Jeff: Most Wanted

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Chief Clark pov

I was driving by a house and I heard blood curdling screams. I put my car in park and I jumped out keeping my hand placed firmly on my gun.

I carfully walked in without making a sound. Suddenly two boys, or at least I thought they were but they were masked, come stumbling down the stairs. Their hoodies wear covered in blood.

I pull out my gun and point it at them and they freeze. They both dart for the door hand in hand.

I chase after them and they start to head into the forest. I phone back up as I run after them, their brightly colored hoodies making it easy to keep on heir trail.

They run into an oddly old house and I wait two minutes before backup arrives. "Did you have people check out the scene, I didn't get to look I didn't want to loose them." I say to one of the armed men.

He nods quickly and I hear a voice scream. The words were muffled. It sounded as if it was angry.

We kick the door down and see none other than Jeff.

He's being held by an elf looking boy with black eyes and blood down his face. I tell them to go after Jeff rather than the hooded boys.

Before we know it and elf has grabbed Jeff and ran up the stairs. Four men go after the hooded boys while the rest of up surround the house so Jeff can't escape. I follow them onto the roof.

The ,elf holds Jeff tightly and he pulls out a phone and I quickly shoot the phone. I can't loose him.

"Please let me tell my family I love them before you arrest us" the elf begs. "You can do that in a cell". I say coldly to them.

Jeff finally stands on his own two feet and whispers to the elf and I put my gun to Jeff's head. The elf kisses him hard and we all stare in awe. The elf takes out an iPod and turns it on and before I can shoot it he disapears into it.

The screen says I love you on it and Jeff smiles at the screen. I grab Jeff's wrists and cuff him. "You better start thinkin bout what you want for your last meal". I say harshly to the pale serial killer.

He throws his leg up getting me were the don't shine with a spiked boot. I wail in agony and he jumps off the roof being shot at with every step. He catches a bullet or two but doges most of them. Men run after him but to no avail he escapes.

We call into the station letting our detectives know. Every one tells me to go home after them pat my back. "I can't belive we lost him" I say to my wife Laura "you did your best, at least you know were he lives and now you can track him down." She says wraping her arms around my sore torso.

Jeff's pov

I told ben to go. It wasn't worth risking both our lives. He can get into electronics in seconds if he's alone but it takes longer for him to bring some one with. He kissed me hard and disapeared I to his iPod. He left me a message on the screen.

I kicked the man cuffing me in the balls and I jumped off the roof and as I was falling I pulled my knees up getting my arms in front of me. I doged bullets as I ran and a few hit me but they didn't stop me.

I saw slenders mansion an hour after I lost the cops. I told Ben to go there. I walked in and went to bens old room. He was laying on the ben sleeping. I strip of my bloody clothing and I climbed in next to him holding him close.

His beautiful black and red eyes fluttered open and he hugged me. He dug his fingers into the bullet holes and he pulled a bullet out of my side and he frowned. "I'm fine" I say to him and he stradles me and starts to remove he rest of the bullets from my chest.

He kissed them and cuddled close to me. We slept peacefully.

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