Chapter 7

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*Danielles POV*

There was loud music coming from inside

We all walked in and it became silent

Everyone was looking at us like we just stole there Fried chicken.....

"HEY DANIELLE" someone yelled and then my ears burst from girls screaming


Then everyone was crowding around us hayes grabbed my hand and I grabbed Cassie's and Cassie grabbed Savannah's and we tried to get around the crowd. Then the music stopped and a familiar voice yelled "HEY LEAVE THEM ALONE!"

It was Lucas..

After awhile everything wen back to normal except there where like 10 girls with hayes flirting with him

I mean I kinda got jealous but I was fine.. i think

After a while Cassie savannah and me where getting bored so we were about to leave but then Lucas came up to me.

Of course savannah and Cassie left us alone...

So uh I think your a really good actor and I good singer

(I had to sing in the play)


Don't get me wrong I like Lucas but for some reason I couldn't get hayes out if my mind

Well I have to go Lucas thx for the party :)

I walked up to savannah and Cassie and they wiggled there eyebrows to me

No no no I don't like him like that I like hayes

OOPS! I mean uh I um u see I uh

WE KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Then everything got quiet and people where staring and hayes was too...

Then they started to laugh even hayes

😳😳😳<--- those where our faces

I ran out to the front and felt like crying but I was strong so I didn't

I herd Cassie and savannah follow me


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