Chapter 10

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I was walking home in the cold.

I had on a blue button up coat, dark skinny jeans, and a long sleeved hot pink shirt, along with black snow boots, and a beanie. I had a string backpack on my shoulders and headphones in. I was listening to Say Something. I've been listening to sad songs and my mother says it's not healthy for me. What's it matter to her, I don't have to see her again after Tuesday; and today is Friday, February 20th.

Braden and I have been going out for 6 months. Jack and I have been ignoring each other for the most part. Mom left already, the papers were signed, months ago. I'm fine with it.

As I turned up my driveway, I pulled out the keys and started to unlock the door when it opened. My dad opened it for me. "Hi sweetheart," he has been calling me that since the divorce with mom. "How was school?"

"Fine." I use my same answer as always. "How was your day?" I walk inside.

"It was okay. Let's have a talk."



"I found a job in Pennsylvania. I'm going to check it out and rent an apartment for a month, maybe two. I'll need you to stay next door, at the Robinson's house. If I'm not back by your eighteenth birthday, you can come back and stay here or move out. For now I'll put you under Mr. and Mrs. Robinson's care. Just don't don't do anything crazy while I'm gone, living with Jack."

I just realized I had never told my dad about him and I breaking up, that I had a boyfriend, and I can't even stand Jack. That was six and a half months ago!

And really, Dad? Like I wanted to anyways.

"Dad, can I just stay here? Please?"

He looked out the window. "Sorry, Scylla. Just don't tempt yourself."

Gag me.

"Dad, we broke up!"

"Oh." I could tell he was surprised. "I love you, sweetheart, but I need you to do this for me. And you're not allowed to sleep in the Treehouse either. I need this, Scylla, please, sweetheart."

I just can't say no to him, after all of this.

I sigh. "Okay Dad. I'll try."

He gave me a hug and says, "Thank you."

"I have some homework I need to do," I say, to get away.

"Okay. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."


Instead, I responded with "Kay." I say through tears in my eyes as I made my way to my room.

I sigh again, before taking off my headphones and pausing my music. I glanced at my phone, I have 75% battery left. And two voicemails (Braden and Lucy), one missed call (Lucy), and a text (Braden).

Lucy and I have been hanging out. We're pretty close right now. Lucy and I are supposed to hang out Saturday and then go on a double date with me and Braden, along with her and Leo. Leo is tan, dark hair, and dark colored eyes. Lucy has green eyes, ginger hair, and is pale.

The text said 'hey'. I replied with a small smile. 'Sup?'

I listened to the voicemails. Braden told me why he wasn't at school and Lucy recorded details about our plans tomorrow.

'Nothing much. I'm feeling better.'

'That's great!' I reply. 'I'll see you tomorrow then?'

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