Chapter 9

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He moved the strands of hair away from my face and his eyes bulged "Faye?"

"What on earth were you doing in my mom's car?"

I stood up wiping the dirt off my knees.

"Dickhead, she asked me to get her phone."

He burst into laughter and so did I.

"Well then why were you running away from me? I thought you were some messed up teen trying to steal her car."

"I didn't know it was you" I lied.

He gazed into my eyes for a while, and then muttered "was the scholarship the reason why you said no to me being your boyfriend?"

Words weren't forming, and I just stared at him as though I wasn't understanding.  He cleared his throat saying "Faye, you have to understand that the scholarship to that university doesn't mean anything. You could always apply to get into my university, and we won't have to be so apart."

I smiled because the idea that I would leave the scholarship offer just for a relationship with him amused me. Idiot. No way in hell was I giving that up for a relationship that I wasn't even comfortable of being in.

I knew right from the start that Zayn was a smooth talker and although I'd be his main gal he'd probably have 4 other for backup. 

I backed two steps away "what makes you think that I even want to go to your university?"

He was rooted to the ground with a dumbfounded expression on his face. 

"Alright look, even if you go to that university, we can still make this happen. It's a twenty minute drive right? I'll drive over there twice a week, and..."

I interrupted him "Zayn" he still continued "and on weekends you can come home"

I bursted screaming annoyed "I don't want to be in a relationship Zayn, I'm not interested, so can you please stop pestering me?"

He came closer and I caught a glimpse of the ache in his eyes, and the dark circles.

Under the moon light he seemed vulnerable, I made him devastated.  But his expression changed as he politely said "no you don't understand, I'm no longer asking as a potential boyfriend I'm asking as a close friend... will you come back and visit me, Faye? I'll skype with you as much as I can... I want you to stay in my life"

I'm pretty sure I won't ever manage to do that again, somehow I'll screw things up accidently admit that I love him or some crap.

So again I stared at the ground then gazed at his eyes changing my tone similar to the tone I spoke with in the intreview, I called it the cunning tone. Where I'd sound so confident of what I was saying that the person I was speaking to believed every word I said.

"I don't want to fucking come back to this town! I denied being with you long before I got the scholarship because I don't have time to mustard fake feelings. Since the day I found out that my father isn't who he really is, I swore to myself that I'd do anything not to associate myself with a bunch of psychos like y'all."

"Faye" he protested "please let's not go there, leave that for another day."

"No I'll tell you everything..." and my stomach wrenched, my heart thumped fast, and my heart screamed at me to stop, but my mind kept telling me to go on.


She was running out of breath as she spit everything, Faye always had a reputation for being a cunning bitch. But it was only tonight when I actually witnessed it.

"My mother screwed Dina's dad when she married my father because she was supposedly madly in love with him? But she was fucking eighteen; what did she know about love?"

I realized that was when she was speaking about herself.

"Dina and I got into some fued or crap because I'm her step sister and she wants me to confront my mom, and no way am I going to do that? Because how is it going to benefit me? I hate every single one of your parents, every single one of them. Including mine. Screw every single one of them! Did I mention I hate every single one of you too? I hate Layla, Ameer, Dina, Adam. And I fucking hate you too."

She was losing control, and she was spilling things she was greatly going to regret next morning.

"When I went into the scholarship intreview you know what made me get it?"

And here she drops the bomb.

I shook my head, dumbfounded, "the thought that if I get this I won't have to return to this shitty town ever again, I won't ever have to see any of your petty faces ever again. And mark my words this is the last conversation I will ever have with you, cut the crap and let's skip all this bullshit, I'm not gullible. I know the second any poor girl commits into a relationship with you she ends up disappointed,  you're an asshole Zayn. You cheat in every fucking relationship."

My head was spinning as I crossed my brows "get your facts straight you moron, I didn't cheat on anyone... she cheated on me."

"Well then I'm sorry."

She turned around.

My eyes started watering and tears were streaming on my face for the first time since October.

This was it, whatever friendship I had with her was over. 

As she walked away I muttered "well then I hope you live a very prosperous life with that shithead Sami, but know this even when you're brimming with success, or you're a CEO of some fucking company, know that you've lost someone who genuinely cared about you, and I'm damn sure you'll keep losing more with that shitty attitude."

Her voice broke and it ached my chest to see her like this and not be able to calm her or soothe her "go to hell" were the last three words she said to me. Ironically, the last eight letter I heard from her.

I stared ahead as she walked away, when she disappeared I tried grasping what happened I climbed into the passenger's seat and like heavy raindrops on a cloudy day my eyes started watering.

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