Chapter Ten- Olkarion (part two)

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Eve's pov

All eyes were on me. Lance was, well, being Lance. Hunk slapped the back of Lance's head. Keith's checks were a light pink. 'Is he blushing?' 

"Let's go swimming Eve!" Pidge said as she dragged me to the water.

"Really?! Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked nervously.

"Well, that's what we came to do, right?"

"Oh, of course. It's just......"

"What is it?" Keith asked with concern.

"I don't know how to swim." I said shyly, staring at the ground.

"Oh well, that's fine. We can teach you." Pidge said.

"Really, you don't have to do that. It's not a big deal. I don't think I even want to swim." I explained.

"Nonsense. We'll teach you to swim." Hunk said reassuringly.

"Yeah, no sweat." Lance commented.

"Thanks guys." 

(Time skip)


Eve's pov

I was floating in the water, with Pidge and Lance on either side of me. Hunk had taught me to float, now it was Lance and Pidge's turn.

"Okay, now just kick your feet and move your arms, like this." Lance demistrated for me.

"Or you could try doggy paddle, like this" Pidge showed me.

"Okay." I ducked my head under water and tried the doggy paddle. I was surprisingly good at it. I emerged from the water after swimming a couple yards. 

"Excellent Eve. Now try the way I showed you." Lance suggested. My head went back under. I spread my arms in front of me, and my robotic legs behind me. I was worried the water would affect them, but they seemed to hold up just fine. I kicked my legs with everything I had, and propelled myself through the water towards Lance. 

"Nice job." Lance said helping me out of the water. I looked over at the others. Pidge was in the water with Hunk. Allura was sunbathing on the beach. Coran was looking at odd snails and crabs. Shiro was sitting in the shade. But who concerned me the most was Keith. He was sitting on the sand with a gloomy expression. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said.


"You okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well ya seem kinda upset."

"Well, it's just........seeing you hang with Lance....."

"Oh my god! Really?!" I said standing up.

"What?" Keith said looking up at me.

"Keith, you don't have to worry about him. I'm with you. I love YOU! Not that perv! Why do you doubt me?" I questioned him.

"It's not that. I just don't trust Lance." Keith said standing up.

"You don't have to trust him. All you have to do is trust ME. I would never....... I just.......Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do." 

"Then leave it that. I'm gonna go swim." 

"Okay, sorry."

"Hey it's okay." I walked into the lake.

I walked in the shallows, I still wasn't very good at swimming yet. I began daydreaming, thinking about my time as a galra prisoner. I tried to remember my life before that, but I couldn't. My mind kept going back to my dream. 'Were they really my parents? Did that really happen? Or was that just a figment of my imagination?'

I was so lost in thought, I hadn't noticed that I was getting deeper in the water. My foot hit a drop off. Next thing I knew, my head was under water. I panicked. I started kicking my legs furiously, but I was getting nowhere. I sank deeper in the water. Everything fading. My vision became blurry. The world went dark.

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