Chapter 8- Walk And Talk

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Yikes. I haven't updated in forever. I'm so sorry. I'm not sure how to continue so bare with me here. Thanks for all the positive feedback ! Xo I'm on my iPad so I can't italicize the conversation but i will fix it ASAP.

-Ashley's POV-

Greyson got up to get a coffee and I waited at the table. The lady at the countered nearly fainted when she saw him, so he gave her an autograph and took a picture with her. When he got his coffee, he came back to see me and we got up and walked to the park which was 2 blocks away.

We walked quietly for about five minutes. Greyson started the conversation.

"I loved your scrapbook." Greyson said quietly. Clearly trying to break the silence.

"Uhm, thanks. I would hope so it took me 4 months to make."

"How much money did you spend on it?"

"That's not really important." More silence. "But one hundred dollars." I said with content, hoping to make him feel bad about his lack of care and concern for his fans.

Greyson stopped walking abruptly.

"What?" I said with a puzzled tone in my voice. He was looking at me with such compassion. I didn't know whether to be scared or happy.

All of a sudden, he put his arms around me in a giant hug. He didn't let go in the slightest.

The hug was awkward at first for me, but in a few seconds my mood changed. He really was sorry. He really did want to change. I put my arms around Greyson and hugged him. Within moments, soft sobs began to rack his body. I felt the quiver of his chin on my shoulder. I felt the shaking of his body under my arms. I felt the pain and sorrow in his heart, radiate through my bones.

I pulled back from the hug and clasped his hands in mine. I looked him directly in the eyes. A tear traveled down his cheek and fell onto my hand.

"T-thank you." was all he managed to choke out.

"C'mon! I have a place we can go!" I quickly wiped away another one of his tears with the pad of my thumb, grabbed his hand and started running. Running to my favorite place in the world, the place only I knew about. The place where I believe magic truly exists. The meadow.

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