Chapter 6

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I glanced at Zayn's designer wrist watch, and it was pretty late. Way past my curfew.

I sighed "it's getting late, so I'll head home."

"I'll come with you"

"No" I insisted "you stay, your parents need your presence"

"Nah, I needed to give Adam some document with Layla, and honestly I planned on having a fifa match with him tonight, he said I should come with you."

"Okay" I squeaked, knowing the minute I'd walk in with Zayn, I'd get another one of my mom's lectures about what people would think once they saw him and I together. How that would impact my dad's reputation.

Not a single lecture was ever headed towards Adam, because he knew how to keep his relationship a secret from my parents. He was magnificent at hiding things, as for me, I know that by tomorrow aunt helga who was watching Zayn, Eric, and I closely would be calling my mom tomorrow asking her whether Zayn and I were officially together or what?

Silence filled in any hole of small talk we had whilst going downstairs.

Whilst downstairs Zayn bumped into another university friend "Murad" who had his hands around his girlfriend's waist. They exchanged greetings, and he introduced them to me, which later proceeded in introducing myself.

A quick glance at Murad, and I wondered damn, how are all these 22 year olds so built like models. His Latino accent was a major turn on. Meanwhile his girlfriend had striking beauty, for starters the way she carried herself was marvelous, her ash blonde hair with coffee brown highlights was neatly tied in a plate, and her red lipstick seemed so empowering.

But the minute she spoke she constructed an incomplete sentence muttering "like baby I so feel like cold when are we like going home?"

Murad grabbed her in for a passionate kiss, but to me the scene seemed utterly disgusting and gory "now babe" he saluted Zayn and I goodbye and while Zayn shook his hand, a guy that to me seemed almost Ameer's age winked at me, I shrugged it off but he came closer, leaving a gap of 4 inches between us.

"Excuse me can you please.."

He interrupted my very polite attempt at telling him to back the fuck away by stuttering "hey I just met and this is crazy-y-y" Zayn was finally finished with his friend, and turned to only find this guy. Oh shit.

The guy glanced at Zayn, but still had the balls to stand "but call me maybe?" I laughed, because it was highly amusing observing how nervous this guy became the second he saw Zayn, he messed up his pickup line, the song lyric nonetheless.

"No thanks" I said sympathetically, I watched Zayn from my side eyes and it was taking him every ounce of patience not to punch this dude.

"Wait" he muttered

"Look she said she's not fucking interested can you back the hell off?"

The guy frowned "is he your boyfriend?"

Before I could even think of a decent reply, Zayn growled again "yes she is my girlfriend, and when I screw her tonight I'll think of your sad pitty face, and I'll even be more grateful for having what you can never have!" His hands locked with mine, as my heart raced like the hooves of a thousand stallions. 

But what he said wasn't right. Hurting someone else was never right, so before he turned away I muttered to the guy "I'm sorry he's a bit off today, look I hope you do find someone, and I sincerly wish from the bottom of my heart that she's not as cunning, manipulative, and as unkind as I am."

He nodded and his lips twitched. 

As we walked out Zayn clapped his hands "can we get a fricking award here for madam terrisa?" he added sarcastically.

"Yl7maar (donkey) what's your frickin problem?"

"No world peace, fifa nearly over, people mixing peas with gravy, you flirting with my best friend, a million and one guys asking for your number? I'm hot too how come they don't ask for mine?"

I roll my eyes hearing the typical irony escaping Zayn's mouth. 

"Don't act so butt hurt, dude, you flirt with Sarah 24/7, right in front of me, and I usually shrug it off."

His left eyebrow cocked "really? Faye Acarso, I never realized you were the jealous kind?"

I punched his shoulders, and he acted like my punch did no harm, but I could see his eyes watering "jealous? Ya habeebi, you've been jealous all day from having needy idiots asking from my number, and even if I do decide to actually end up being with Eric" I raise my hands backing away "whatcha gonna do byatch?"

Through all this I wasn't paying much attention but I realized Zayn unlocking his sweet black cadillac as he sat on the driver's seat and roared the engine he said "it isn't fair I never actually got anything from Sarah."

I sat on the passenger seat buckling my seat belt promptly replying "yes that's because Sarah showed no effing interest."

He reversed his car and tilted his head and grabbed my neck, I could physically feel my palms sweating, "as for what im going to do" he replied to my question by a risk, by grabbing my hair and ruffling through it. Shit he was going for a peck in the cheeks.

I pulled away, knowing how deeply I'd regret this. At times I pictures my hands against his tanned abs, and laying beside him on Sundays, snuggling next to him in lazy afternoons. But I'd shake all these thoughts away.

He hit the breaks and parked his car, under a shabby tree, stopping the engine he lands his head on the steering wheel.

"Why? What's wrong with me Faye? Look I'm sure I'm not as handsome as your idols Sami Khadeira and Mesut Ozil, nor will I ever match Schurrel,  but surely I'm not that bad."

My stomach twisted, as I saw him in a position like that.

I couldn't help but massage his head and tug on his thick strands of mahogany brown hair.

"Nah, it's completely the opposite I always want to be the hot one in the relationship, Zayn, and you're just too hot. Like if I end up with you on our wedding day I'm pretty sure girls would end up flirting with you, and I can't have that. Nope." Although this sounded greatly sarcastic it was all very true.

He laughed genuinely then muttered "it won't ever be that way... I promise!"

"I'm sorry but I'm just not a very comitted person"

"lies" he muttered

"What do you know asshole? I bought three goldfishes last summer, and they ended up dead because I frickin forgot about them for two weeks. Me and commitment are as close as Leo and an Oscar, we just never happen!"

I held my hand back, and gazed at the window.

He mumbled "Faye?"


"Can you please continue massaging my head?"

I continued as he laid by that position, unbuckling my seat belt my other hand rested on his right shoulder and the left kept massaging his head. Till my head dropped and total blackness invaded my vision, my head landed on a smooth lawn material that smelled incredible, and I let go.

Vibrations from my phone buzzed in my ears, I opened my eyelids familiarising myself with the surrounding and I nearly got a panic attack.

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