Chapter Six - The Kiss

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't gotten to the story. Season five has me messed up, but I am here now.

Now on to the story, but first just a little recap. 


"That was amazing!" Keith said as he ran down to me, picked me up, and spun me in a circle before putting me down.

"I have to say Eve, I'm impressed. We could use a fighter like you on the team. What'd you say. Will you join us?" Allura asked me with a friendly smile. I looked up at Keith and he gave me a nod. I looked to the others and they gave me nods and thumbs ups.

"Hell ya!"


Eve's pov

Now I'm in my room with Pidge. 

"Seriously girl, that was awesome!" Pidge said as we walked into my room.

"Hey, thanks." I said gloomily.

"What's wrong? You okay?" She asked me with a concerned look. 

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said as I turned away from her.

"Eeeeeeve. I know there's something wrong. You can tell me." She said as we sat on my bed. 

"It's dream. It was about my parents, and my family, and my home. Although it felt real, it was just a dream. I can't stop thinking about it. They died Pidge." I said as I started crying. I buried my face in my hands, I didn't want Pidge to see me cry.

"Hey, look at me. It was just a dream, alright. I'm here for you. The whole team is. I mean, Keith especially." She said jokingly as she patted my back.

"Oh my god! Will you let that go? Nothing happened!" I said in annoyance. If she was trying to cheer me up, it was working.

"No I will not! You can't leave me in the middle of this! Tell me everything!" She teased.

"I told you! Nothing happened. Now stop fangirling and get out!" I said as I opened my door.

"Okaaay, but you can't keep me out forever. I will find the truth! You hear me?! I WILL!!" She said in triumph as she left. I rolled me eyes and shut the door. After I was sure she was gone I went to go take a shower. I wanted to the sweat off me. I walked into my bathroom with clean clothes and got undressed. I hopped into the shower, well not literally, that would be dangerous. I quietly hummed to myself as I washed my long, almost white, hair. It was peaceful. I would've fallen asleep if I wasn't standing.


Keith's pov

I started  to walk down the hall towards Eve's room when Pidge walked past me. 

"Hey Pidge." I said to her with a wave.

"Hey Keith" she said as she kept walking down the hall toward he room. I came to Eve's door and knocked. There was no answer.

"Eve?" I asked. No answer. "Eve? You in there?" I asked again. Still, no answer. I slowly opene her door. I heared water coming from the bathroom. I walked over and started opening the door. "Eve?" I asked kinda quietly, maybe a bit too quietly. She was taking a shower and just coming out. As she drew back the curtain I panicked. I quickly covered my eyes before I could see anything. 

"Ahhhh, Keith!" I heared her exclaim. Then I heared  a gasp,something slip, and a big crash.

"You okay?" I asked with my eyes still covered. 

"Oww!" I heared her groan.

"Eve?" I asked again.

"Yeah I'm okay. Gimme a second........okay you can open your eyes." She said. I slowly opened my eyes. She had a white towle wrapped around her. 

"Sorry about that." I said with a nervous laugh. I felt my face get redder than a tomato.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." She reassured me.

"I'm just gonna.......yeah." I said and left faster than Pidge and Allura when Lance starts taking about girls. 

'Stupid Keith! You don't do that!!! What were you thinking?! Walking in on her like that!!! You could've seen her naked!! Are you insane?!" I thought to myself. I felt me face still red.

A moment later Eve came out. She was wearing gray leggings with a (f/c) blouse. Her almost white hair was in a long ponytail. 'Boy she's hot!' I thought. 

"You can stop staring you know." She said to me. 

"Huh, oh sorry." I said as my face got redder.

"Can you knock next time?" She asked me walking past me over to the bed. 

"Oh yeah, sure. Of course! Sorry!" I said as I sat next to her. My face even redder. 'Seriously, chill dude!' I could almost hear Lance saying to me.

"No need to apologize." She said to me with a smile. A flirtatious smile it seemed like. I felt my face get redder. 

'Chill out dude!!!!' Seriously, if I was a dog my tail would be wagging so much I would've flown away. 

"Any reason you had to interrupt my shower, besides almost seeing me naked?" She asked me with a smirk.

"What?! No!! That's......why would I....... I didn't know you were showering." I told her nervously.

"Well okay. You can go then." She said as she got up and headed for the door.

"Wait Eve!" I said as I grabbed her hand. We both blushed. She tuned to me and I stood up. I looked down at her shinning, (e/c) eyes. She looked up at me.

"Yeees?" She asked me. 

"Well, there's  something I have to get off my chest. Eve, you are a really cool girl. I like you and not as a friend, but more. I...I understand if you don't feel the same way. I needed to know." I said to her. 

'I did it. IDID IT!! That wasn't so hard!" I thought to myself. I took a deep breath. 

"Wow Keith. I don't know what to say. Maybe I'm so stunned cause I thought you wouldn't like me back." She told me looking down at her feet.

"Yeah, I understand. You don't like me....Wait! What?'l I asked in surprise. Before I could say anymore, she was leaning towards me. She took my hand in hers and leaned in. I leaned in towards her. The world seem to stop. Time was frozen, and our lips meet.

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