Whatever It Takes

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"Oh Danny I'm so sorry I messed up," she said. Sitting down on the sofa papers in hand, open envelopes on the living room table. Tears rushed down her face uncontrollably, as she looked down at the floor not able to look Danny in the face. "I'm sorry it's all my fault I thought I had it under control."

"Wo wo grandma slow down just tell me what happened please." Danny rushed to her side sitting next to her on the sofa. She's is too embarrassed to look him in the face head down tears flowing. He gently placed both hands on her face picked it up so that they were at eye level.

Heart pumping fast spirit broken from seeing his grandmother hurting. "Grandma it's ok just tell me what's wrong whatever it is we'll get through it together." Whipped her tears from her face as they slide down her cheek trying to get her under control.

She tried to pull herself together to form words, took a hard sniff to keep her nose from running. "I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want to worry you." It's my health care they denied my extension about four months back. The medication that kept me stable is very expensive I couldn't keep up.

"The medical payments started adding up, on top of that I couldn't pay rent so I kept asking the landlord for an extension. So I went to the bank hoping to get a loan to help but I was denied. Now we got 30 days to pay rent, and the medical bills or they'll stop my prescription, and we'll be out on the street."

"H-how much do you owe grandma?"

       "Twenty two thousand dollars, I'm so sorry Danny I don't know what to do." She started crying uncontrollably.

       "Don't worry grandma we'll get through this together I promise." He took his grandmother in his arms holding her tight, rubbed her back trying to console her.

He let go of her started making his way toward the front door. "I got to go grandma I'll be back later."

       "Danny where are you going?" "Danny!"

       "Don't worry I'll be back soon." As he walked out the front door made his way to Clifford Park, just a couple blocks away.

He took his phone out of his pocket and quickly called Trevor. "Hello?"

       "Yo Trevor I need you to meet me at Clifford Park."

       "Now, what time is it?" Trevor asked, as he looked at the clock on the bedside table, 5:00am.

       "Listen it's important I need you to meet me, I'll explain when you get there please!"

       "Alright I'm on the way."

He quickly got out of bed threw on whatever clothes that were near him. Walked over to the girl sleeping in his bed from last night. "Hey look I need to go my mom won't be home anytime soon, so you can sleep comfortably."

       The girl mumbled something still tired, "what time is it?"

       "Listen I'll be right back." He Walked away leaving her in his bed, rushed downstairs keys in hand, getting in his car before ultimately pulling off.

He arrived at Clifford Park thirty minutes later, parked his car looked out into the field, where Danny was pacing back and forth. "Alright this better be good to drag me out here at five in the morning, the girl from last night is still in my bed she could." Before he could finish that sentence Danny interrupted.

"I need twenty two thousand dollars by the end of the month."

       "Twenty two thousand dollars, what the fuck you need twenty two thousand dollars for you owe the mob?"

       Danny frustrated that he isn't taking the situation seriously raises his voice. "I'm serious Trev this isn't a joke, if I don't they'll stop prescribing my grandma's medication and we'll be out in the street."

"Danny, where the fuck you think your going to get that kind of money."

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