The Visit

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Slowly she dies,

But I can hear her breathing,

The darkness in her eyes,

I wonder if she thought her life had meaning.

She stared at the ceiling,

With all the cracks and waterstains,

I wondered the feeling,

Of life as it fades.

I looked out the window,

As her soul finally left,

Feeling such sorrow,

All her love that I once kept.

Later that night,

I would see her again,

Appearing in my sight,

always around ten.

But when I would smile,

At the sight of her presence,

Her face would become vile,

as she downed her anti-depresants.

She would scream and she would cry,

and cause absolute mayhem,

How slow this time would go by,

These visions... I couldn't shake them.

Every night it was the same,

This was not the woman I once knew,

Though one thing didn't change,

.......The smell of her sweet perfume.

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