Chapter Nine: Explanations

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(Author's Note: This chapter won't have lyrics in it, just thought I should let you guys know beforehand. Furthermore, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Nine)

Time: 3:00 pm on Monday

Point of View: Katie


I jump nearly ten feet in the air as my bedroom door flies open violently and Alfred speeds in looking panicked.

"Geez, Al! If anyone was sleeping then you just woke them up with a heart attack," I laugh nervously as Alfred slams the door shut and locks it.

After checking the sturdiness of the lock about four or five times over, Alfred speeds behind me and locks his gaze on the door.

"Al? You alright there buddy?" I ask, staring at my blue-eyed friend with concern.

"He can't walk through doors or walls, right?" Alfred asks abruptly.

"He? Which 'he' are we talking about here?" I inquire, morbidly amused by my tall friend's action mirroring those of a four-year-old who just saw the boogieman.

"The deadly beauty," Alfred whispers hoarsely, clinging onto me for protection from his own personal invisible boogieman.

"Oh for the love of the stars! The queen may be terrifying when angry but he's not the boogieman.... Yet," I mentally laugh before turning to Alfred and chuckling, "I take it that you gave your first name to our darling queen."

"First and last," Alfred corrects, my heart immediately starts trying to dive into my feet in my anxiety.

"First AND last?! Al, how stupid can you be?! It's not advisable to give him your first name which is what you had to give but....." I scold quietly, Alfred frowns.

"I promised him my name, I didn't specify it in the deal..." Alfred admits.

"If you didn't specify that you would give him your first and last name then you only had to give him your first, Alfred!" I exclaim, panic rising further in me.

"I'm sorry, alright?!" Alfred exclaims back, I run one hand through my hair and take a few deep breathes.

"It can't be changed now but I think I should go get Yao and you should tell both of us what happened after you gave him your name when I get back....." I sigh, moving to leave.

I walk over to the door but stop there and glance at my friend. A flash of anger runs through me as my mind decides to take this moment to register the existence of a small semi-dark thumb-shaped bruise on Alfred's chin.

"I suppose our darling queen gave you that bruise on your chin too," I hiss, Alfred adverts his eyes and nods.

Seeing this, I unlock the door and walk swiftly out of my room to go find Yao, shutting the bedroom door behind me softly.

~A Very Slight TimeSkip Brought to You by a Jack of Many Trades~

"So, in short, the queen has vowed to make you fall head over heels for him and threatened violence if you try to escape?" Yao asks softly as he tends to Alfred's bruised chin.

"Correct." Al states simply.

"On top of this he knows not only your first name but your last as well?" Yao inquires gently and Alfred nods, Yao adds softly, "then I suppose you've realized the amount of power you've unintentionally given the queen."

"Holy heck..... If this is the power he gets from names then I don't want to see the amount of power he gains from acquiring someone's heart," Alfred mutters tiredly.

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