Chapter One - The Arena

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(Y/n) pov

I sat on the floor of my dirty galra cell. I had been here for as long as I could remember, which was so long I couldn't even remember my name. All I knew was that the galra called me 'Eve'. Suddenly the cell door opened. There stood that witch Haggar and two Druids behind her. I scooted up against the wall in fear, dragging my rusty and bloody chains with me. "What do you want from me?" I asked with my voice shaking. 

"Zarkon wants you to fight today. If you survive we will then decide what to do with you." She replied. 'Another fight? I've been doing fights every day it seems.' I thought as the Druids unlocked my chains and dragged me out of the cell.  We meet with other prisoners at the arena gates. 'They're all scared' I thought. 'I am too' 

One by one the other prisoners went into the arena, and each came back dead. 'What monster am I up against?' I thought with worry, 'for sure I am going too die' 

The Druids pushed me into the arena as the last dead prisioner's body was dragged out. The galra watching erupted into cheers and screams. The announcer put his hand up to silence them. "We have a very brave soul here. Our little Eve will fight the dreaded monster no one has defeated. There she is! Eve!" He howled. The crowed broke into cheers and screams again.

"And over here. Here he is the gladiator!!!!" The crowed cheered louder. 'The gladiator? But champion defeated him' I thought in skock. But sure enough there the gladiator was, bigger and badder than ever. The announcer held his hand up to silence the crowed again. "Ready, set, FIGHT!!!" He yelled and ran out of the way to the side lines.

The gladiator and I circled each other as the crowed was chanting and cheering. I tuned them out. I had to focus on the gladiator. His little weapon was more powerful than when champion defeated him. 'Alright let's dance you monster. I've got a couple tricks up my sleeve too.' I thought as my super power began to charge up. At least it seemed like a super power. The gladiator swung his weapon and the glowing orb came at me. Quickly I jumped out of the way and kicked the orb back at him with my robotic right leg. He jumped to the side and swung the orb back at me. My right leg was glowing now. 'See super power' I jumped behind a pillar and kicked the orb again. The orb returned to the staff to recharge. 'Now is my chance' I ran and kicked a sword out of a galra solder's hand and threw it at the gladiator. He jumped to the side and the sword missed by a meter. With the sword stuck in the wall the gladiator took the chance and swung his orb at me. I jumped out of the way and the orb hit the wall behind me. The orb swung again and I was too slow. I jumped but the orb hit my good leg, my nonrobitic leg, my left leg. I crumpled to ground and screamed in pain. 

The crowed erupted into cheers and boos. The announcer silenced them once again. Haggar walked over to me and put a glowing hand on my forehead. "This won't hurt" she said. I knew she was lying. Then I felt the sting and everything went black.


I woke up on an examination table with the Druids holding needles to my face. They struct me in the forehead and I screamed in pain. My whole body became numb, but I could still feel them cutting my damaged left leg off from my body. I screamed in pain and begged that they stop, but of course they didn't.

After my leg had been replaced they took me back to my cell. It was hard to walk with two robotic legs, mainley they just dragged me to my cell. I now sat there staring at my two robotic legs. I could still feel the sting, and it left me weak. 'That's it! I have to get out of here' I thought. 'But how?' I remembered something from when champio was here. He had timed the patrols pattern and tought it to me. The one time I had been happy with having a cell partner. I scrambled to the door and started picking pieces of machinery out of my leg. I used a long wire to pick the lock. I ran out of the cell and hid behind the corner as a patrol went down the hall way. I used this method and followed the patrol pattern until I got to the escape pods. As I walked into the pod a galra solder spotted me and started shooting at me. 

He sounded the alarm and a voice rang over the speekers. "Prisioner '122786 Eve' is atempting escape" soon the hanger was filled with galra solders shooting at me. I ducked into the pod as the doors shut.

"Going into hyper speed" the voice said. 'Come on launch already' if the ship went into hyper speed I would never escape. It was now or never. Just as the ship went into hyper speed the escape pod launched. I crashed landed on a planet luckily. I walked over to the control and set off a distress signal. 

I felt myself collapse and hit the ground. My eyes closed and everything went black.

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