Kangaroo boy

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*Aarons POV*

I'm walking through a dark corridor, slowly lights begin shining over picture frames, and the pictures were of people I knew, one was my mum holding her phone recording me cutting my birthday cake, another was of the kids that followed me around, and yet another of my mum she was hugging my father as I held the phone up to take a picture, it was their wedding day, I'm not sad, I'm happy, I am at the very least allowed to hold my memories, but I miss them, my family and friend's.

I kept walking, my guinea pig stared at me through a frame, my sister, some more of my mum and dad, some more of the kids, they all looked happy, smiling brightly, and there I was, the one whose eyes took these pictures, I was looking in a mirror, a smile over my face, I was so cocky and tough back then, but it seems after I was taken away from everything by these intergalactic pet owners I had lost that cocky attitude, I had fallen into a pit of fear and worry, and there in other frames were the various aliens and people I have met along my way, and I continued to smile, happy, still so happy I had these memories, at the end of the corridor was a picture of a kangaroo, a dazed look in its eyes, and I grabbed the frame, and looked at it, my reflection was in its eyes, I looked scared, and shocked, and I laughed knowing that right after this moment I would gain a very weird nickname.

*5 years ago*

I being the tough guy I was, continued to hit and brutalise the bully in front of me, he hadn't bullied me, he had bullied some kid who was into some show.

Yes I was a hero among the people


No... I wasn't, I just hated bullies, but I wasn't above beating someone if they called me weak or seemed to criticise my strength, unless they were my sister, she could call me a weak bird brained dummy and somehow I'd happily tease her back.

And suddenly the scene changed, I now wasn't beating up some guy, I was instead swinging an axe at an old log, I was camping, proving to some kids that I had helped out, just how strong I am, their wide eyes open in childish gazes, they were all younger than me the oldest was around 13, why did their parents allow this camp out?

We had a fire going it flickered in the background like some animated film, and out bounded a flurry of browny red furred kangaroo, somehow we hadn't heard its bounding hops, I dropped the axe which stuck into the log with a thud, some of the scenery began to disappear and all I saw was this animal that for some reason felt so threatened by me that it needed to attack, it went to kick me and I knew that would hurt, so out of fear and instinct I punched it, its dazed face began to freeze and yet again I was standing in that hallway, wondering just why I had been so enthusiastic to plan that camping trip, the roo had pounded away in a panic, and I had played it off and despised the nickname that had spread, not like I could stop it.

The scene changed to a more recent time.

The green alien hopped around us, its good mood evident, I wasn't in a good mood, my bladder felt like it was going to burst, and I may or may not have slightly soiled myself, Tria watched me, humour in her eyes, "just go in that toilet looking thing, I did" she said, I shook my head angered, I was not going to show weakness and possibly have some unknown creature come through the toilet bowl and....

"Don't be so weak willed, it would stop me if something bad was going to happen" there she said it, she called me weak, and somehow the annoyance that filled me changed slightly into determination,  I was determined to adapt, that was until I had relieved my toiletry needs and than reverted into the me, that didn't have the determination to adapt, and I watched everything, through eyes that remembered everything, felt every movement and smelt every smell.

Everything changed again.

The four armed alien stood before me, it voice angry and violent, suddenly the voice became human and began to tell me about all the bones it will break and all the people it will kill




"Then wake up dipshit"

Sis? Wait, what? Wake up? I.....

*present time*

I woke up breathing heavily, i felt Tria on my back and I struggled to turn around, I wanted to hold someone, so with a bit of twisting and dignity loss, I finally managed to pull my companion close, my back against the warm hip of the alien that had bought us, I held Tria tightly until a calm uninterrupted blackness took me yet again.

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