Chapter 5- You've Got Some Explaining To Do

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Authors Note - 

AHHH so sorry i haven't uploaded in forever!!! i've been uber busy and forgot about my stories, but i re read this and i was like WHOAH DID I WRITE THIS?! haha  i love this story so much, it's my baby. I forgot how to continue it but i have an idea, so be patient please, i'm trying. I am so glad you guys love the story, thanks my beautiful readers. Stay Greyt! ~christina. 


I turned my computer on and logged on to Twitter. No no no. He wasn't getting off this easy, with just a "sorry". No way. What do I do?

 - @AshleyLuvsGrey - @greysonchance no, don't even talk to me. you can't make it up to me. you're an arrogant prick who doesn't love his fans. 

*send*  Yeah, that's good right? I hope people don't hate me. Whatever, they don't know how I feel. 

While I waited for a reply i hopped off my bed and ran to my 'Greyson Wall'. I stared at it and then i tore all the posters down. 


These awful thoughts kept running through my mind. All the money i spend on his merchandise, all the money for the concerts and meet& greets. The time I spent fantasizing about meeting him and living happily ever after. Those minutes, hours, that I will never get back. 

Oh no. Greyson replied. 

- @greysonchance - @AshleyLuvsGrey uhm, yeah i know. and that's what i want to talk about. i read your scrapbook and i absolutely -

-@greysonchance - @AshleyLuvsGrey - love it. You've completely changed my view on life and everything. Please let's talk. I have - 

- @greysonchance - @AshleyLuvsGrey - a day off tomorrow and i'd love to have you stop by or we can hang out and talk. please.

Dang this kid. What do I do? Should I meet Greyson? Or should I let him suffer. 


HEEEEY EVERYONE!! IF YOU READ THIS THANK YOU!!! what do you think? now your job is to comment below and tell me what Ashley should do. should she meet up with Greyson and let him explain or should she ignore him and forget about him forever? Let me know soon so i can update!! 

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