Second Week

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Gavin sat at his desk, scrolling through all the boring files as a certain android stared at him. It's been a week since he has gotten this new partner, he wasn't too bad besides the snarky comments he always made that pissed Gavin off even more than he already would be. "Detective Reed." Conan, the newest RK model made by Cyber Life after the revolution was a success. He glanced over and looked into the androids icy blue eyes. "Yes, Tin can?' he asked, his voice not really as rude as it usually would be. But note of a tired one, he had barely gotten any sleep the past week yet he didn't really know why. Or at least he wouldn't say.

"We have a case." The android spoke, voice monotone. Conan was genuinely concerned for Gavin. He hasn't been getting enough sleep, or eating too well. Conan broke away from his coding long ago but acted as of he didn't. Gavin side and rubbed his temples. "Give me the details then, tin man." Conan rolled his eyes at Gavin's nick name. "Victim: Cassandra Cage (Please tell me somebody got this reference) Cause of death: Multiple bullet wounds in her chest. Location: St. Gerard Avenue. Are you ready to head out Detective?" Conan asked, though Gavin was already up to his feet and making him a coffee for the road since the location wasn't to close to the station. He sighed again, rubbing his tired eyes before walking out of the building with Conan not to far behind him.

"Detective? Can I ask you a question?" Conan asked. "Well you just did." Gavin smirked slightly after seeing the androids eyes roll. "Yeah sure, go ahead." Gavin grumbled. "Why is there a scar on your nose?" Gavin seemed to freeze after hearing his question. He didn't bother answering.

Stress Levels of Gavin Reed: 45% gradually increasing

Now Conan was more than curious. "My apologies, I shouldn't have asked." "Damn right you shouldn't have.."

The car ride was silent and a little tense as Gavin parked by the house. A pretty woman standing talking with an officer before he had walked over to fill Gavin in on everything.

"That's the victims girlfriend, Ms. Briggs." Gavin nodded along, feeling some sympathy for the poor girl. "Go analyze some stuff, Tin Can." he said, then going over to talk with Ms. Briggs. Their little talk ended up with Gavin getting hugged by the woman who cried into his shoulder. Gavin got weird looks from everybody but glared them off. Conan watches the scene unfold with a curious eyebrow raised.

There must be so much more to Detective Reed than he leads on.

Ok so I know this isn't the best first chapter but it's a start somewhere! I'm always open for some suggestions and tips for my writing. I hope you enjoyed!

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