhere." Jim whispered. I couldn't fight it anymore. Tonight has been so emotionally draining on me. As I drifted in and out of sleep I heard conversations around me.

"Holy shit man. She saw all of that?" Mick whispered.

"That's why she cut us off man. She can't deal with it. You blame her?" Jim asked.

"No. Not at all." Mick sighed.

"Is she gonna pull through this?" Paul whispered.

"Yeah, she's tough. It's gonna take a while." Jim whispered.

"Then she takes all the time she needs." Corey whispered.

"Stop being a dick to her Corey. That was fucked up man." Sid hissed. I felt myself being lowered down on to a pillow. I grabbed at a hand, not letting go.

"I'll stay. You know that." Sid whispered. "I got her. Get some rest guys. She needs it too." Sid told them. I shivered and felt a blanket pulled over me. Someone kissed the top of my head.

"See you in the morning kitten." Corey whispered. Sid moved in behind me and held on to me tight.

"I'm so glad you're ok. Get some rest." Sid whispered.

I woke the next day, confused and disoriented. It took me a few minutes to realize I was at Jim's house. I looked next to me and saw Paul grin at me.

"Hey girl. How are ya feeling?" He asked.

"Tired. Like worn out and exhausted." I told him.

"Lay back down then. Sid went home to shower and change, so did most of the other guys. Well, except Corey who is refusing to leave." Paul said.

"Why? I'm pissed at him. I don't care if he leaves." I said.

"He knows that too. It doesn't seem to matter. I'll make him go home in a bit." He grinned. I laid down and looked at him. "You scared the shit out of all of us last night. We thought we were too late Skye."

"I'm so sorry. Yesterday was really fucked up. I just lost it I guess. I didn't mean to scare anyone or do anything stupid. It all just became too much at once." I told him.

"I understand. I really do. Just come talk to me if you're feeling really bad. Please?" Paul begged. I smiled and nodded.

"Ok. I will." I told him.

"I'm really sorry about everything you went through, and what happened to your sister. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I can try." He said quietly. I leaned over and hugged him. The door opened and I turned, laying my head on Paul's chest. I saw Corey standing there with a mug.

"Um, thought you might want coffee." He said awkwardly. Paul grinned and got up.

"Talk it out without being assholes to each other." Paul told us and closed the door. Corey handed me the mug and I took it.

"Thanks." I muttered. He sat at the end of the bed and sighed.

"I fucked up bad yesterday. It's my fault you took off." He told me. He turned to look at me. I took a drink of coffee and set the mug on the nightstand.

"This may be really hard for you to understand, but not everything is about you Corey." I told him. He shot me a look, irritated with me.

"No shit it's not Skye." He said hotly.

"It wasn't your fault so get over that shit." I told him. I moved the covers and got out of bed. I headed to the dresser and found some more of my clothes I've left here.

"If it's not my fault, then I sure as hell didn't help anything." He said. I closed the drawer and looked at him.

"Not the first time someone's called me a whore." I shot back.

"I didn't call you that." He said exasperated.

"Not in so many words you didn't. Yes, Sid and I sat in the shower with towels wrapped around us. Happy now?" I snapped. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"For real?" He laughed. I crossed my arms and sighed.

"Not sure if you think I fuck everyone who looks at me, but no we didn't have sex in the shower, just like we've never had sex. For fucksake." I said annoyed.

"Why the hell did you two take a shower together?" He asked, confused. Why is he so focused on this?

"I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else. Neither does Sid." I said. I opened another drawer and dug around for my toothbrush, finally finding it. I have everything over here, makeup, clothes, dental hygiene, hair dye, nail polish, you name it and it's probably here.

"No I guess you guys don't. Sorry." He muttered.

"Besides, you all got your answers about my life last night. That's enough sharing for me for a while." I said walking to the door.

"Skye, come on. Please?" I heard him behind me.

"What do you fucking want from me Corey?" I asked, turning around to look at him.

"Maybe I want to get to know you better." He said. I opened the door.

"No you don't." I muttered and headed to the bathroom.

I got in the shower and sat on the floor letting the water pour over me. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and saw the color was fading again. I grinned and thought about what color to dye it this time. I think I may go with a dark burgundy with blonde highlights. I got up and finished my shower and got dressed. I dug around in the drawer and found the hair colors I needed, then got started.

I have a lot of hair, so two hours later, I was really happy with the outcome. I flat ironed it and smiled. I quickly put on my make up, taking a good look at myself. I had on a pair of black tights with some rips in the knees, a black t-shirt that said 'REJECT' on it, and a flannel over it. I smiled, feeling halfway decent about myself. I headed to the living room, and saw Jim do a double take.

"Holy shit! Blue, ya gotta give me warning when you change your hair color." He grinned. I smiled and hugged him. "Feeling better today?" He asked. I nodded.

"Get your skinny ass over here and eat!" Mick yelled from the dining room. I laughed and headed in to the dining room, hearing forks drop as they all stared at me.

"You look nice." Craig smiled at me. We all looked at him surprised. I smiled at him.

"Thanks." I grinned and grabbed a plate.

"Stop staring you assholes." Mick muttered to them.

I really don't find myself that attractive at all. Maybe it's low self esteem, or maybe I just never worried about it. Either way, I'm not sure what they see exactly other than tits and ass. I got some food and sat next to Sid. He grinned and nudged me. I laughed and ate a little. I wasn't overly hungry.

"You dyed your hair like that on your own?" Corey asked.

"Perks of being a beauty school dropout." I said, avoiding his eyes.

"Really? You know how to cut hair too?" Sid asked. I smiled and nodded. "Can you cut mine and make it look decent?"

"I hope so. I cut Jim and Mick's hair. I think they look good." I said.

"Cool. Help me when we're done eating." Sid said.

"Me too?" Paul smiled.

"Anyone who wants a hair cut can have one." I chuckled.

After we got done eating, I spent the rest of the day giving them all hair cuts. It was like Christmas for these guys. When I got to Corey, I kept the conversation to a minimum.

"You should lay off the hair dye and use some deep conditioner. Your hair is getting really dry and it's breaking." I told him.

"I don't know what any of that means other than don't dye your hair." He grinned.

"Oh sweet jesus. Come on." I said pulling him up. I yanked him in the bathroom and he laughed. "Get your hair wet." I told him. He took his shirt off and turned the water on, wetting his hair down. He shut it off and I grabbed the conditioner, working it into his hair.

"Ok. Give it ten minutes then rinse it out." I told him. He sat up and grinned at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Thank you." He smiled.

"Uh huh. Call me when you're ready." I said going to walk past him. He stepped in front of me.

"Did you want me to kick you in the nuts? Is that why you're standing there?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"I don't know of any guy that wants to be kicked in the nuts." He grinned.

"What, Corey?" I sighed. His expression softened as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry I upset you earlier." He said sincerely.

"I'm fine, but thank you for apologizing." I told him. He nodded and grinned a little.

"Think we can start over?" He asked. I sighed and rubbed my neck.

"You fuck with me one more time and I swear to God I will fucking punch you in the mouth." I glared. His eyes got big and he laughed. "I'm not kidding. If you think I am, then I fucking dare you to try it."

"I know you're not kidding. I'm just surprised is all. Good. Then you can help me rinse this shit out of my hair." He smiled. I laughed and nodded.

When it was time to rinse his hair I studied the many tattoos on his back. I wanted to trace them with my fingers for some odd reason. Ignoring the thought, I finished rinsing his hair and grabbed a towel, drying his hair. I combed it out and finished trimming it, then used a hair dryer to dry it. It felt and looked so much better.

"Damn. That shit really works. Feels different even." He grinned at me.

"No more hair dye for a while." I grinned.

"But it's fun." He pouted.

"No more do it yourself hair dyes. Let me do it if you really want to dye it." I grinned putting my stuff away.

"I'm holding you to that." He smiled. "Where the hell is my shirt?"

"Bathroom." I told him.

"Oh yeah. Thanks." He said standing up. "How come Mick and Jim didn't bring you around before?" He asked.

"I didn't want to. They offered a lot, but I also knew how shit was with the first album you guys put out and all the shit you all went through. It just never felt like the right time. Didn't have a choice when you showed up on my doorstep, did I?" I grinned.

"Nope. Plus it was almost like you challenged me to find you. I knew they would tell me where you lived. I wasn't sure you'd let me in." He laughed.

"You took my coffee and walked inside my house." I smiled.

"Yeah, but you loved it." He smirked. I smirked and flipped him off. "You offering?" He grinned.

"Nope." I smirked and turned away from him. I put the rest of my supplies in the drawer and turned to find him standing right in front of me. I grinned a little and went to walk past him. He put his arm out and stopped me.

"Stop avoiding me." He whispered, leaning into me. I gasped quietly, feeling myself pressed against him and the dresser.

"I'm not. It's called personal space." I informed him. He leaned down to my ear.

"That I'm invading. I'm pretty sure you love it too." He whispered his lips brushing over my ear lightly.

"I'm not sure what I feel Corey." I whispered.

"I think you do." He said quietly, brushing his lips very lightly over my neck. My eyes closed instantly. He leaned up and looked down at me. "Stop avoiding it." He said softly.

"Skye?" I heard Jim yell. We both jumped and moved away from each other. "Wanna go to the bar with us?"

"Nah. I'm gonna head home." I called out. Corey looked at me as Jim walked in.

"You sure? I don't wanna leave you alone." Jim said worried.

"I'll hang out with her." Corey said. Jim and I both looked at him.

"I'm not fucking kidding Corey. You better-" I stopped Jim.

"He's fine. We talked, it's really ok. I'll take Chopper out before I leave." I told Jim.

"You sure?" Jim asked. I smiled and nodded. "Call me if you need anything. Don't fuck this up Corey." Jim said. I hugged him and he grinned, walking out. I heard them all leave and saw Corey walk in with his shirt on.

"You don't have to hang out with me. I'm seriously fine." I told him.

"Nice try, and yes I do. I told Jim I would, and I'm not going back on that." He said seriously.

I grinned and shook my head. I headed out to the living room and called to Chopper, letting him out back. I stood waiting for him. He finally came back in and I leaned down to pet him. He ran off as I locked the back door. I walked into the living room and realized I didn't have a jacket with me. I started digging through the hall closet.

"Here. Wear this." I heard Corey say behind me. I turned around and he handed me a Slipknot hoodie.

"Thank you." I said, taking it from him. We headed outside to his car and got in. Jim lives about ten minutes from me, and I have a certain route I take coming over and leaving. Yes, it sounds dumb, but if I don't take that route, I drive past where my sister used to live. Corey started going the way I refuse to go.

"Can you please go a different way?" I whispered. He glanced at me, the panic is rising through me quickly. He pulled over and turned to look at me.

"Will you at least tell me why?" He asked quietly.

"If you go this way, we go past Reva's house." I said quickly. His face fell and he nodded.

"Alright, that's fine. I'll turn around. I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said. I reached over and squeezed his hand, feeling him tense then quickly relax.

"Don't apologize for that." I said, looking at him. He gave me a soft smile and turned the car around, going the way I normally do. We drove in silence for a few minutes.

"Skye? When we found you last night, were you trying to.." He trailed off.

"No. I just missed her so much and that was the only way I could be close to her. I haven't been to see her in months. I used to go every day." I said. Something hit me just then and I turned to him. "Did you guys still have your show last night?" I asked worried.

"Yeah if you wanna call it that. None of us wanted to play. We honestly got through it as quick as we could and left. By then we figured out where you probably were." He sighed.

"I would of felt terrible if you missed it because I was being stupid." I told him. He parked in my driveway and we got out. I let us inside and he turned to me.

"You weren't being stupid. You wanted to be near someone who meant everything to you. Just take a coat next time." He grinned a little. I nodded, heading for my living room. I paused at the new lamp sitting where the old one had been. I looked at him and he grinned.

"A pink lamp?" I grinned. He laughed and nodded.

"You needed some color in here. Beige and black is depressing as shit. I figured pink would brighten it up a little." He laughed. I walked over and hugged him.

"Thank you." I said. He held on to me tight then leaned back to look at me.

"It's the least I could do, and I was the one who broke it." He grinned. I giggled and took my jacket off. I sat on the couch and he looked at me.

"This is bugging the fuck out of me and I'm going to ask. Don't get all pissed about it." He grinned at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why the fuck were you and Sid in the shower?" He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jesus fucking christ, Corey." I sighed. He laughed and looked at me. "I was upset after the bonfire out back. He told me to get in the shower and turned around while I got in. I was curled up in a ball on the fucking floor, sobbing my eyes out. He got in with a towel on, and handed me one to cover up with, which I did, then held on to me while I sobbed my eyes out. Fucking hell man." I said exasperated. He chuckled and shook his head.

"That was it?" He asked. I glared at him.

"We aren't fucking for christsake!" I half yelled. He smirked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Don't think you're telling all of it." He taunted.

"We kissed each other to see if we felt anything for the other after we got out of the shower. We didn't. Satisfied now?" I snapped. He smiled big at this.

"Not really, but Jim and Mick will be glad that you just gave the same version as Sid did last night." He laughed.

"Asshole." I muttered. He laughed more and nodded. "You guys seriously grilled him about that?" I asked.

"Shit, more like Jim and Mick did. Christ, it was like two polar bears protecting their cubs." He smiled. I shook my head and sighed. "Hey, they just worry about you is all."

"I know. I love both of them, I really do." I grinned. I remembered I hadn't checked my mail and got up to grab it. I came back and sat on the couch, sifting through it and saw an envelope with familiar handwriting on it. I froze, staring at it.

"What's wrong?" Corey asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing." I said, shuffling my mail around. I tossed it in a pile on the table. He stared at me more.

"What's going on? Money troubles?" He asked.

"No, nothing like that. It's just from someone I met a very long time ago and I don't want to talk to again, yet I get letters from time to time." I sighed.

"Thank you for that cryptic message." He smirked.

"It is an ex that if I never heard from again I would be just fine. We haven't dated in five years, and he just writes to me a few times a year. No idea why. We didn't date long." I said. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Sounds like a stalker." He said. I groaned.

"I don't think so. I think he just....I don't have a clue what he thinks to be honest." I said.

"Uh huh. Where does this dude live?" He asked.

"Far away from Iowa. California." I said.

"How long is not long that you guys dated?" He asked.

"We went on three dates. He was an asshole." I told him.

"Where did you meet this asshole at?" He questioned.

"Are you interrogating me Corey?" I asked.

"Yeah. Where did you meet this asshole at?" He asked again.

"A concert." I replied.

"What concert?" He asked.

"Ok. I'm done." I said annoyed.

"I'm not. What concert?" He asked.

"Lamb of God in Burbank California. Can you stop please?" I asked. He eyed me up, and I know he's not done yet.

"No. I want to know why some guy who you went on three dates with five years ago writes you still." He said. Now I'm getting pissed.

"Drop it Corey." I said sternly.

"Skye? This is the problem. You don't talk about shit. Then it all builds up and you explode. This is part of life." He explained.

"I'm a private person Corey. I didn't tell Jim or Mick shit about me for almost the first year I knew them." I told him.

"So try something different. Try less than a year." He said.

"Can we just leave it alone?" I asked, my anger is building so fast and I don't want to snap on him.

"No Skye. Listen, none of us are leaving you alone to fester in everything anymore. None of us are going away." He said quietly.

"I'm nothing special! What is it with you guys?!" I yelled and stood up. He stood in front of me and closed in on my personal space again. I backed up a little, wanting to keep some space between us. He wasn't having it and moved in more on me again.

"That's where you're wrong. We all care about you alot. You mean alot to each of us. You're gonna have to deal with it." He said quietly.

I'm really irritated with him. This dude doesn't let up on fucking anything and it drives me insane! I threw my hands up in the air at him, frustrated. I growled and went to walk past him. He snatched me up at the waist and pulled me against him hard.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I shrieked. He smirked at me.

"Not letting you avoid me like you enjoy doing." He grinned. I pushed on his wrists which made him hold on to me tighter. My body is pressed against his.

"I'm not. I'm getting pissed because I asked you to drop it." I snarled. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Good. Get pissed at me. At least your feeling something then." He grinned.

"Let go!" I yelled. He shook his head, the humor had left his eyes.

"No. Just talk to me Skye." He said quietly. I'm so irritated and still emotional that I started crying. "Or cry if you need to. Jesus, just let it out kitten." He whispered.

He held me to his chest tight. I was defeated and too exhausted mentally to fight him. I held on to him and sobbed. Corey backed us up to the couch and made me sit with him, but didn't let go of me. I leaned on his chest and sobbed, but I didn't really know why. It just came out of nowhere.

"Skye? What happened that night?" Corey asked gently.

"I told you guys." I whispered.

"You didn't tell all of it. Why did you go there?" He asked. I sat up and looked at his worried face.

"Reva wanted to leave Gary. He wasn't supposed to come home. He beat her so fucking bad that night. I was helping her get her stuff together and....and he was just there. We didn't hear him come inside even. It was like he knew she was leaving." I choked out.

"Then what happened?" He asked, holding my hands.

"He....he was so angry I was there. He started screaming at us. I can't remember what he said. But he went at Reva and started punching her." I gasped out. I can still hear his fists hitting her face.

"I jumped on his back to stop him. He threw me off of him and my phone flew out of my hands. He crushed it with his foot. Then he beat the shit out of me." I sobbed hard, unsure if he understood me.

"Then what happened?" He asked softly. It almost hurts physically to think about the next part.

"He was just gone for a minute. I got Reva off the floor and was helping he into the the bedroom so we could lock the door. He just kicked it in. I was trying to get the window open and it wouldn't open. I looked back, and Gary had a gun. He pointed it at us and I thought I was dead. Then he pulled the trigger and shot Reva, right in the face. She just fell down. I couldn't scream. I didn't think it was real. Gary pointed the gun at me and I just waited for him to kill me. But he didn't. He put the gun in his mouth and blew his head off in front of me." I am sobbing so hard and cant breathe.

I felt so sick and covered my mouth. I jumped up and ran down the hall to the bathroom, making it just in time. I threw up until there was absolutely nothing left. My head is throbbing, my throat is burning. My tears won't stop.

"Come here Skye." Corey whispered. He pulled me over to him and into his lap. I clung to him like a child would. "Shhh. You're ok now." He whispered to me. I nodded and didn't let go. "Let's get you cleaned up." He said. I reluctantly let go, letting him help me up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. He turned to me.

"Did you want to get a shower or anything?" He asked awkwardly.

I shook my head. He took my hand and led me down to my room. I sat on my bed, letting him take my shoes off.

"Come on, lay back." He said quietly. I laid back and he laid next to me. Unsatisfied, he pulled me on to his chest. I laid listening to his heart beat, calming down.

"Skye? Thank you for telling me. I'm so sorry babe. I really am. You never should of had to see that or be a part of that. Thank you for trusting me enough with this. It means so much to me." He said as he stroked my hair. I nodded, closing my eyes at his touch. I heard him singing quietly, but was too tired to figure out the song. I drifted off to a deep sleep.

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