Chapter 43

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- Chapter 43 -

Esme rushes into the war room quickly, then hesitates, looking around and staring at the large map in the centre of the room. The Count closes the door and pushes her forward, beyond the pillars.

"Come. Quick!" He grabbed her hand pulling her out of sight when the door opens, then the Sheriff and Gisborne enter. Esme peeks round the side of the pillar, behind which she and the Count are hiding.

"There should be a guard on that door at all times." The Sheriff grumbled.

"I'll look into it immediately, my lord." Guy informs as he turned to leave.

"Wait." The Sheriff responded quietly as behind the pillar, the Count puts his head on Esme’s shoulder and she pushes him back a bit with her elbow and an annoyed frown. Esme turns her head back towards the room to hear better as the Count looks down and inspects her décolletage.

"First things first. Tomorrow’s meeting. Come here." The Sheriff grinned as Guy pulls the door closed as the Sheriff walks towards the map. The Count tries to take Esme’s arm but she steps around him to the other side of the pillar to try to get a better look. The Sheriff shows Gisborne a piece of parchment.

"There. I have outlined the division of the money in my strong room." He explained to Guy as the Sheriff lets the parchment curl up and hands it to Guy, who takes it with an annoyed look, then unfurls it to read as the Sheriff continues.

"You will be in charge of making sure our friends, the Black Knights, get their share." The Sheriff reaches for his pointer as the Count puts a strand of Esme’s hair over his lip like a moustache. Esme pulls it back impatiently wanting to scowl at his childlike behavior at a time like this.

"You wish to strengthen our forces in the south? The share is generous." Guy was surprised reading the amount the Sheriff was planning on giving. As he knew full well as did everyone how the Sheriff was with money.

"Strategy, Gisborne. The King is most likely to land there on his return." Gisborne gives him a puzzled look as he watched the Sheriff pointing appropriately at the map. Esme switches sides of the pillar again as the Sheriff approaches the same pillar, but stops before it. Making her hold her breathe.

"Besides, there will be plenty of funds in the war chest after our German booby loses tonight. And we'll make sure he loses big." The Sheriff chuckled darkly as the Count steps seriously beside Esme, his attention now totally focused on the Sheriff, causing Esme to gulp and watch him slowly.

"What if the Count surprises us and wins?" Guy snarls as he thinks of the Count and how affectionate he has grown towards Esme.

"Wins? That buffoon?" The Sheriff scoffed as he snarled in Guy's direction.

 “Ooh, I feel like I have been beaten as the egg.” The Sheriff spoke pretending to be the Count as Esme notices the Count’s change of attitude.

"Mincing oaf." The Sheriff spat.

"But you have made provision just in case." Guy smirked in response.

"You know me too well, Gisborne. All eventualities have been considered." He chuckled as he puts down the pointer and steps round the table to him. The Sheriff empties a small bag into his hand and holds it up to Guy.

"Dice that only roll one way, in our favour. Make sure Esme is with us tonight." He informed as Guy smirks only to snarl inwardly at the way the Sheriff thought of throwing her away like meat. Esme glances anxiously at the Count as the Sheriff leaves, letting out a sigh of relief. Gisborne starts to follow, then stops as if he heard something, then hearing nothing, follows with loud footsteps and closes the door behind him.

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