Chapter 15

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"We'll leave at half past two and be there by three. Is that ok?" he asked her.

She nodded. "I would've loved to go on a Saturday though."

"I know, same here, but my mother insists that the best time to go is during the week. I didn't bother fighting the logic," he chuckled as she fixed his tie.

"Well, she does know best, so we'll just have to follow her advice. Does she know what our intentions are?" she asked.

"I think she's pretty much guessed it by now. I told her that you wanted to be a part of the foundation, and I think she believes that, but I don't think she believes that that's entirely our reasoning for going to the orphanage," he explained.

"Do you think I should have lunch with her?" she asked worriedly.

"I mean, it would mean the world to her, but only if you want to," he replied quickly.

She raised an eyebrow, amused. "You've wanted me to for a while, haven't you?"

"I know you guys bonded and all, but I just want you to be able to look to her for advice and what not. I know she'd like for you to see her as your mom too," he responded.

"I already see her as a mother to me, but I get what you're saying. I'll call her when we get to work. Speaking of, we should probably head out. It is after all our official first day working together," she reminded.

"How are you feeling about that?" he asked as they headed downstairs.

I'm a bit nervous, but going in last week helped with settling in. I at least have an idea of the kind of environment I'm heading into," she replied.

"Well, I for one am excited to see how this works out. How is my schedule looking for the day?" he questioned.

"It's thankfully not that busy, so we should be able to head to the orphanage with no hiccups. Most of your meetings are in the morning," she informed.

He grabbed them some breakfast to go. "Am I meeting with any departments?"

"Yep! The marketing team is pitching a brand-new campaign to you at nine," she said, looking at her tablet.

"That's better than listening to the human resources department give back a report. Those people have allowed me to perfect my skill of sleeping with my eyes wide open," he joked.

She laughed. "May they never find out that you don't listen to their poor souls."

They headed out in his sedan and it was a car ride filled with mundane conversation before they reached the partly empty parking lot. It was six in the morning and not a lot of people had arrived yet. They'd gone in that early in the name of settling in before things got too hectic.

They both agreed that they'd eat breakfast separately since Xavier needed to check his emails, while she wanted to make sure that everything on her laptop was up and running. Xavier had instructed Emery to get it to the IT guys to set up.

Xavier's day kicked off with a meeting at seven. Diamond successfully lead his clients to the boardroom before giving them their space. She felt giddy about completing the task successfully, but she quickly admonished herself.

The meeting was long, and she could understand why. He was meeting with one of the potential investors that the board had agreed needed to be brought on board. She knew that he was working his charm, and she understood that she needed to be prepared for any kind of mood from him.

To distract herself, she decided to get a head start on calling her mother in law. "Diamond? This is a pleasant surprise!"

"Good morning Ms Kingston. I'm calling to find out if you're free to do lunch today. I'd like to talk to you about the orphanage before we go," Diamond replied.

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