Chapter 14

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Nashes POV

I heard hayes ex girlfriend was staying with us for this week wich is bad because she is super crazy and that's was one one the reasons hayes broke up with her.

Then I heard hayes and Ashley run up to the room.... no hayes please no u can't like her again

I waited a minute to think if I should go up there and I did when I walked in I could not belive my eyes at all.....

Ashley's POV

I took hayes up to the room and threw him on the bed

Uhh Ashley wat r u doing??

I smirked

Something I should have done along time ago

Hayes POV

She threw me in the bed a I got a little scared... even tho her beautiful blue eyes where staring at me and her pretty smile was something I couldn't keep my eyes off where in the way... no no hayes you can't like her , the only reason I dated her was because all my friends thought she was hot so I thought it would be good street cred ... yea I know it's a douche move but I was eager to be popular.

She started taking my shirt off , i was gonna shove her off but she started to kiss me , she was the best kisser I didn't kiss back at first but then I had to it felt so right yet it was so wrong....

Nash POV


Ashley was on hayes and they where making out on the bed..I can't belive him.... he told me he liked Danielle but I guess he doesn't , now that he kissed that monster...


Nash POV

Ding dong I opened the door... it was Ashley

Hey nash! is hayes here?

Uhh no he is at lacrosse practice but wats up?

*right wen I said that a blonde headed boy walked up the driveway*

"Hey babe" , he said

My eyes widend..... she is cheating on my brother..... Wat a slut

Your cheating on my brother!?!?

Cheating is a strong word nash... I took a break from him that's all

But why? he was the best boyfriend any girl would die for? and u go and cheat on him!

But nash I....

No just go!

When hayes got home he was devastated but of course one week later they got back together...... typical middle school relationship



Hayes POV

Nash came in and I tried to push Ashley off but she pined me down

After nash screamed she came off me and smiled and walked out of the room

Damn nash is gonna give me a serious talk now... yea he is the best brother ever but he is also like my dad

Hayes why?

I do t know she forced me to and I didn't stop her... I shouldn't have kissed her please do t tell mom

I won't but hayes please use ur messed up brain and realize that Ashley is a horrible person

Yea okay I have to go talk to Danielle


HEY GUYS! Srry for all the misspelled words 😂 I hope you guys enjoyed!!

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