-chapter 2: announcement-

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Jennie's Pov

"Welcome back to Bloodstone High everyone! I hope that all of you enjoyed your vacation." All of the students inside the auditorium have their eyes on her.

"For all of the new students this year, I am Ms. Kwon Bo-ah you can call me Ms. BoA if you want, nice to meet you all. I hope the new students this year are just as excited as I am."

She's really pretty, I thought to myself.

"I know right Jennie, she's so pretty" Says Lisa.

Oops did I say that out loud?

"Yes she's indeed very pretty, though I'm not very fond of her." Yeri stated, which made surprised.

"Huh? Why not?" Asking Yeri because she actually looks nice.

"It's just that-- She's really nice I know that but, I don't know I'm just suspicious of her."

"About what?"

"Uhh, it's-- ugh nevermind, don't mind me."

I looked at her, as if asking her if she was okay. "Just don't mind her haha." Rosé tells us but, I can't help but wonder. I don't want to force Yeri to tell me something she's not comfortable with, so instead I just kept my mouth shut and listened to Ms. BoA.

"The old students here know the drill, I'm going to explain it for the news ones about what we're about to do at this ceremony."

Huh? They do something else besides greeting the students and announcing some activities?

"Wait what else do they need to announce?" Lisa asked, I bet she's also wondering about this.

"Shhhh, just listen." Rosé replied.

Ugh why are these girls so mysterious, they keep on saying something that makes me feel weird.

"Every first day of the year we assign specific houses to everyone, it can be one of the following; Diamond, garnet, emerald, pearl, amethyst, opal, ruby, sapphire, topaz, aquamarine, turquoise and lastly peridot."

Woah they do that here?

"That's not all students, all of you here are going to receive a starting rank so to everyone, when I call your name please stand up and I will give you your starting rank and your house classification."

Did I hear that right? A starting rank? They rank us in front of the other students?

"Students that are ranked within 1-12 must come up the stage as I call their names."

How I wish I can be part of that 12 people but still, ranking the students in front of other students is not a really nice thing to do.

"Understand? Let's start."

"Rank 455; House garnet, we have--"

She kept on going with announcing student's names. I was already expecting that this will take a while since there were 455 students.

"I'm scared."

"Rosé? Are you alright?" I asked her because she looks really worried.

"I need to at least make it."

"Make it? Make it to what?" I'm confused make it to what? I don't understand.

"To the top 12."

Yeri then tells us. "The rankings are important here."

"Oh great, they announce the rankings in front of the whole school, plus they also pressure students by telling them that they have to make it to the top." Lisa says, I can feel the disappointment in her tone.

What the hell do they exactly do here? I mean this doesn't feel like the proper school for me, it's horrible. I don't think I can last here long. Well, in that case I'll have to find a different school, a yay for me I guess?

We waited for our names to be called, honestly I was expecting my name to be called within the 400-300 rank but, my name has still not been called and it's almost time to announce the top 12.

"Did they forget about us?" Lisa said, pointing at me and herself.

"That's weird, wait, are you guys sure that both of you are new here?" Yeri asked us just to be sure.

"Well yes and unfortunately we're now stuck here." Lisa answered while frowning.

"That's really weird, it's either they really forgot about you guys or you two are really part of the top 12." Rosé tells us and I can also tell that she was confused with the whole situation.

"Shhh. She's now going to announce the top 12 be quiet." Yeri shushed us with a wave.

"Now, the most anticipated part of today's announcement. The top 12 students! Again, when I call your names please go up the stage."

I can feel my heart beating. Sht! Why is it beating so fast?

"Introducing, the student that currently has the starting rank of 12, is--"

~ end of chapter 2 ~

a/n: Hey guys! Im sorry if i wasn't able to update for awhile but, I hope u liked this. ♡

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