Sneak peek of Zombie Apocolypse

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Unknown's Pov

I slowly stood from the ground,my body shivering uncontrollably.This is not good.Why did I have to kill him?We could've found a cure for these goddamn monsters.The tears flowed down my face as I let out a sad groan.I always promised not to kill anybody.

I promised at my mother's grave for fucks sake!I...I broke it.I sank to my knees once again."Hey you!Get up and turn around slowly,"A high pitched voice ordered.I slowly turned around to see a blonde girl pointing a 9mm at me."Infected or alive?"She asked.

I growled in reply.She chuckled and placed her finger on the trigger.I froze and reframed myself from doing anything else."Alive,"I answered with hostility evident in my voice.You could practically taste it.She chuckled and lowered her gun."Who are you?"I asked picking back up my dropped gun.

I didn't even realise I dropped it."I'm Ashley Yana.You?"She asked crossing her arms and smirking.I sighed.I didn't want to reveal any information to her.I already fucking killed a person.I don't want to die if we live through this!

I ran a hand through my hair and grunted."Victor Blazer,"I answered truthfully.She nodded and turned around.

"Well Victor,see you around,"She said giving me a two fingered salute.She strutted away,her high heels clinking with each step.I stared after her in disbelief.Maybe I should follow her...

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