You DON'T have to KNOW!!!

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One of the means the devil uses to sway us from our faith most times is making us calculate how that which we are believing God for is going to come to pass.This has to stop now.

We always limit God Anytime we start planning for God,how the miracle should come,its time for us to believe God for a miracle and also believe he will bring that which we require in his own way,in the past and even now people only preach about how Gods time is the best but its high time we know that Gods way is also the best.

This is because whenever we start planning for God and presuming where the miracle will come the devil will use that as a means for us to doubt God ability to do it,it all starts from "God i want the money to come from my uncle" to the devil telling us "That money is too much for your uncle to give" to " thats way too much for my uncle to actually bring" to " Ahhh!! Thats too much o,my uncle will never give me that amount of money,its impossible " to " well I will never get this money for this purpose from my uncle and i don't know anyone apart from my uncle,so i guess i can forget it now " and BAMM!! The devil has conquered your faith,so its in the best interest of you and your faith to belive that God will bring your miracle to pass in his own way,your confession today while Believing God for a miracle is

"I don't know where it's coming from. That's not my business. My business is to believe God. It's God's part to make it come true. And the Word of God says that He never fails. He never has failed up until now, and He's not going to fail me now,devil. So get out of here now."

And with patience the Lord will bring that which you asked for to pass.

In Jesus name,Amen.

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