Chapter 6

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Jack has been trying to talk to me all week.

He was back on Tuesday and today is Thursday. My parents have been gone all week so it's just been me and my poor dogs. I've been doing whatever I can to keep my mind away from Jack and Clare. It doesn't help much that I have had Cross-country practice every night. With Jack and his friends. I don't know if they are mine, even at a basic or friendly peer level.

It's the beginning of math class on Thursday. Yesterday Mr. M promised us a new seating arrangement. So let's see what happens. Jack used to sit by me and he better not still get to.

Jack walked into the classroom and walked to his seat next to me. "Scylla, please talk to me." He is begging and pleading, which he deserves to. Jack is convinced that he did nothing wrong and nothing happened between him and Clare. How dumb does he think I am?

Also Jack still has his status as 'In a relationship'. And it still says with me even though I changed mine almost a week ago to 'single'.

I tried to unfriend him on my phone but it wouldn't work. When I got the app about four years ago, my parents put restrictions on it so I couldn't do certain things on there and I guess they forgot to take it off. I'll need to remind them of that when they get home.

I haven't deleted his number yet. Why? I don't know. It's been in my phone for so long and I have it memorized. Jack had received a phone before I did so I called him on the home phone and needed to remember his number. By the time I got my own phone, I didn't need to ask for his number since I already had it. I need to bring myself to delete it. The picture I have of him is of him at a pumpkin patch a year ago. I had been taking pictures and said something to make him laugh and stole a picture of him before he could delete it. It had been so fun with him. He could always turn a bad mood into a laughable mood. Now it's just bad moods.

"Everyone stand up and go to the sides of the room. You will be receiving your new seats." There were some groans which Mr. M ignored. "When I call your name I will tell you which row and which number, then you shall go there and sit silently. Understood?"

There were some nods and agreements while others like me stayed silent and hopeful.

Braden had been called to sit in the front row, one seat away from the door. There weren't that many names left. "Jack Robinson. Row 5, seat 2." He had been moved to the very back, close to the windows.

Me and three other students left.

Me and two other students.

Me and one student.


"Scylla Martin! Row 1, seat 6." The teacher instructed. I went up there and sat next to Braden. I was right next to the door, next to Braden, and in a hiding view of the teacher.

"Now today class..." Mr. M continued talking but I didn't pay much attention even though it seemed like I was. I wasn't called on at all, especially since I had the smartest guy in the classroom sitting right next to me.

The bell rang and dismissed us to our next class.

I felt someone grab my arm. It was Jack. I ignored him and tried to walk to my next class but he was stronger.

"Sky, please. I just want you to say something, look at me, something!" Jack's voice was pleading like I've never heard before. It reminded me of when I got angry at him when we were younger. He would beg at me but had a tease in his voice. It's nothing like this.

But I can't. I want to. It'll hurt more if I do, because I don't know if he'll hurt me again.

My eyes lifted themselves to his. His full of apology and hope. Mine were shooting daggers on fire.

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