Our lives

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Authors note:
Ok the last few chapters got pretty violent I will admit, but I really want to write about human nature in action so my stories do get bloody and violent, but I hope you enjoyed this story, this may not be the last chapter, but the last few will be important back story chapters with the last being of course an ending, set a while after this chapter, if you want to vote please do, and I'd love to hear your ideas.

*Tria's POV*

Aliens walked in and attached harnesses onto us and tied us up outside the pen, my thoughts ran wild in my mind, and I felt like I was on fire, my legs hurt and my neck is still sore, the aliens are using a weird vacuum to clean up the room and other aliens are carrying out the dead bodies, "are any of you injured?" Questioned an alien scanning us, everyone muttered no, I touched my neck but said nothing, Aaron looked cold, and not the temperature, his arms were folded and his eyes hard and looking at the opposite wall, the alien walked over to him, "it appears that due to the rush of giving you an arm, it was completely forgotten to change the settings to a humans natural strength" explained the alien, Aaron let the alien grab his arm and open a port pressing a few buttons before closing it up.

We stood there for quite a while as the room was scrubbed and disinfected, Mason was hiding himself between me and Simon, and I looked back at Aaron who stood on my other side, he was tense and had red and puffy eyes, despite his cold demeanor. The Aliens finally brought us back into the room, "the bodies are being incinerated to prevent disease, and clients are scheduled to enter tomorrow, they have already examined all of you through the one way glass, during viewing times" explained the alien before leaving, I clenched my fist, if only they had actually been checking on us during night times this whole murder spree could have been avoided!

I sat dwelling in my inner fury, Mason was falling asleep on my shoulder, I couldn't help but see this 18 year old looking boy as a child as his behaviour suggests. Simon was leaning on my other shoulder, Aaron stood behind me staring at the wall which turned out to be a one way window, and I was leaning against his legs. Simon's eyes connected with mine, "you two are so different" stated Simon, I remained silent, "well, I guess Mason and I are pretty different as well" added Simon, his voice quietened with nervous awkwardness.

Aliens began entering the room and approaching various pairs, a furry brown alien walked over to us, it had hands and feet which seemed basically human but had more of a dog face and seemingly didn't have ears or at least it had small ears, and it was taller than the green kangaroo like alien but shorter than the big grey aliens, so it still towered over Aaron, it took a translator from an alien that must have worked here, it placed the translator underneath the fur on its head, so it did have ears, "hello" said the alien, its short fur curling above its expressive eyes, "I have researched on all of your pasts, all the vets I have asked said parts of your journey and I want to make it better" stated the alien, I looked at it confused, "its not advised to take four humans, yet seeing the closeness, I cannot separate any of you" explained the alien, its soft passionate eyes seemed so genuine but I still was wary after all the 'well intentioned' things that have happened so far.

It was odd being led out by the alien, Mason looked scared and worried, Simon was biting his lip and glancing about, Aaron was staring straight ahead, the alien led us out into a weird space ship parking space and carefully strapped us into seats on a rather small light orange coloured ship, I didn't feel afraid, but I felt like I needed to stay obedient for the sake of  my new friends.

The trip was surprisingly gentle but quick, we rocketed past planets, moons and meteors, we even passed various sizes and colours of suns. We approached and landed on a very green planet, some of it looked more pink, it had a massive water mass, making it look depressingly a lot like earth, Simon let out a noise and Mason gripped my shoulder tightly.

We landed on a normal enough looking laneway, the ship pulled into a ship garage and soon had us standing outside the ship, it led us along a strange looking path, the houses that lined the area seemed surprisingly man made, although they seemed to be made from rocks which were painted over. We entered a house which must of had automatic doors, as the metallic doors slid open, we stood on the smoothed verandah, it had a seat with fluffy looking cushions, it entered the house dropping the leads, we just stared at it confused, it turned back and motioned to us, slowly I stepped forward and heard the footsteps of the others following me, it had us follow till we reached a large room with a large cage in one corner as well as a large bed in the opposite corner, the alien removed our harnesses and rubbed our heads affectionately, before leaving the room, I watched it in confusion, Mason and Simon went to the cage while Aaron in his cold mood sat on the massive bed, a small bit of his defiant personality seemed to still shine, and I joined him, Simon and Mason gawked at us, as I leant on Aarons shoulder, knowing I wasn't going to allow anything to harm him, so I wasn't going to leave his side.

The alien reentered the room and looked at us, it smiled its dog like mouth, at least that was what a dog smile looked like on earth, it said something in its language and patted our heads, cautiously Simon and Mason left the shelter of the cage, they approached as the alien talked in its language, I could swear its voice  sounded like a person with a plan, it reminded me of my father as he told me we were moving out of my mothers house, and I smiled, the memory swirled through my mind and I buried my face into Aarons shoulder fighting the rush of tears, I couldn't cry not when I needed to be here for everyone.

The bed moved as a larger mass joined us, I looked up and watched the alien lie down on the comfy bed, it stared at the ceiling with a happy look, and to my surprise Aaron moved and lay down beside the alien, curling up until his head was firmly pressed into its side, I stared in surprise and realised Aaron was softly crying, it seems I wasn't the only one with a flashback, the alien rested its arm on Aaron softly, and I thought about what it had told us, if it really had done research on us than it must know why we are like this, dull, sad, and easily scared, Simon joined Aaron and curled up on the other side of the alien, it surprised me, it could possibly be that it reminded them of their pets, even though this looked nothing like a dog, it just had a similar face, it glanced at me and and spoke some words in its language, such a sweet tone of voice it had, I almost let my previous tears slip, "I miss mum" muttered Simon in a muffled voice, "yea... I do to" replied Aaron in a similarly muffled voice, I watched them confused by the interaction, something in me tightened, my heart felt less empty, something about the childishly tearful voices, something about the almost familiar house, something about the almost familiar planet, and I choked up, I leant over to Aaron and hugged him sobbing into his back, suddenly we were all crying, suddenly we felt like somehow for a moment, this was close enough to home as we will get and that felt alright, it felt like my heart could heal, even though we cuddled around this strange creature, it almost felt like yes, we can keep going, we have each other now, and I don't want to lose this, I will fight to protect this, the coziness of fluffy blankets, the warmth of a person, the gentle sobs being made by Mason who did what I was doing to Aaron but he was doing it with Simon, "I miss my father" I gasped, this was followed by tearful agreeing words. I felt the oncoming of sleep and happily let it take hold of me, my last thoughts were about how I wished the dead were able to experience this, and how  I wished I could see my father, the immediate darkness was blissful.

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