Chapter 5

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The clock ticked as every second passed in the tension filled room. Serious expressions were worn by every single man and woman in there as they all looked to the power head at the end of the table. His brows were furrowed in thought as he looked at the document in his hands.

With every flick of a page, they grew more and more anxious.

He was like a bear with a thorn in its paw. They'd all thought him a monster before, but in the last month, the man had been a complete Grinch. They feared him even more now since any small thing set him off.

They all gulped nervously as he reached the last page of the file. He set it down slowly, almost as though to torture their already apprehensive minds. In one swift move, he leaned back in his chair before raising his eyes to look at all of them. None of them dared to look him in the eyes as the cerulean orbs scanned the room.

"You're dismissed," he said curtly.

Like ants that had been interrupted from their hunt for food by a sudden invasion, they all scrambled, trying to reach the door first. They couldn't wait to be out of the room as it was.

Emery sighed as she watched them all leave. When her boss wasn't coming out, she went into the boardroom to find him on his iPad. His face was in the scowl he seemed to be accustomed to as of late.

"That was not nice," she admonished.

"I'm not obliged to be nice to them. I don't even pay them so that they can be on the receiving end of my niceness. I pay them to work and make money," he replied, not looking up at her.

"Any word from Dr Hyland?" she asked.

"The results of her brain scan come back today. I'm meeting him tonight after my last meeting," he responded, still not looking up at her.

She sighed. "So she's still not awake?"

"Not as far as I know," he said, finally looking up at her. She could see the toll this situation was having on him.

They hadn't been able to determine whether or not the operation on Diamond had been successful. All they knew was that her body had accepted Xavier and Lyell's blood, and that her heart was still pumping.

They recently discovered that there may be some brain activity occurring since she hit the pole on her way down and had a big gash on the side of her head. Two of the bullets had lodged in her back, while one had gone completely through her the side of her stomach.

The two bullets had been successfully removed, and now she was in a coma.

The media had gone wild with the story of the shooting, but none of them had the factual story since the police weren't saying anything, and neither had Xavier. He didn't want Diamond to wake up to her face everywhere in the news.

Besides the shooting, his ring was also being questioned. It wasn't a secret how he came to own it, and it had everyone buzzing, especially since he wore it in its rightful place on his left wedding ring finger.

Emery hugged him. "Any day soon Xav, don't worry."

He'd gone to visit Diamond every morning and night, spending the whole day with her on Saturdays and Sundays. He'd had her moved to a private room since he's the hospital's biggest benefactor.

It was the least they could do for him with everything he and The Kingston Foundation had done for the hospital over the years.

He would visit her and hold her hand while telling her all the ideal things they were going to do once she woke up. He didn't hold anything back, telling her about his past and what he hopes is their future.

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