part 11 the scare

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Sam's p.o.v.
It was still just me amd corey for the day. Aaron only ever comes out to terrorize me and Elton is normally always working in the garage.
We were just chilling on the couch for a while
"Hey c-corey"
"What's up"
"Remember w-what we were t-talking about earlier?"
"The weed thing?"
I nod
"Ya why?"
"I think I'm ready to talk about why It bothers me..."
He paused the show and his full attention was on me.
"OK if you are ready...."
I should be telling colby this.
I don't think he is ready to hear this.
"So...m-my old masters used to do experiments on h-hybrids. Right"
He nods
"Well. I k-kind of lied when i said he didn't do any on me...w-well i didn't lie I just t-tried so hard for so long to b-block all of that out. But a-anyway old master he used to make me e-eat edibles it was pretty much for h-his own personal e-entertainment he would also smoke and if i e-ever refuse to take them I would be beaten I would a-always refuse them because I hated that f-feeling"
He didn't give me a sad smile like most people do when i tell them about my past.
"wow man. that must have been really rough" I nod
"It w-was.."
He gave me a hug
"Its ok. no one is going to hurt you as long as you have us"
I smiled feeling safe.
We sat in silence for a while
"Do you want to run to the store with me? I'm going to pick Elton and colby up some energy drinks they are going to have to stay up a while to get their sleeping back on schedule"
I nod seeing as there was nothing else to do and i really didn't want to be left home with aaron.
I get my shoes on
"I thought we could also get you more clothes I always see yiu wearing the same things. "
I smiled
"T-that would be nice c-corey. thanks"
I'm honestly really happy corey changed his mind on me. He's been my best friend other than Colby of course and Elton I go to for advice a lot. He's like my uncle in a way. corey I feel like i can always hang out with when I'm bored and tell things to and trust him with anything.
We go to the store first we go to the hybrid section.
I became very interested in clothing since colby got me.
I love buying new clothes and trying them on.
I got a few outfits and another pair of shoes
Then we got the energy drinks.
"Um excuse me sir" a older lady came up noticing I was a hybrid
"Yes ma'am" corey said politely
"Is this your hybrid" she said hybrid in a weird way and glared at me
"Uh no he's just my friend// roommate it's my friends hybrid"
She gave us an ugly look when corey said roommate
"Ugh how could you let a ugly creature live with you like that!"
I looked down feeling sad. this hasn't happened in a while.
"Excuse me ma'am I understand everyone has different views about hybrids but we didn't really ask for your opinion." corey said very politely. That's one thing about corey he never wanted to upset someone.
one of the workers came over
"Excuse me ma'am is there a problem"
"Yes this ugly creature is distracting me from my shopping"
"Excuse me sir is this your hybrid"
"No he's my roommates hybrid and my friend. I just wanted to take him out for the day we've been stuck at home the past few days"
"Well If he's not yours I'm going to have to ask you to Leave. "
Corey gave me a sad smile
"We will leave after we pay for these items sorry for the fuss"
"Thank you sir"
Corey paid for the items and we went to the car
"What a bitch" he said as he starts the car.
went looked at each other and just burst out laughing
"Did you see her face when I said you were a roommate"
We drove off to a gas station down the road
"I have to get gas and I'm getting the energy drinks here you stay in the car and don't come out for anyone OK I won't be long" I nod he takes care of what he needed to do and quickly came back with 3 bags of energy drinks.
Half way back home Corey's phone goes off and he puts him on speaker
"Dude do you know where sam is i woke up he was gone and everyone in the house don't know where he is I'm fucking panicking I fucked up and Ive been walking miles and idk if you saw him or not but if you have...."
"hey hey hey colby calm down hes with me. we ran to the store and hung out a little bit. " he took a big breath
"Oh thank god"
"We will be home in 10"
"Later man"
Colby's p.o.v.
I woke up and yawned rembering my crazy night i had a huge headache so I went downstairs where elton also was and handed me the ibuprofen. I took 2 pills with water. I suddenly panicked no knowing where sam was
"Colby you ok?"
"Where the fuck is sam "
"Calm down man maybe he's in the shower or something " i started to have a panic attack as I franticly run around the house searching for him in every room.
"He's gone " I came up to Elton uncontrollably crying. Elton hugged me
"Its ok colby. we can look outside ok "
I nod and we search out area.
Someone took him oh my God. I might actually pass out.
Wait. Wait I'm a fucking idiot I called corey and explained everything that happened and he told me sam was with him
Relief flooded my body "oh thank God"

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