Chapter Eighteen

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It was almost ten o'clock at night when the doorbell rang

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It was almost ten o'clock at night when the doorbell rang. After Cameron had changed out of her prom dress, arguing with me and deciding for herself that she would stay home with me when I tried to convince her to go back to the school, she ordered a pizza and decided that we would stay in and watch a movie. Even as she was picking out a movie for us to watch, I kept telling her to go back to the prom since the prom king and queen hadn't been announced yet and I wanted her to enjoy the rest of it. She kept stating that she wasn't going anywhere and leaving me alone in the house in a depressed state of mind as she put it. I said I'd go back with her but she still refused since she knew I would be miserable throughout the whole thing. I gave up trying to convince her to go back and helped pick out a movie. Cameron said she'd make some popcorn while we waited for the pizza and I went back upstairs to finish reading the remainder of a chapter before sitting down to watch the movie.

As I finished up the last bit of the chapter I was reading, the doorbell rang and I heard Cam answer the door, voices coming shortly after. Probably asking the pizza guy for extra cheese packets. I was taking my time with reading since I could hear the popcorn hadn't started popping yet and I was getting hungrier just thinking about the pizza and the popcorn and reading was the only thing that could distract me. My stomach started grumbling and I picked up the pace on my reading. If I didn't have food in the next ten minutes I was convinced I'd starve to death. I also hoped that Cameron remembered to tip the pizza guy since I left the cash on the dining table and told her where it was. I wasn't sure she'd heard me since she was too busy fighting with the popcorn popper at the time. I assumed she had heard me since I told her once again that she shouldn't miss prom because of me but she refused to leave me alone in the house and argued that she really was in the mood for food and movies anyway. I knew she wanted to go back and dance the night away but cared about me too much to do so. At least she was loyal. A pain in the neck, but loyal nonetheless.

I heard the door close downstairs and heard Cameron come up and into her room. I heard her walk out a few moments later and she knocked softly on my door before poking her head in.

"Does Safe Haven suit your fancy?" she asked showing me the movie case.

"Sure. I'll be down in a second," I reply. I usually don't like watching romance films but I was feeling like a rebel tonight so I thought why not change it up a bit.

"Take your time. The popcorn will be ready soon," she said. "You're in no rush. At all. Is your phone on?"

"Yeah, why?" I said checking just to make sure. She was acting a little weird or at least weirder than usual. I wasn't sure why though and it honestly scared me to wonder what the reason was exactly. I half wanted to ask what it was and half just wanted to leave it up to my imagination which was probably the safest choice.

"Just wondering," she shrugs. "Turn the ringer on all the way. You never know when mom will call or . . . something."

"Okaaaay," I said suspiciously. "Cam, are you okay?"

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