Chapter 7- Too Good To Be True

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I got out my phone and started typing a tweet:

@greysonchance you lied. you're a liar. i hate you. nothing can fix this. leave me alone forever. 


I took a sip of my latte and just sat in my seat, staring out the window, half numb. All of a sudden I heard a phone make a noise behind me but I just ignored it. I took another sip of my coffee. A hand came down and touched my shoulder and said " Sorry I'm late!" 

I spit out my coffee and started choking. I looked up and saw Greyson. No. That tweet. How could I have sent that to him. How could I be such a jerk. Greyson started patting my back and giving me a sip of water. I finally stopped choking and he sat in front of me. We just stared at eachother. His eyes. His perfect caramel eyes. I quickly glanced out the window. 

"You're mad."


"Look, I can explain. I swear."

I looked him straight in the eyes. "Listen Greyson, you don't have to apologize. I understand, the popstar life, the screaming girls, the money, the fame. It's all 'too much'. You got carried away, had a bad day. You can't handle it all sometimes. Sure. Whatever. But I spent so much money on concert tickets and meet and greets. I spent hundreds of dollars on merchandise. I spent over $100 on that scrapbook. It took me months to make. I spent so much time thinking about you, daydreaming of meeting you. I had so many dreams of you. I used to think i would marry you. But I was stupid. I should know that fairytales aren't real. Dreams don't come true. But I know that now. Ok? So don't feel like you have to apologize. Because I don't want to hear it."  I started crying again. A tear fell from my eye.

Greyson's eyes shifted to the table. 

"Well.... Say something!" 

"I can't."  Said Greyson. His breathing was in rapid breaths. You could tell he was holding back tears himself.  "I don't know what to say. Whatever I came here prepared to say is gone. I can't remember it. I know I hurt you. What I did was unexcuseable. I know. I'm not exactly sure how to apologize. Because even right now, I hate myself. I wish I could just make everything better. But I can't. I'll try everyday though. I will try my hardest to make it up to you, even if I spend the rest of my life doing it. You deserve so much better. I'm not hero. I'm no idol. I'm not a good person. I don't deserve anything I have. But Ashley, dreams do come true. So please don't let me ruin that thought for you. Because they do come true, and miracles do happen. Don't let me screw up your dreams and fantasies. Because with a heart like yours, you'll go so far in life. I promise. Please just give me a chance, I  promise i'll make it up to you."  

That's what I call a sincere apology. 

"There's the Greyson I thought I knew. Haha. How would you like to go for a walk?" 

"I'd like that." Greyson looked up and smiled his million watt smile. 

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