Chapter 10 - Silent Treatment

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Angel finally returns home to see me looking stressed. "Angie, I was so worried about you, where were you?" I ask, the concern in his voice genuine. She steps back and answers

"I just needed to think, I was confused but I'm fine now. Sorry for lashing out at you." My face softens and I visibly relax. I, once again, express my worry. She laughs and tells me to shut up. I seize the moment and kiss her full on the mouth. I pull away quickly, taken aback; his eyes are wide and his cheeks red. Mission accomplished. He mutters an apology and turns to retreat to his bedroom, knowing full well that Jim is currently very confused. "Wait, Jim, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea." She says sympathetically and smiles sadly. Then she pulls me in for a hug, something which I was certainly not expecting.


Well, it seems as if my mistakes haven't had totally drastic effects, Jim seems to be feeling something, that's for sure. I still can't shake the nagging sensation that this is going to end badly. I think, though, that I can twist the situation to my advantage which could come in very handy. I don't need to prove to Jim that he has feelings anymore, he's doing that for himself which only makes my life easier.

I decide that it may be time to change my tack on this and start coming in from a different perspective. A long shower gives me time to think in peace and eventually I come to the conclusion that my best bet is either to act distant or as if nothing has happened. I decide to go for distance as the silent treatment is fool proof.

As I am getting re-dressed my phone rings from a blocked number, curiously I pick it up. "Angie you've been in there an hour", it's Jim and, staying true to my plan, I hang up - the silent treatment is easier over the phone. I can't hide forever so I plod into the kitchen, looking as lethargic as I possibly can and search around for something vaguely appetising because I am hungry. Just a few seconds into my quest and certain man walks into the kitchen followed by his second-in-command. "Ah there you are, I need your help as I was about to say before I was hung up on so rudely." He says. I look down to the piece of bread smothered in Marmite which has found its way into my hand and, as I require an excuse to decline say

"Sorry Jim, I need to eat my bread otherwise I might faint."

"But you hate Marmite and you had a cooked breakfast this morning?" He frowns in confusion, not even attempting to conceal it. "Are you sure that you're okay? You've been off all day" he pleads desperately.

"I'm fine Jim, stop pestering me, for God's sake." I snap and leave him in the kitchen, dropping the food I have been holding into the bin on my way.

Having made my point I turn back to the kitchen, where still stands a slightly shocked looking Jim, and delve into the freezer for a tub of ice-cream. I throw him an annoyed look. He dips his head ashamedly even though he is still confused.

Throughout the next few days I escape through my window whenever I need to leave the house, usually to release another of Jim's employees. My most recent cases have been Joe Anders the hacker, who I said was getting 'too sloppy' with his work and Sophie Cullen the forger. I told them both that any further attempts of contact from Jim, or Moriarty as I am obliged to call him, would likely be from an imposter and so they are forbidden to respond. This rules out the loopholes that could possibly have been a problem had my friend 'John Smith' not been killed.

My phone steadily fills up with texts and missed calls from Jim and eventually I decide that this is getting boring. Confusion seems to be one of the few emotions which he seems to be fairly open with, making it an easier target. Maybe if I bring this silent treatment to an end it will sufficiently confuse him...

I meander into the kitchen and put the kettle on before finding Jim, in his usual spot with his computer. "Hey Jim, I'm making tea do you want some?" I ask cheerily, as if I haven't been ignoring him. I am met with a look of mild surprise.

"Oh, so now you're talking to me again? Wow you sure pick your moments, I am right in the middle of arranging the Prime Minister's assassination." He rants. I respond by turning back into the kitchen saying,

"Fine then I guess you don't want tea." And continuing to saunter off.

"No wait, please, yes I do want tea," I turn around, my eyes glinting in amusement, "and some Oreos." I am about to bid but I catch myself and ask

"What's the magic word Jimmy?" He quickly answers with a "Please" I tell him

"No, the other magic word."



"Por favor?"


"Wingardium Leviosa?"

"It's Levi-oh-sa, not Levio-sa." I say and break into a fit of whale-like laughter. On cue, the kettle starts to whistle and I retreat to make the tea. A couple of minutes later I return with a tray on which sits two cups of tea and a plate of Oreos. Jim makes a hasty grab for the biscuits but I bat his hand away and take one first, stating that "It's ladies first."

I settle on the couch, tea in hand, and peer over Jim's shoulder to see what he is doing. It seems to be very sinister. His screen is filled with intricate plans for an assassination - the Prime Minister's as he mentioned earlier.

"Wow, this looks fun, send it to me when you're done, I want to know what's happening." He agrees to do so, oblivious to my motives. I plan to give these plans to Mycroft so that he can prevent it, although, I will frame one of the other participants as to continue destroying the web.

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