Always and Forever (Hayes Grier fanfic)

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POV *Danielle*

Hi my name is Danielle :) I live in LA with my mom and my 2 brothers , Damian(16)and Zak(4)I have brown wavy hair and brown eyes. I'm not what thy call "beautiful" but I'm guess I'm not ugly either. I also have braces thank goodness because my teeth where HORRIBLE.

I woke up this morning on the absolute wrong side of bed. First I stepped on one of Damian's toy trucks then zak got to the bathroom before me so I was extra late for school today. Then when I got to school I dropped my books!

The only perk of today was drama. I love acting it's the only time I can really be MYSELF. We are doing willy wonka

And the chocolate factory. I was playing varooka. The stuck up Rich girl .

****Authors Note

Hey guys! This is my first ever fanfic sooo srry if it's not that good :( but anyways srry there isn't any hayes in this chapter but the nxt one will be mostly him.

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