School clown

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*Mason's POV*

*6 months ago*

I sat on the fence with my friends, my lanky legs dangling lazily, we were laughing and joking about whatever Mason had said, he was always a blast to be around. A girl walked towards us "hey! Class is starting!" She called over, I cheekily grinned and jumped off, she was rather short, and I being the tallest in our year level towered over her, "miss isn't going to care" I pointed out, she scowled at me "Anthony! Stop acting like your not failing!" She groaned, I frowned and looked up at my chuckling friends, "stop bothering with me" I hissed quietly, she glared at me and walked off, "yea, mose well go to class" sighed Mason joining me on the ground, "you coming guys?" He added, the other three guys muttered yes and joined us.

Class was boring as expected and the teacher was watching me, and then I realised she was talking to me, "Anthony, do you know the answer?" Asked the teacher her eyes narrowing, "uh no miss, but I do know how to do a flip!" I said distractedly before standing up and doing just that, she frowned at me like I had insulted her, "Anthony, I do not want to contact your parents" she stated with a sigh, I gave her a slight glare before returning to my lopsided grin, "nah miss you don't need to bother," I said, she shook her head "don't say it just sit down and be quiet" instructed the teacher interrupting my next statement, playing it cool I sat in my seat and let the teacher teach.

I looked at the girl from before, her name was Natalie and she was always fussing over me, so I decided to torment her in my boredom, by throwing things at her when the teacher wasn't looking, I got excited as I saw the telltale signs of her rage, she looked back and glared at me as I played innocent, Mason was chuckling, "Mason, Natalie, pay attention" commanded the teacher, I tried to hide my laughter, the teacher sent me out of the room to cool off.

That lunch everyone sat around the school grounds chatting and eating, while others played sports and ran about, my four friends sat around me chatting, I saw Natalie sitting at a table, she was all alone and on her computer like she usually is, nobody really likes someone who isn't devoted to social media or sports or anything in between, and Natalie she was a huge geek, watching anime, reading books and never seeming to be interested in actual shows. "Anthony! You ok?" Joked Mason, I gave him a grin, "just a little bored" I complained dramatically, Mason rolled his eyes, "when are you not" he chuckled, "hey! I was watching that!" Came Natalie's shout, the tough guy Mitch had forced her laptop closed and was laughing with his friends, I watched, not doing a thing as he picked up her prized laptop, not doing anything as she tried to get it back, my other three friends were chuckling, Mason and I weren't, of course I have known Mason far longer than these guys, so he knows more about me.

Natalie was being her usual bitchy self, demanding her laptop back so she could continue watching some anime called 'Fruits basket', whatever that was about, sounded dumb, "that sounds boring, what's the point of looking at a basket of fruit" teased Mitch, some other students came along to laugh, I clenched my fists but didn't make a move to help, "its a great show, you uncultured twit!" Snapped Natalie, Mitch laughed "what kind of insult is that" he asked, she frowned, "would you prefer I called you a cockless bitch" bit back Natalie, Mitch frowned, that one seemed to have worked "Mitch, the cockless bitch, has a ring to it" growled Natalie, some students laughed, now Mitch was mad, "you want this back huh" snarled Mitch, he threw the laptop not taking his eyes off Natalie, luckily it was thrown in our direction and Mason caught it gently, surprising the three guys with us, we didn't care what they thought, and luckily no other students saw us catch it.

"The fuck is wrong with you, Mitch the cockless bitch" exclaimed Natalie, I could see she was upset now, more upset than when the laptop had been taken off her, Mitch looked feral as he glared at her, "you'll regret calling me that" he snarled, Natalie shoved her face towards his, "will I?" She exclaimed with sarcasm, he grabbed her, then shoved her backwards so she stumbled and landed on her butt, "I'll show you who the real bitch is" he sneered, she looked like she wanted to cry, noone else could see that, why didn't I help her sooner?

I stood up, and walked over, a chill grin on my face, "yo what's going on" I called out, keeping up my cheery mask, my clown makeup. Natalie made eye contact with me, I looked away first, "geez all I heard was that there was a cockless bitch and I raced over" I joked, several people chuckled unsure of themselves, Mitch smirked, "yea there's a bitch all right" chuckled Mitch, damn his voice makes me want to hit him, I put on an innocent face, "wow I love dogs! So where's the good girl?!" I exclaimed causing a few others to laugh at my pretence, Natalie stood up and dusted herself off, she glared at Mitch, his followers sneered at her, "she's no good girl, she's absolutely feral, doesn't know who's boss" stated Mitch playing it cool, some people laughed, I frowned "that's no way to talk about a dog" I pointed out, I could feel Natalie's glare, "Anthony, your a dick" she sighed, "I don't think that's how biology works" I pointed out, I loved to keep my crowd happy, Natalie went to walk away, of course Mitch grabbed her again, "we are not done" he snarled, she huffed and tried to calm her temper, than she tried walking away again, the followers grabbed her, "yea, you need to apologise bitch" said one, "oh you're talking about our little Natty?" I asked using my nickname for her, she frowned at me angrily, and I shrugged, "geez manhandling a girl" I said deciding I could go for their pride, Mitch glanced at me, "she's no girl, she's a bitch" stated Mitch, I gritted my teeth, while keeping my clown makeup on, "Natty? When did you stop being a girl?" I questioned, she glared at me, and I chuckled, so did Mitch which caused my chuckle to abruptly end, Natalie managed to release herself and she bolted away, I knew she'd go and cry behind the old shed, Mason was already heading there, the three guys we hung out with followed expecting something interesting, the followers of Mitch tried chasing her.

It was then my make up began to run down my face, the mask cracking, and I punched Mitch, "leave her the fuck alone" I snarled much to everyone's shock, Mitch cursed and held his nose, I proceeded to head towards the old shed at a run, the people watching followed, I didn't care, I reached the shed, the followers were shouting nonsense and the three guys stood confused as Mason handed her the laptop and they sat down, talking about the anime that had been interrupted, I joined them, watching Natalie's face as tears ran freely, the followers were shocked to see me join the two, I hugged her tightly, she was my friend and neighbour after all.

It was that day that I began hanging around her more, she was more fragile after that, plus Mitch had a murderous look every time he saw her, Mason my bestest friend never left my side and surprisingly one of those three guys stuck with us, Arron was his name, he was surprisingly cool, the other two left us scared we would ruin their reputation, surprisingly, I was still as popular as ever, it was when we weren't around that Natalie got shit, and it hurt to know that.

*3 months later*

The aliens had taken us away, to this weird pet shop, I was placed with Mason who was doing his best to be brave, I saw Natalie, she was with Mitch, he was harassing her claiming this was her fault, Mason was yelling at him, we were taken from our school, it was no surprise we were near each other.

Once the orangey aliens came around asking us questions we answered truthfully and watched as the alien questioned Natalie and Mitch, Natalie replied to the 'do you feel safe' question with a hard no, the alien looked at her and said something quietly to itself, it scanned the cages, Natalie was pointing at Arron who was in a cage with a random drama class student, the alien swapped them around luckily.

Our first owner was a terrible alien with a bad temper, and I kept screwing up, it got angry way to easily, even if I stepped in the wrong direction, Mason stuck to the cage, I was an idiot, who thought I could find a place to escape through, it attacked me seeing me in a certain spot, Mason protected me, at the cost of his life, I should've died not Mason! An alien came around after I didn't stop screaming and crying out, it must of alerted some form of authority as the temperamental alien was taken away and I was sent away screaming and crying the whole way, I wanted Masons body back.

It was then I decided Mason shouldn't of died and that I was the one who had died, so I didn't speak because I knew hearing my own voice and not Mason's would shatter me and when Simon asked my name and tried Mason, instinctively I nodded.

*3 months later*

I opened my eyes and saw Simons hair, lifting my head slightly I made eye contact with Tria, and then I glanced at the alien who slept peacefully, "did you have a nightmare? You look more awful" she pointed out, slowly I shook my head, that wasn't a nightmare, that was a memory, a real series of events, and then I cried a little more into Simons back.

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