Chapter 20

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I want to travel with my friends.

I also want to stay home and be with Jack and myself. I knew the second option wouldn't happen because of how much our friends want us to go on the trip.

There is a few days until the trip so I had started packing. I was ecstatic that Jack and I would be going into the same college together. I didn't know what he thought of me but I know I love him and always will. The school year has ended and now we can put our troubles behind us. I really hoped for that.

Lucy was getting a lot better after graduation. Her and Leo have had more of a connection it seems after the 'incident' but it seems to be for the better. The doctors did everything they could to help her from what happened at Thomas' house. The police had arrested and charged Thomas and his friends with a few different things.

Braden was still a little shy around me when we hung out but I think we're getting better and more used to the whole 'friends' thing. I didn't know how the trip would go but I was holding hope and being optimistic, to stay the least.

The back door creaked open and I heard Jack's voice call my name. "Back here!" I yell to him.

I looked at myself one more time in the mirror in my room. Behind me, Jack's shadow appears and wraps his arms around me. "Scylla," he says, his chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you for reminding me to change my name," I tell him, turning around.

I try to search his face for any sign of anything but all I see is a smiling face.

"I love your name." He says, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

And I love you, I was tempted to say. But I couldn't. I didn't know what Jack and I were anymore though I know I want us to be together. It was a strange feeling, hiding and being shy around someone you've known almost your whole life.

I kissed him just a few nights ago and I could still feel the warmth from his lips lingering on mine. I wanted to again, just kiss him, just be with him. It was an odd attraction that pulled me to him, but I didn't know if he felt it too. I wasn't sure how much I dared to hope after everything that has happened to us.

"Well, I don't." I push away from him, to grab my purse.

"Sky," he paused. "What's wrong?"

I closed my eyes and picked up my purse. "Nothing, nothing is wrong. Let's just get to the mall."

I started walking out into the hall and the lights clicked off behind me as Jack followed. I heard him sigh. I hated not knowing what to do in a situation but it seems to happen often to me.

In my free hand, it became not so free as he intertwined our hands. I began to get a headache and I started to object. "Please, stop."

"What is going on?" He asks quietly, stopping in the living room and removing his hand from mine, which I instantly wanted to take back.

"Nothing. I just need-" I began, frustrated.

"Time? Space? What? You've practically been avoiding me ever since you kissed me at the graduation and won't give me the time of day. I miss you, goddamn it! Fourteen years, we've been inseparable and it kills me to be apart. I gave you six months worth of time and space while you dated someone else! It pained me so much that's my own thoughts got clouded and that took me to the hospital! Heaven forbid that two people fell in love! It's so frustrating to think of someone else with you. It makes me go insane and so insanely stupid things to try and numb the damned pain. I don't want to need anything but I do, dammit! I need you, Scylla Rey Martin. And I love you," Jack says, his eyes pleading into mine.

My gaze fell to the floor. My heart pounded loudly. Once again, I had no words. I had many thoughts but I couldn't say them aloud.

I loved him so much but I was afraid to say it, because if I did, I thought that maybe it would evaporate. F*ck the plan. I want him.

--- JACK ---

After I was done with my terrible speech, I couldn't help but stare at Scylla. Everything about her was amazing and I wanted her to know that. I wasn't lying when I said I loved her name. I loved it because it was her's. Everything about her I love. I told her how I felt.

She was looking at the ground. She must be ashamed to be standing near me. Scylla probably thinks I'm some pathetic loser who can't let go of the past.

"Say something," I managed to find my voice once again.

I was terrified at the thought of losing her. If she was happy away from me, then I would step back into a world of misery if it meant that she was happy. I would do anything for her, no matter the consequence.

"Jack?" She asked, almost meeting my eyes. Her voice held a question, but I didn't know what it was.

"Yeah?" I ask, wondering if it was okay to go and hold her. I wanted to.

Scylla's lips smoothed into a thin line. "Do you really mean that? All of it?"

I stared at her in disbelief. Did she think I was lying to her? I don't think I've ever been that honest before in my life. "Yes, Scylla. Yes, I mean every single word."

I finally saw why she wasn't meeting my eyes. It was because she had tears in her eyes. I couldn't help myself at that point. I took a couple steps towards her and took her hands. "Scylla, I love you and I will do anything for you. I need you. I might sound ridiculous and I probably do but it is more than true that I love you. I just need you to say that you'll be mine, once again. No mistakes, no more stupid moves. Just you and me."

Her head fell against my chest. "Was that what you were waiting for? Jack... God, Jack. Yes, I love you. That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard." She started rambling. "Not that I have heard many cute things but that was definitely-" I cut Scylla off by kissing her.

She gasped in surprise but then our lips found each other again. We stayed with each other for who know's how long. I can't believe we had such a miss communication that we both thought that we were going to lose each other.

Scylla pulled back eventually. "I love you. Now let's go to the mall."

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