Chapter 12 - 7 minutes in heaven

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Okay guys. Hi I'm back. Sorry it's been a while sine the actual story, but here I am.

Quick recap.


"Well I know exactly what to play now." We all looked at Lance.

"Seven minutes in heaven."


"I'm sorry what?"


Eve's pov

I was very much confused. 

"What's that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"A horrific earth game Lance made us a play a while back." Allura groaned.

"Why. Why would you do this." Pidge poked Lance. 

"Cause I'm Lance and I feel like being an ass." He had a proud smile on his face.

"Oh you're an ass alright." Keith hung his head.

"Please tell me what it is. I don't like being left out!" I whined.

"We take a bag, hat, whatever you have. Put our names in it. Then spin a bottle. Whoever the bottle lands on has to pull a name from the hat." Lance started.

"The person who spun the bottle and the whoever had their name pulled go into a closet or some sort of enclosed space." Pidge continued.

"And make out." Lance finished. 

Calmly I got up, went over to Lance, and punched him dead in the face.


"I hate you." I sat back down next to Keith.

"You don't have to make out. Just sit and talk, or something. Originally you're supposed to make out." Pidge crossed her arms.

"And this is when I leave." Coran walked away.

"Good call." Keith howlered to him. 

 "Yay I'm not so sure an old man like him should be included in this game. No offense!" Shiro called to Coran. 

"Non taken. I'll just go to the Olkarion city." Coran packed up and left. 

"We can use the beach hut." Pidge pointed. 

"So you guys in?" Lance asked. His face smiling.

"I guess." I said. 

"Fine." The others said in usion.

Before you know it we had our names in Allura's beach hat. A bottle sat out in front of us. Lance spun the bottle. Round and round it went. I prayed it wouldn't land on me. It passed  us all a few times.








And back again. I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw who the bottle had landed on.

"Allura pull a name." Lance passed her the hat. Her hand stirred the names and he pulled a slip of paper out.

"Shiro, of course." She groaned. Pidge rolled over on her side laughing. Allura stood up and dragged Shiro to the hut. They disappeared behind the door and we all fell silent. Lance started the timer. We heard mumbles and whispers, but couldn't make any of it out. Pidge was intently listening.

Seven minutes was up and they walked out. Shiro had a light blush on his face. 

"Should we be expecting?" Pidge smirked.  Allura gasped. Shiro looked at Pidge with wide eyes. Lance was laughing his ass off. Hunk, Keith and I stayed silent.

"I can't believe you!" Allura screeched. 

"She does it to me too." I grumbled.

"Okay here we go." Lance spun the bottle again. Nervous feelings settled in. Round and round........ It stopped.

"Pidge! Ha!" Lance laughed.

"Karma's a bitch." Pidge mumbled. She too pulled a name out. 

"Hunk. Phew, not Lance."  Pidge wiped sweat from her brow. I had a feeling of dread as I watched the dirty minded Pidge and innocent sweet Hunk walk in the hut.

Seven minutes later they came out still chatting. I sighed with relief.

"Round three." Lance again spun the bottle. This time I wasn't so lucky. 

"Pull a name Eve." I closed my eyes and grabbed a slip of paper. Carefully and slowly I opened my eyes to read the name.

"Never in my life have I been so relieved. Haha. I got Keith! MY BOYFRIEND!! In your face Lance!"I waved the slip with Keith's messy handwriting in Lance's face.

I grabbed Keith's hand and walked into the hut. 

"I'll plan the baby shower!!" I heard Pidge shout. I shock my head. The hut was rather dark. Not pitch black but it had a dim light. 

"Well." Keith said. I looked at him. He smiled.

"Brace yourself." He smiled wider. I was about to ask him why, but I got my answer quickly. He pushed me up against the wall.

"Romantic or kinky?" He asked.

"Do what ever you want." I smirked.

His face came close to mine. His rough lips brushed up against mine. His tongue licked my lips. I opened my mouth to let him enter, but he wouldn't. He just licked my lips. I became impatient.

"Don't tease me." I grumbled.

"Oh, okay." He whispered suductivley in my ear.

His tongue entered. We had a battle, but he won. He swirled his tongue around mine. I stuck my tongue out and his felt all around it. He licked my face. From my mouth, to my cheek, to my ear. He began to suck my neck. He found my sweet spot. I couldn't hold back the moans. He licked my sweet spot, then bit gently. His teeth gently tugged at my skin, causing me to gasp and pant. 

He gabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. My legs wrapped around his waist. He moved and backed up against the other side. He turned around so I was under him. His hands travled from my hands to my shoulders. He licked my collar bone. Loud maons escaped me. His hands drew back my swimsuit straps.

Before he could go any further we were interrupted. 

"Times up!" The door opened. We gapsed and fell back on the hard ground outside. Keith right on top of me. We looked up to see Lance frowning at us.

"You guys had fun?" 

Keith quickly got off me an helped me up. I fixed my swim suit straps. Our faces were red. We just stood there.

"We could hear you. You guys sounded busy." Pidge chuckled. Keith looked down and shuffled his feet. I played with a lock of my hair. 

"Come sit down before Eve gets pregnant." Shiro glared at us.

With red hot faces we quickly sat down. Lance following behind us laughing. The game ended there. We split up doing different things. We had decided to camp there that night. Shiro of course came prepared. 

Shiro and Allura set up tents. Lance, hunk, and Pidge played in the water. Keith and I sat there on the beach silent. Neither of us knew what to say. Then Keith spook up.

"I really like you, Eve."

"Well obviously." I chuckled. Keith grabbed me and layer my head on his shoulder.

"I wanna be with you. You're important to me. Please don't leave me." Tears fell down his face.

"Never in a million years."

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