Chapter Five

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The next morning I walk into class and I can still taste the bile in the back of my throat even after brushing my teeth three times this morning and rinsing with mouthwash twice

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The next morning I walk into class and I can still taste the bile in the back of my throat even after brushing my teeth three times this morning and rinsing with mouthwash twice. When Cameron finally came home at around 2:30 in the morning last night, she'd asked where I'd been and why she couldn't find me anywhere. Apparently she came out of the club at around one and when I wasn't in the car, she drove around town looking for me at any bookstore or restaurant she could find. She said she tried calling me but I guess my phone ended up dying before I got home. I was so tired and my head was hurting so bad that I didn't think to check my phone. I didn't even change into pajamas when I got home, I just curled up in bed and knocked out. I told her that I took a cab home after I started feeling sick when I went inside the club to look for her. No way was I telling her that I got a ride home from Jace Letterman. She would have burned me at the stake in our backyard. Not that we had a stake or anything but she would put one up in a heartbeat if I told her what really happened. 

I didn't even want to believe it actually happened myself and hoped to wake up this morning and have it all be just one long, bad, annoying dream. Neither of us liked anyone at school really other than friends and the last person we wanted to like was Jace. He didn't exactly go out of his way to be nice to people and with as big an ego as he has, we weren't really looking for a friendship with the boy. So, of course, I didn't tell her about running into him. Or him nearly murdering me with a door. Or me and him apparently having regular contact nowadays. I didn't have a death wish, I still needed to go to Hogwarts before I died. But last night when I came down to the kitchen to get an ice pack for my head and my parents were still asleep from a party they'd gone to at a friend's house like they were teenagers again, I knew that my life was still getting worse by the minute. It was just a feeling.

I walked down the aisles of seats until I got to mine, books in hand. I made sure there was no gum the Twinkies had put on the desk or chair before setting my books down. I even checked underneath the seat and desk like a crazy person in case they loosened something or attached something to anything. I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was insane to be inspecting my seating. But when it came to the Twinkies, you could never be too careful. Call them the typical high school princesses you see in movies that look like they could only exist in the movies but sadly, these were flesh and bone. And what's even more sad is that I had to deal with them every day out of the school year and watch all the boys make googly eyes at them. I always barfed a little whenever I noticed the stares. High school in general made me despise being seventeen sometimes. I couldn't wait to get out of this place and graduation couldn't come fast enough for me.

Before I sat down in my seat, Francesca caught my eye because she wasn't in her normal seat at the front of the class. Instead, her, Ashley and Becky were sitting in the row next to me a few seats back. Sometimes the teachers moved students around if they were making too much trouble with their friends, the Twinkies being the queens of that and are only now getting in trouble for it. I mentally roll my eyes. I could only guess that's why the queen bees were sitting at the back, a couple of seats in between each of them. I'm sure that didn't stop them from texting each other from underneath their desks however, out of view from the teacher.

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