Chapter Four: Duties

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(Author's Note: I will be including Katy Perry's song lyrics for Dark Horse in here being as this is a FanFiction based off it, the song belongs to Katy Perry and I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Four)

Time: Noon on Sunday

Point of View: Third Person

Our hero, the azure-eyed knight of Spades, glances toward the bedroom door and calls out, "of course, your highness."

With that spoken invitation, the door flies open and the emerald-eyed queen strides gracefully into the room. The blonde knight and the raven-haired jack both rise to their feet in response to the queen's presence. This, of course, causes the queen to frown slightly which, in turn, causes both the jack and the knight to grow pale.

"Neither of you had to stand," the queen scolds.

"Yes we do, it's a rule of the four kingdoms," both the jack and the knight simultaneously defend.

"Do I look like I care what the unspoken rules demand?!" The queen growls, glaring at each of his companions in turn.

"No, not really," the tall knight answers quietly, trying to defuse the queen's anger.

"Good~" the queen coos, stepping closer to the knight.

The jack sends the knight a warning glance as the queen takes four more steps toward the tallest in the room. Seeing the urgency in the jack's warning, the knight walks towards the french doors to the balcony. In response to the knight's actions, the queen turns slightly to face the retreating male again.

"Why exactly are you moving so far away, Lad~?" The queen asks in a sickly-sweet tone.

"Fresh air," the knight answers shortly, opening the french doors as he does so.

As the knight gently swings the french doors open, a soft mid-day breeze swirls into the room causing the indigo curtains to billow around the knight.

"Oh, alright then, Lad," the queen murmurs, blushing now.

"Anyway, what did you need, your highness?" The knight questions, looking over his shoulder at the queen.

"I want to go on a walk," the queen starts.

"Then why do you-" the jack starts but the queen interrupts him.

"Outside the castle grounds," the queen finishes, looking pointedly at the jack before smiling at the knight.

"But your subjects love you," the knight reminds him quietly.

"Most do, yes, but Francis is visiting," the queen responds, the jack let's out a soft growl but the blue-eyed knight only gives the queen an inquisitive look.

"What's the King of Diamonds doing in Spades?" He questions calmly, the queen grimaces.

"Francis is very fond of randomly visiting me," the queen offers, adding, "the more unexpected the visit, the more pleased with himself he usually seems."

The knight blinks blankly at the emerald-eyed queen and laughs, "the King of Diamonds enjoys torturing you?!"

The queen glares at his blue-eyed companion but nods nonetheless. Despite the queen's glare, the tall knight continues his laughing.

"Let's go, Lad." The queen hisses, sounding thoroughly frustrated with his knight's enjoyment of his predicament.

The jack sends the knight yet another warning look and the knight regains his composure quickly as the queen strides out of his room.

Dark Horse: A Song-Inspired Yandere! Cardverse! UkUs FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now