part 15

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A/n i just wanted to say thank you for your support on this book. I love reading all the comments and see how much you guys enjoy my writing! Thanks again!
Colby woke me up the next day
"School" he said and kissed my head. My eyes fluttered open as pain shoots to my wrist. I held it and groaned
"Does it still hurt?"
I nod
"Let me look at it " he does the same thing as yesterday but it hurts when he touches it
"Ow colby s-stop please...its worst than yesterday" water stung my eyes. He gave it a kiss
"Its still pretty swollen. I woke you up early to check on it we will run you to the ER and that way you can go to school after" I looked at the time. It was 5am school starts at 8. I got ready quickly as Colby drives me to the ER. After a few tests waited and hour and got our results. "It was a sprain. I suggest pain medication, icing and putting heat on it switch it out and also putting a wrap on it keep pressure on it. Do you need to be written a note to be out of gym? "
Colby nods "yes please" finally we were able to ger out. By now it was 7. I yawned as my stomach growled.
Colby stopped at a drug store and got me a thing for my wrist and wrapped it up. I took a few pain medication and colby stopped at a coffee place. we got a breakfast sandwich thing and he ordered me a coffee
"Try it you'll need this"
I took a sip of it and it was actually pretty good. I thanked colby and walked through the front doors. Jake came up to me and soon Kat did as well
"Dude what happened to your wrist" he said to my wrist?"
"I f-fell down the stairs and sprained my wrist"
"Fuck that sucks dude. "
I nod as the first bell rang.
Jake and i walked to science together we got there just as the second bell rang.
"Alright class. I have your next group assignment!" Everyone groaned not excited to do it.
"You'll be put in groups of 3 by me. and will have to choose a experiment to do for the upcoming science show which you all are expected to go"
I'll have to tell Colby about that i make a reminder on the corner of my paper. "alright the first group is Jake Webber. Sam Golbach. And...Harper genivine "
I looked around trying to find who this harper girl was. "Also you are expected to work outside of class for this. I will not be giving you class time. maybe the last day If we have time. "
After giving everyone a group he told us to meet and go over how we are going to meet later.
Harper came over to jake and I. she had white cat ears long black hair and green eyes. she also wore all black and had red lipstick on. She also had black glasses. I smiled as she awkwardly sat down.
"OK where do you want to meet" 
Jake asked
"We c-can do it at my house i-if you want for the first time. I'll send you my address"
They both agreed and handed me their numbers on a paper. I pulled out my phone and put them in.
I texted colby for the address
To colby: is it ok if me and my group work at the house for a science project and what's our address if it is?
He texted back right away
From Colby:sure thing is
*******(Make up a random address)
I sent it to them
"Cool meet at 6 tonight?"
"im meeting someone a-after school it shouldnt be l-long if it goes over I'll text you guys" we all agreed and it was time to go back to regular class.
Finally lunch.
went sat in the same table as before
"I'm so happy its Friday! " Kat said as shshe sat down.
"Same dude. can't wait to chill all weekend!"
I smiled as I got a text from Elton
From Elton: hey bud Heard about your wrist. how you doing
To Elton: hurts. but doing fine.
"Hey sam you and colby still coming over later?" I swallowed the food in my mouth and nod
"Ya w-we should be"
Jake gave me a look
"you guys are chilling without me!"
Kat rolled her eyes
"Kill. our owners know each other "
"Oh owners..." He said and looked down. that was weird.
Brennen came up and sat next to me
"Hey guys what's up"
"get out of here Brennen " Kat rolled her eyes
"Come on Kat im just trying to make friends"
"Ya why are you so against Brennen anyway"
Brennen smirked
"Because I wouldn't fuck her"
Her cheeks turned bright red
"Wait really" jake said getting more in the story
"Ya Kat why dont you tell them the story.  She kept pushing herself on me even when i said no" I looked down reminding myself of the first time i went to her house
"No no no you will not make me look like a fool that is not what happened Brennen Taylor "
"Then why not tell them the truth "
"You were the one pushing on me!"
Before more happen second bell rang and we left awkward. me and Kat had the. next class together but she didn't show up.
Finally it was the end of the day i was at my locker getting my sweater when the 2 bigger hybrid pushed me against the locker
"Loser" the one said
"L-leave me alone" they continue to call me names before a teacher told them to go home. i ran out and got right in colby's car. tears stung my eyes
"Sam you OK..."
"F-fine" my voice cracked.
He pulled out of the parking lot
"No your not what's going on"
"I told y-you the other hybrids don't like sam!"
he put his other hand on my hand
"Sam are you being bullied"
"No Im f-fine"
"Then why did you just say they dont like you"
"Because im just n-not making friends" I lied
"Its only your second day sam give it time. "
I nod and look out the window the rest of the ride we went straight to Kat's house.
I'm so worthless...

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